Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 373: Nothing to do with him!

Gu Xi’s eyes are also darkened: “If I don’t?” She hates someone forcing her to do this!

Since it will be seen by him if he changes his identity, it would be better not to come out inside!

I will stay for a year and say it after I am fifteen.

According to the agreement of Emperor Yi and Luo Xinglan, she did not count out the dark forest before the age of fifteen, and the marriage contract can not count!

The emperor's clothes glazed at her, seemingly guessing what she thought in her heart, and her eyes were deeper: "Is this marriage contract so reluctant?"

Gu Xi's lips do not answer.

Emperor Yu’s clothes were silent for a moment, looking at her eyes and faintly sharp, but smiled: "In fact, you and the family are still good, at least the night of the night is not afraid to entangle you, is it? Or say - you Actually still want him to entangle you?"

"It has nothing to do with him!"

Her tone is like the fear of the emperor's robes to find the troubles of the dragon's night, the emperor's lips and smiles are gone, faintly said: "It's not the best with him! You have no chance with him, it is best not to hit his mind!"

Gu Xiwei: "..."

Her voice is also cold: "Reassured! He is yours! I am not interested in him!"

The Emperor’s clothes were smashed for a moment, repeating one sentence: “He is mine...” There are some gnashing teeth.

The eyelids were dangerously picked up, and when he took him for a moment, he suddenly smiled. Man said: "Yes, he is his seat... Remember this sentence!"

Except for the time when he and her bite their ears, the other two people talked with each other, and only the other party could hear it, and the outsiders could not hear it.

In the eyes of other people, only seeing him and her sitting on a table seems to be eye-catching, then take care of the squatting of the squatting to be swayed by the left-handed teacher, then take care of it, then then the left-hander The teacher suddenly sneaked into the arms of a girl and whispered...

This scene is undoubtedly very impactful. I don't know how many eyeballs are going to take off the window!

Is this still close to the female color is Zuo Tianshi? Or is it the left-day teacher who has never allowed any woman to be within three feet of him? !

Gu Xietian is simply a mixture of five flavors.

Zuo Tianshi, who is high on the top, actually wants to be his son-in-law? ! son in law? !

Isn't he dreaming? ! Even if he dreams, he feels that this is too ridiculous!

"Hey--" has a crisp sound of landing.

Everyone looked at the sound and saw Yun Qing Luo sitting there. A dish in front of her was buckled at the foot and the soup was dripping.

"I can't help but miss it." She apologized under the eyes of the public.

Xuan Di was busy: "It's a good thing, just a plate." The busy man cleaned up.

Yun Qinglu couldn’t help but swear to the emperor’s clothes. The emperor’s clothes looked up and gave her a look. It’s just that there was no emotion in this eye, but it made her feel inexplicable. She lowered her head again, and her fingers were tighter and tighter in the sleeves!

Gu Shi’s rumor also came to see him here, but she just looked away and looked away, and did not stop on her.

Yun Qing Luo has a special function. She can detect the movements of all people without looking up. She has a third eye on her body and can see all the beings.

Therefore, she took care of her eyes, and even if she looked down, she could feel it clearly, and her fingertips almost broke into the flesh.

Was the so-called holy monk demonstrating to her in disguise? ! Is it?

A sparrow had just climbed the branch and didn’t know how many pounds he had. He dared to show her disciples this day and watch her joke...

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