The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 49 The truth gradually emerges (Part 1)

Chapter 49 The truth gradually emerges (Part 1)

Seeing that the village chief still had concerns, Wan Li explained Abai Yajin's appearance and behavior in detail, including the strange-shaped snake-shaped ornament made of red coral and white beads hanging around her neck. Because he spoke in such detail, the village chief believed him completely.

"I respect your religious beliefs very much, but there is a problem - I heard that people who raise voodoo must repay the voodoo in a certain way. The more evil the voodoo is, the more it demands. If the voodoo kills people, it must also eat people. . If one day all the so-called bad guys die, the people who raise the poison will kill innocent people indiscriminately to worship the poison in order to prevent the poison from backlash. Isn't that what the medicine ghost you just mentioned is like this? People here must have suffered from it. Right?" Wan Li guessed based on the village chief's face. Unexpectedly, the village chief actually nodded, and this place had really suffered from poison.

"It's normal to be afraid of revenge, but if this murderer goes unpunished, it may have more terrible consequences in the future, and we will protect the village." Wan Li said sincerely, "My friend is actually a very capable mage. He can definitely ensure that the people in the village are not harmed, as long as you help. Please believe us."

The village chief was silent, and it was clear that he was struggling in his heart. He wanted to protect the village, but he was afraid that his family would be poisoned by witchcraft. The dilemma made it difficult for him to make a choice.

Wan Li understood the village chief's mentality, so he didn't rush him and just waited quietly. After a while, Ruan Zhan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "I think that Abaya's forbidden dream to show Xiaoxia probably wanted us to get rid of this person who was behind the poison. After all, only the gods of all things have the right to decide people's fate." No one can make decisions about life and death on behalf of gods. Because she has passed away, she is inconvenient to do it herself, so she wants us descendants to solve this matter."

He knew that the people in the village were very devout to their gods of all things, and also worshiped and believed in Abai Yajin, and even blindly followed him, so he persuaded the village chief in this regard.

Moreover, he himself believed that Abaya Jin wanted to tell future generations something, otherwise Xiaoxia would not have hallucinations repeatedly. He had inspected this bamboo building and found that there were no spirits or evil spirits. It was not a place connected to yin and yang as the villagers said. It was just the legend that made it mysterious. As for the hallucination, there was no trace of malice. Abaya must have foreseen something, using the thoughts left behind by witchcraft that they did not understand. It was like a video recorder, and the wedding dress was the switch of the video recorder.

It is said that wizards with witchcraft power can predict the future. Abai was a famous Yajin back then. There is nothing new about being able to predict the future. There may even be things happening right under her nose that she cannot change, so she came to seek help. Descendants.

His words really had an effect on the village chief. The old man hesitated again, looked at the sincere faces of the two people, and finally decided to tell these two outsiders everything he knew.

"In our area, Abai Yajin is the most respected. Anyone from all over the country will come to her for trouble. She is not like other fair and powerful Taoist priests who charge high fees, nor is she like a witch who protects a place. That's inaccessible. Her power is unparalleled, but she never charges a penny from the villagers, and lives a very simple life. This bamboo house and daily expenses are all voluntarily donated by the villagers. Because of her high magic power and kind heart, So when everything outside the mountains was in chaos, several small villages near us were still peaceful despite being poor. Everyone said it was because she was guarding the place. People here almost believed in her as the god of all things, but Shortly after liberation, she suddenly disappeared. She was neither alive nor dead. Some said she was punished for revealing too many secrets and protecting too many people. Some said she became a god. In short, no one has seen her again. .After her, we have never had a Yajin with such high magic power and such kindness." The village chief sighed, "Actually, I am only sixty years old this year, and I have almost no impression of this amazing Yajin. , but my father was also the village chief before, so I have heard too many things about Abaiya's ban, and even the elders who are still alive in the village know about it."

"Is she married?" Wan Li asked.

"It is said that her abilities are innate, that is, given by heaven, so she cannot marry a secular man. But-" the village chief hesitated, "I heard from the elders that someone saw her in the bamboo house at night. There are men coming and going. Because she is also from the Susu tribe, some people say that she also had a medicine ghost as her husband. But when she was still here, no one was killed, so it must not be a medicine ghost."

"Then does she have any apprentices?" Ruan Zhan asked another question.

They mainly wanted to inquire about Abai's lover Sima Nan and the groom back then, because various clues showed that these two people were closely related to the whole thing. I originally wanted to lay the groundwork and then inquire about the groom's situation. Unexpectedly, the village chief's expression changed when the word 'apprentice' was mentioned.

The two looked at each other and immediately focused their attention. Could it be that the root of all problems lies with Abaiya Jin's disciple?

"Village Chief, if it is an important situation, please tell us." Wan Li said sincerely, "Maybe this is the key to solving the problem. If you have concerns, we can set up a barrier. No Let anyone outside know about our conversation today."

The village chief smiled bitterly and shook his head, "People are doing it, and God is watching. You can't hide it from people, but you can't hide it from God. I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid of dragging down my family and the village. But - forget it, since Abaiya is banned The dream means that it will definitely protect us!"

The village chief sighed again, put on his pipe, and took a deep breath, "The two apprentices Abaya banned are a little older than me. One of them is my distant cousin, and the other one is my distant cousin." He is the official man of the bride who threw herself into the river in Jincun. My cousin’s name is Awu, and the groom’s family is from our village. Their name is Huang Shitou, but we call him Aya because he didn’t speak when he was a child, and people in the village thought he was He is mute."

Ruan Zhan and Wan Li didn't say anything because they were shocked by this fact. Unexpectedly, the jungle weirdo Awu turned out to be the village chief's cousin, and he never expected that the groom turned out to be Abaiyajin's apprentice.

In fact, it makes sense when you think about it. Since they suspect that the groom is the man behind the scenes, and since his skills are so high, he is almost a genius at using poison, and he can easily manipulate animals and plants, they can be sure that he must be born with some kind of ability. And studied under an expert. Who in this mountain forest has more magic and witchcraft power than the legendary Ya Jin, who is almost worshiped as a god? !

"You people outside the mountain don't understand that here, it is not common for children with God-given abilities to be regarded as the sons of gods. Regardless of men and women, they will live for a long time and bless this mountain forest. According to legend, it will take hundreds of years for one to appear. Such a capable person." The village chief exhaled a puff of smoke and was immersed in memories, "I heard from my father that when Abai Yajin was confirmed to have divine power and was the son of God, all of us in the mountain were very happy. Because we are extremely lucky that people with divine power have appeared in our generation. Everyone originally thought that it would take hundreds of years after the Abaya ban for a new Son of God to appear. Unexpectedly, twenty years later New sons of God have appeared, and there are actually two of them, my cousins ​​Awu and Aya."

"How can we prove this divine power?" Ruan Zhan asked.

"When some sons of gods are born, the local Taoist priests who are skilled in witchcraft will get omens and know which family has a son of gods born; some sons of gods are not discovered until they grow up. They can subdue ordinary ghosts and control elementary ghosts without learning. The poison will be determined by Ya Jin, who is recognized as having the highest witchcraft power. The specific method is unknown to us mortals."

"Why is it similar to some Tibetan customs?" Wan Li muttered quietly and listened to the village chief continue.

"Both my cousin Awu and Aya were discovered to have divine powers when they were five years old. It was Abaiyajin who confirmed that they were the sons of gods. Needless to say, my family was very proud and happy to have people like my cousin at that time. A-Yu's family is even more proud. You must know that his family has always been looked down upon by the tribe. In fact, the people in the village are not bad and will not reject others easily, especially people of the same clan. However, A-Yu's father is a well-known bad guy here, and he is lazy. He was a fool again, and his parents were so angry that he didn't make any progress. Later, he ran to Myanmar to cause trouble, and was almost killed by the local natives as a sacrifice to the gods. Although he ran back, he was disabled and could no longer harm the village, but He had no support, so he relied on the charity of the villagers who had been bullied by him. Later, he picked up a crazy woman from nowhere to be his wife, and then gave birth to Aya. This child was originally pitiful, but he was like that His father and mother-in-law, but he didn’t talk to anyone at all. His eyes were so glaring that it made people’s backs crawl. No one dared to approach him. Ignorant children and unkind adults would sometimes bully him. He He didn’t resist. If someone hadn’t seen him talking to the dog in the village later, the people in the village would have thought he was mute.”

"Talk to animals?" Ruan Zhan asked again. After receiving the village chief's confirmation, he understood why the man behind the scenes could easily control animals and plants with Gu. It turned out that he was born with this amazing ability.

This reminded him of his childhood, when he was discovered to have natural yin and yang eyes and could see ghosts and play with ghosts. He was immediately isolated as a monster and had to face it alone at the age of four or five. The suspicion, malice, and rejection of this world, it seemed that everyone was disgusted, afraid, and indifferent to him. The feeling of loneliness and fear deep in his bones could not be expressed in words.

In an instant, he understood A-Ya's state of mind and sympathized with him a little.

"So, when Ah Ya was considered the son of God, his family's pride was needless to say. The people in the village also became kind to their parents because they were the sons of God, and his father actually started to learn from them," the village chief said. He sighed, "Everything was fine originally, but - well, you know that Ya Jin was also called Jin Po, which means that all Ya Jin are women, and only women can pass on the divine power to the next generation, and Men don't know how, so A-Ya can marry and have children. It was during the Cultural Revolution at that time, when the Four Olds were to be destroyed, and all the fair and righteous women had to go home and work in the fields, but in the eyes of us villagers, their status was still Very high, maybe because of this, when Ah Ya fell in love with the Miao girl from Najin Village, the Miao girl's parents happily agreed, regardless of whether the girl was willing or not, but the result - alas!"

"But although this incident is tragic, what can't be said?" Wan Li gradually introduced the topic, "When we asked about it in the village, the old people in the village refused to say anything. They seemed to be very scared. What happened next? Is it okay?"

"That's because Ah Ya - this -" The village chief stammered for a long time and couldn't think of a suitable word to describe this man that the whole village's elders dared not mention. "He used vicious methods to retaliate against the Someone involved in this matter.”

"What's going on?" Ruan Zhan frowned, knowing that the village chief was going to talk about the center of the incident.

The village chief swallowed, obviously still a little scared, "Have you gone to inquire about the bride's family?" he asked.

"I asked." Ruan Zhan answered honestly.

"How to say?"

"It is said that the bride's parents died one after another, and the cause of death is unknown."

"Oh, I still say that."

"That's not the case, is it?" Wan Li asked.

The awareness of poison and witchcraft is prevalent in this area. Ordinary villagers are already in awe of people who can use poison and Dao Gong Daopo, who has average witchcraft power. They even worship and fear the son of god like Ah Ya. In the eyes of the local people, there will be the most powerful wizard in a place. He will protect a place's safety, but if he is offended, he will be detrimental to the entire area and may cause disasters or plagues. If Ah Ya did something out of anger and humiliation, it was inevitable that everyone would work together to hide the result, so as not to offend him and take more violent revenge on the village.

A person who has been insulted and ignored since childhood suddenly becomes the son of God who is respected and feared by everyone. Unless he has a super strong psychological quality, he will develop an arrogant and unoffensive personality. Huang Shitou, also known as Aya, is obviously more paranoid, because these changes were completed when he was a child. At that time, his mind was not yet mature, and one of his parents was disabled and the other crazy. From a psychological point of view, his character The change will be more dramatic.

Therefore, when his love and marriage are frustrated, it is very likely that he will become furious because of shame and anger. It is almost inevitable!

"It was actually his parents who died first." The village chief shook his head, still frightened. "Three days after that incident, his parents died. When they died, they were smiling, as if they had seen what they wanted most. He had something in his hand, but his body was as stiff as wood. He kept grabbing it with both hands and refused to let go until he died. Everyone knew what was going on, but they didn't dare to say it. They just didn't expect that he was so scary that even their parents wanted to kill him. Angry. He was very afraid of people in those days, and he was like he was when he was a child. He didn't speak, and whenever someone passed by him, he would glare at people. We all lived very carefully, not knowing what he was going to do, but we saw him all over the mountains and plains every day. They wandered around until one night ten days later. That night, more than 20 people disappeared in Naman Village and Najin Village. They were all people related to the wedding, including the bride’s parents. The educated youth returned to the city because , is not included in this list.”

"What happened that night -" Wan Li had a bad temper and couldn't help urging, but Ruan Zhan stopped him with his eyes, asking him to quiet down and listen to the village chief.

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