The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

- Thirty-two - Young Master Mo scolded me!

Although most of the original party members know the plot well, as long as the Black Cat Club doesn’t flirt with J8, it’s basically as stable as an old dog. Probably the first six episodes introduce the harem and improve their favorability, and the next six episodes start the college competition. Rhythm. However, for the animation party, the following plot is still confusing.

Therefore, after the animation started broadcasting, all relevant forums and post bars in the animation field were basically discussing the animation of "Magic Sword Academy".

What is it for a while? "I'm so blown away by "Devil Sword Academy"!"

After a while it was "Sophia my wife!"

Or else, "You're considered an otaku if you haven't even seen Demon Sword Academy?"

At a glance, such posts are overwhelming.

Even any hegemonic animation before, it feels like it can't compete.


Among these topics, the most eye-catching one is naturally the voice actress of the heroine Sofia.

Who would have thought that a mere rookie voice actor would be so poisonous?

That's right, before this, there were still relatively few voice actors with distinctive voices in the industry, and there were very few voice actors who could be heard immediately.

But this new voice actor, Mo Shao, is different. First of all, her voice is very special, that kind of arrogant loli voice is simply too prominent, and the recognition is ridiculously high. What's even more frightening is that even though she is a newcomer, she still has acting skills that are no less than that of top voice actors! This is scary! As for the audience, it happened to be the first time they experienced this feeling of being scolded... Yes! This is critical!

Think about the feeling of your first masturbation, did you become addicted all of a sudden?

Well, that's about the level of addiction.


On the third day, at the urging of Su Yumi, Li Xiaoci also registered a new Weibo, called "Seiyuu Moshao". Originally, she was too lazy to register another Weibo, and it would be too troublesome to log in to two Weibos in turn. If she has that time to interact with fans, she might as well do other things...


Now that Su Yumi touched her big breasts, thighs and buttocks, and it feels so slippery...

I reluctantly agree.

However, although Su Yumi is better in terms of tits, in terms of legs, it seems that Chen Yulan's long black silk legs are more elastic?

After discovering this shocking fact.

She sent a QQ message to Chen Yulan:

"Chen Yulan, Chen Yulan, Chen Yulan!"


"I found that your breasts are not as big as Su Yumi's~!" Li Xiaoci said.

"???" Chen Yulan said, "Do you want to die?"

She was also dumbfounded... Why did this guy start fighting again?

Three days without a roof tile?

"If you have the guts, come and hit me~~Slightly slightly~~"

Li Xiaoci is not cowardly at all.

Yes, she is such a staunch man!

What if she is cowardly? How can it be! She's going to be cowardly, so why don't you take the initiative to slap your ass up?

"...I'll give you ten seconds, or I'll go straight to your house and beat you up, ten or nine..." Chen Yulan.

"Cut! Little Chen Yulan, you're worthless! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

That's right, you can't say no if you're a man! What are you talking about, just be reckless!

"Eight!" "Seven!" "Six!"

"..." Li Xiaoci looked at the countdown on the screen, hesitated for a moment, and typed, "...I'm sorry...Big Sister Chen~"

"Five!" "Four!" "Three!"

Li Xiaoci: "!!"

How did this person suddenly become so difficult to deal with? !




"Sister Chen Yulan, who is young, cute, beautiful, educated, well-educated, and forever sixteen years old, I was wrong!!!"



Let's stop here for the time being about this little daily life... Ahem!

After voice actor Mo Shao's Weibo announcement...


But overnight, the number of followers on Weibo exceeded 50W!

Li Xiaoci was also shocked when she woke up the next day and found that the number of followers on her new Weibo had skyrocketed. She worked so hard to write light novels, but the writer Mo Shao's Weibo followers so far are only 25W.

And what about voice actor Mo Shao's Weibo trumpet?

She sold a few cuties in the animation, read a few lines, and then doubled the attention of the trumpet in one night?

I go!

What does this prove?

Proof that there are more perverts watching anime than light novels!

What, you said she was so sure that her fans were all perverts?

Hmm... just look at the Weibo comments of her seiyuu trumpet.

"Wow, Young Master Mo's first Weibo! The front row violated Young Master Mo!"

"I just found out today that I'm a potential criminal... hehehe."

"Young Master Mo scolded me!"

"After 3 years in prison, I just came out today. When I saw this loli, I sighed, put out the cigarette in my hand, picked up the phone and called the warden, and told the warden helplessly that tomorrow's breakfast is reserved for me. Rules, don’t put peppers. It’s only three years, I can squat up, and don’t change my cell, I’ve had feelings for nine years.”

"Before my roommate died, I just wanted to take a look at the lineup of Young Master Mo. I beg Young Master Mo to blow up a photo, okay?"

"As a lolicon, I used to think that I was perverted, I liked the young loli voice, and wanted to be insulted and trampled by the loli, so I also developed a low self-esteem character, unwilling to go out, so that I became Become a fat house. It was not until today that I finally found an organization. It turns out that there are so many people like me. It turns out that I am not special. It turns out that the same!!!”

have a look!

Who are these people?

Although she used to be an otaku, but Li Xiaoci can swear that she really didn't look like this back then, at most thinking about it in her heart, she would never say it.

However, it's not incomprehensible for these fans to be extremely excited and unable to control their emotions...

The main thing is to blame myself for being too good!

right! It's all because I'm so good!

Thinking of this... the little hair on the head also began to swing happily back and forth.


In March, as the popularity of "Magic Sword Academy" soared, the popularity of the voice actor Mo Shao did not decline at all on the Internet, but was getting higher and higher. Unlike other voice actors, when the popularity reaches a peak, it will start falling slowly...

That's right! Mo Shao's popularity has increased, giving people the feeling that there is no limit!

Even, in mid-March, because of Mo Shao's relationship, a video became popular on the Internet for no reason.

This video is a short animated film that Qiuyu University Animation Club participated in the production of. It was originally to help several students in the animation club pass the final exam. After the exam, they posted it on the Internet.

It was still January at the time, and it didn't attract much attention when it was posted on the Internet. As a result, in the past two days, a student from the animation club accidentally saw this video on the homepage of a certain video website, and was shocked to find out...

I go! Why did a video we made more than two months ago suddenly become popular? What the hell?

It wasn't until the student read the comment section that he realized what happened.

At that time, as a member of the animation club and an amateur voice actor, Fujiumao called a few friends to help when dubbing the video, and Mo Shao was among them. Because at that time, Mo Shao was not popular yet, and no one in the animation club cared about it. At most, they were feeling "this girl must be very cute" when listening to the audio.

In the end, who knew, after more than two months, Young Master Mo became popular because of dubbing the hero and popular heroine Sophia of "Magic Sword Academy", and their video was also dug out!

It also rushed directly to the homepage of this video website!

The students who participated in the production were all stunned.

Do you want to be so unreal!


"Fuck, it's not just Mo Shao, there are all the male lead harem groups in "Magic Sword Academy"! This is really a work of a university club? Isn't the cast of voice actors too luxurious?"

"I heard my wife Sophia's voice! Is it so cute at this time?"

"I suddenly realized that this video is really good. It's not just the dubbing. It turns out that Qiu Yu University's animation major is so good."

The technological explosion after the end of the war era is changing with each passing day. In addition, the animation major of Qiuyu University has introduced many new technologies and new equipment this year, which is completely different from the past. Especially in terms of 3D, thanks to technological innovation, the 3D animation in the form of 3 rendering and 2 rendering at the movie level (such as Paradise Chase Play) can now be done by an ordinary animation student, and there are actors who are responsible for motion collection. Guaranteed The animation characters move indistinguishably from real people, so the video quality itself is quite high.


This work is only the final work of a student group in the animation club in the animation major.

In addition to this group, other groups naturally have their own final animation works, but they are relatively nerdy and did not join the animation club. Therefore, after discovering this, the students in other groups looked at their bleak 20,000 to 30,000 views, and then looked at the millions of views here, and their mentality was suddenly very unbalanced.

Fuck, isn't there no big-name voice actor?

The animation quality here is also very high!

Why should you pay attention to theirs and not ours?

Shouldn't this kind of work be based on the quality of the animation itself? Have you misplaced your focus on voice actors?

It's not fair!

the other side……

The team members of the animation club... Hey, it's very comfortable!

On the one hand, he was thankful that he joined the animation club together and had so many friends from the animation club to help him, but on the other hand, he was also surprised that Fujiumao actually knew Mo Shao! You can also ask Mo Shao to help for free! Amazing!


It is also a joy to watch more and more comments every day.

However, seeing many people tactfully express "I hope to continue to hire Mo Shao to be in charge of dubbing" while urging the change, they are embarrassed.

When I first asked Mo Shao for help, I didn't cherish it, I didn't take the opportunity to get to know Mo Shao, to deepen my relationship, to make more recordings... I don't even know what Mo Shao looks like, ugly or not, beautiful or not!

Now, I can't invite you even if I want to! Not to mention on-site violations.

This is regretful!

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