The Era Of National Investment: Only I Know The Protagonist

Chapter 53 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

053: Hold an offline party, let the sword press the nine pillars! (Ask for flowers, evaluate tickets!)

Not long after, under the guidance of Lin Tian, ​​everyone immediately figured out how to use this investment group.

Xu Ziling: "Oh my God! Can we still teleport? If we say that, can we go to other worlds?"

Kou Zhong: "This function is good! In this way, we can see the cultivation methods of other worlds. In this case, it will also help our strength."

It is worth mentioning that there are no restrictions on the transmission of this investment group, etc., unlike the chat groups in some novels, as well as currency and so on.

After all, this is just a created prize, so naturally there won't be too many restrictions.

Lin Tian also chatted with him. After all, he is very familiar with everyone. For every investment target, he is the closest person.

Group owner Lin Tian: "Tanjiro, have you officially joined the Ghost Slayer team now?"

Listening to Lin Tian's question, Tanjiro responded in seconds.

Tanjiro: "Teacher, I have successfully joined the ghost killing team, and now I'm on a mission with my sister."

Lin Tian nodded. At this time, Tanjirou's strength had surpassed that of a pillar-level swordsman, and he already possessed the strength to single-handedly take on Guiyue.

It is estimated that among the ghosts, Tanjirou should have no opponents except for the black death Mu of the wind.

And even if it is Black Death Mou, if Tanjirou and Nezuko join forces, it would not be a big problem to kill him.

In other words, Gui Wu Shi Wu miserable is really good at hiding. If you want to find him and kill him, it will be a little troublesome.

Tanjiro's strength is already so terrifying, as long as Guiwu Shiwu is killed, his world can be estimated to be perfect, so Lin Tian suddenly has an idea in his heart.

Group owner Lin Tian: "Why don't we hold our first offline event and help Tanjiro kill all the ghosts and the ghost king!"

Listening to Lin Tian's words, all the members of the group appeared to answer.

Yang Guo: "Master's words, disciples should obey!"

Xuzhu: "Xiao Seng hasn't seen Master for a long time, and I would like to thank Master for telling Xiao Seng's life experience."

The words of many investors basically call Lin Tian a teacher or a master, and only Luffy and others call Lin Tian's name directly.

After all, Lin Tian was still a member of their Straw Hats.

In the end, for this event, almost most people will come, = except for a few.

The first is Emperor Huangtian. He is in a closed state and can't come in a short time.

The second word is the Straw Hats. They have already met Robin at this time, and Robin's words were captured by cp9.

They are going to Justice Island to rescue Robin, so they have time to come.

The last one is the First Emperor. His words are really busy with state affairs, and the entire Daqin cannot live without him.

In the end, except for these few people, the rest will go.

And if Lin Tian didn't make a move, among so many people, Sasuke and Naruto had the highest force value.

The strength of these two people at this time has reached the fifth-order perfection, because after the world of Naruto has become the world of Lin Tian, ​​there are no restrictions.

Therefore, the level of Naruto World is improving. It is estimated that in a short time, Naruto and the others will be able to reach the sixth level.

The ghost king's words, the strength is the fourth rank, with their lineup in the past, it is simply crushing.

Tanjiro: "Are you all coming? Then everyone wait a few days, and I'll arrange it right away!"

The world of ghosts is destroyed, Tanjiro said in surprise.

With the help of so many people, it would be easy to kill Guiwu Shi without misery.

Although he continued to practice, he could easily gain the strength to kill Guiwu Shi Wumai, but if Gui Wu Shi Wumai escaped, he would have no choice.

With so many powerhouses around, Gui Wu Shi Wu Mian couldn't escape in front of their eyes even if he had many tricks?

But when it comes to entertaining people, he doesn't understand very well. The key is that he is very poor!

With so many friends coming over, why don't you treat them to something delicious?

Everyone is in a group. Although they are group friends, they actually call each other as brothers and sisters.

Because even Luffy and the others would call Lin Tian a teacher, after all Lin Tian taught them a lot of magic tricks.

This is the gift of teaching, so strictly speaking, the entire group is Lin Tian's disciple.

"Nezuko, let's go back to headquarters right now!"

Tanjirou said directly to Nezuko beside him.

After becoming a member of the ghost killing team, Tanjiro killed ghosts everywhere, first of all the ghosts that appeared in the original work, and he didn't let them go.

For example, the ghost of Xia Xian of Natian Spider Mountain was beheaded by Tanjiro and Nezuko.

That is, because of his achievements in beheading the ghosts, Tanjiro has attracted much attention and is also famous in the ghost killing team.

Although he could become a pillar by beheading Twelfth Ghost Moon, considering that Tanjirou was only just debuting, Yoya Sanyashiki decided to let Tanjirou train for some time, and then promote him to a pillar.

But even so, Tanjirou can easily see the ghost killing team leader, Yoya Zaiyashiki.

After returning all the way, Tanjiro returned to the headquarters in a short time, and he directly asked Yoshiya Maiyashiki.

"My lord, my master will bring many brothers to the ghost killing team to help our ghost killing team kill the ghost dancers without misery."

"I hope the lord can arrange a reception and a battle plan."

Tanjiro said directly.

It just so happened that today was the Zhuhe meeting, so the members of the Ghost Slayer team were all there, and they were all stunned when they heard Tanjirou's words.

"Your master?"

Everyone knows that Tanjiro's strength is good. After all, he killed the next string, but he has never seen Tanjiro make a move.

"Joke! Our ghost killing team has been chasing and killing for thousands of years, and we have never even seen a ghost dancer. You actually said that you want to be executed?"

The wind column roared and said.

But Tanjiro was not angry, just communicated with the brothers in the group.

Finally, Yang Guo spoke up.

"Show your strength directly, and they will believe it, otherwise no one will believe it."

After listening to Yang Guo's words, Tanjiro finally looked at the crowd and said.

"Please forgive my lord, I need to show my strength before everyone will believe my words."

Listening to Tanjirou's words, Yoshiya Saniyashiki nodded, and he was also a little curious how strong the new star of this ghost killing team was.

I saw Tanjiro looking at the pillars of the many ghost killing teams in front of him, and then slowly bent over and put his hand on the katana.


In an instant, Tanjirou's whole body burst out with a powerful and incomparably powerful fighting spirit, and the scorching sun's flames rose from the soles of his feet in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying coercion erupted from his body and attacked directly towards the numerous pillars.


The audience exclaimed in shock, and even the most powerful rock pillar of the Ghost Killing Squad was stunned.

Jiuzhu of the Ghost Killing Team was shivering and sweating!

Tanjirou didn't make a move, just burst out his breath and put his hand on the handle of the sword, but they were already trembling, and they didn't even have the courage to draw the sword.

This kind of strength far exceeds the bottom strings they have ever seen, and it is estimated that even the top strings may not be as good.

The most shocking of them was Tomioka Yoshiyoshi, because he had met Tanjiro's brother and sister. He didn't expect that in less than two years, Tanjiro's strength was so terrifying.

It is worth mentioning that Nezuko did not come here, so Tomioka Yiyong did not know that Nezuko had become a human being. *

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