Haruwein was temporarily held back, and Hilde seized the gap and stabbed him in the heart with the staff in his hand.

Haruwayen did not dodge. This was due to his confidence in his own bones and armor.

Since his birth, his bone armor has never been broken.

But this time it's different.

With a pop, the spear tip at the top of the staff pierced directly into his chest.

How can this be!

Blood flowed down the top of the staff, dyeing the entire staff red.

Haruwayen covered his chest and took a few steps back.

Although this attack pierced his heart, he would not die so easily. As long as his heart and brain were not completely broken, he could recover later.

The muscles in the wound on his heart were also twisting, and the wound quickly closed.

"Hilde, you really pissed me off. I will chop off your limbs with my own hands and feed them to those low-level lemures."

But Hilde remained expressionless, which made him even more angry.

There was only a voice coming from under Hilde's gray robe.

"You are already dead."

This sentence is like Hilde announcing his death sentence.

"Hahaha! Hilde, you don't think this wound can kill me, do you? It's really sad. I hope your god will be merciful and save you!"

Haluway laughed and used bone spurs to pierce through the Dark Spirit clan members around him.

Although those weak Dark Spirit clan members also left a few insignificant wounds on his body.


Fierce, Haruway En's movements froze and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

His heart seemed to be pinched by a pair of invisible hands, making him unable to breathe.

He looked down at his chest, and the wound was obviously healed.

"You are already dead."

Hilde repeated that sentence again


Haruwayen died, killed by the artifact.

The Green Demons couldn't believe that Haruwein was the most powerful among them. Even if he couldn't defeat the other party, he could still leave easily, so how could he be killed.

But when Haruwein's body was hung on the tall wooden stake, everything was a foregone conclusion.

The Dark Spirit Tribe's artifacts are invincible, and they only need to inflict a wound on the body of the green demons. It won't take long for these green demons to die due to complete physical collapse.

Under the devastation, most of the soldiers of the Green Demon Clan were slaughtered.

What the Dark Elf Tribe paid for was just some evil demons that could be seen everywhere.

As the number of Green Demons dwindled, they collapsed completely.

They also felt fear as they watched their companions die painfully one after another.

That is the power of the gods, even such a small wound can destroy them.

The remaining Green Demon warriors knelt on the ground to express their submission, but Hilde did not relent, and he killed these Green Demons as well.

He doesn't allow any mistakes!

Apart from these green demon warriors who are good at fighting, only the old, young, and females are left in the green demon tribe.

Hilde also killed all the old green demons because they could not play any role.

The young and females remained. Hilde wanted to enslave this race, not destroy them.

The Dark Elf Tribe will put imprints on the minds of these green demons and control them like lemure demons. If there is any sign of resistance, they can be killed instantly.

However, the Green Demon has a much higher IQ than the Lemur, and is very easy to manage, unlike the Lemur which will become chaotic if not controlled.

Hilde sat on the highest throne.

Looking down at everything in front of you.

The Green Demon Tribe has been dealt with, and there are only two left.

The next target is the Bloody Hand Clan.

Because of their brains, the Bloody Hands have chaotic and crazy thinking, and there is basically no peaceful communication.

Hilde had no intention of communicating with them.

The only thing that caught the eye of the Blood Hands was their extremely strong recovery ability, but this was of little use to Hilde. To conquer them, it would take a lot of mental control, which was not as convenient as those lemures.

Then, kill them all.

The sharp blade of the artifact struck the bodies of the Bloody Hands, leaving a series of wounds.

The wound was disturbed by abnormal energy, which invaded the body, and the recovery ability that the Blood Hands were proud of disappeared.

The Bloody Hands who lost their ability to recover were like birds without wings. Naturally, they were no match for the Dark Spirits, and were quickly torn apart and devoured by countless lemures.

There is only one troll left.

The trolls have extremely large bodies, but because all the energy gained from devouring them is used in their bodies, their brains are underdeveloped and their IQs are not much higher than those of the lemures.

For such large enemies, the artifact cannot kill them with one hit, but it can still reduce their combat effectiveness.

Trolls don't know how to use weapons, and the proportion of artifacts is too small for them, so they don't have to worry about being robbed.

This time, the Dark Elf Tribe asked the evil demon to charge with the artifact, as long as it could make a single slash.

After two slashes, the lemure was smashed to death, but new lemures continued to fill in, picking up the artifacts that fell on the ground and continuing to attack.

With one blow after another, the troll's huge body collapsed.

The new era has finally arrived.

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