Ao Xin was confused after hearing this. Since the princess was dead and had not been infected as a zombie, why did she turn into such a monster again?

The princess herself was very confused about this question.

“I don’t know how long it took, but I woke up in a haze and turned into this kind of monster. A black energy took hold of my body, making me violent and murderous.”

“In the beginning, when I was awake occasionally, I saw the army of the Tang Dynasty encircling and suppressing me, and sometimes fighting the corpse demon.”

“I don’t know what happened. With the obsession I had during my lifetime, I returned to this place I once guarded.”

“At the beginning, I could still wake up occasionally and wanted to find the truth and seek help from the royal family, but there seemed to be another force in my body that was against me. This body I could no longer fully control.”

“But later, my waking time became less and less. I knew that I had turned into a monster. In order not to bring disaster to the world, I used my last obsession to give an order to my body.”

“Sit here forever.”

“I trapped myself here as the last thing I could do.”

“This body will kill everything that comes close to here. To a certain extent, it should also block the zombie demons in this direction for the country.”

“after that.”

There was a look of reminiscence in her expression: “In the haze, I felt the power of annihilation. This is the secret technique brought back from that world.”

“Have we finally reached this point?”

“The method of annihilation perfected by Yuan Tiangang and the others is even more thorough than the one at the end of the Han Dynasty.”

“My body is gradually disintegrating and becoming fragile, and my strength is gradually disappearing.”

“I think all the living creatures here should have been exterminated. Even those corpse demons should no longer exist.”

“But I don’t know what changes have occurred in my body. Although my strength has been reduced to the extreme, it is still not completely destroyed. I am trapped here forever.”

Her voice was a little sad, as if after death she could go to a world without corpse demons, but she couldn’t leave.

“Until that girl’s special power made me feel the possibility of liberation from this special power.”

She looked up at Yanyun again:

“You guys are really weird. You say you are humans, but why can you turn into monsters?”

Ao Xin didn’t know how to explain the Devil Fruit, so he could only say:

“When the zombies come, we also gain this special power.”

The princess didn’t ask too much, she nodded and said:

“Understand, just as the power we use is different from that used by the heroes of the late Han Dynasty, you also have a new power system.”

Ao Xin’s expression changed after hearing this, and when she was about to say something, she was interrupted by the princess:

“I know what you are thinking. You want our practice method, but it is useless. The Guan family daughter also gave me the Wusheng Heart Method, but it was useless. The power is not the same. If you want it, it doesn’t matter if I give it to you.”

“However, in addition to the cultivation methods, those combat skills are essentially interoperable. You can refer to them.”

is that so?

Ao Xin was a little disappointed, but recalling his past life, he found that what he brought out from this world was indeed only combat skills, but no cultivation methods.

Maybe someone has found it, but to no avail.

However, when the princess talked about it here, she had obviously finished her life in a nutshell.

Ao Xin discovered that the princess’s body was gradually fading!

It seems that the princess will turn into dust!

Thinking of the black energy that he knocked out of her body and was purified by Xiaobai and Jiang Shuyue, maybe that was the reason why she could survive the Great Nirvana.

However, the so-called power of annihilation may have always been in her body. When this black energy dissipated, the power to maintain the existence of her body also disappeared.

As she said herself, she is a dead person!

But she still said too little, and she still had many questions.

For example, dragons, for example, demons.

For example, what is the secret method of the great annihilation, such as the thunder whip in his hand, why does the princess know it, etc.

“This sword followed me in my battles, but unfortunately it still failed to expel the zombie demon. Now that I am about to disappear, I will leave it to you.”

There was a hint of reluctance in the princess’s tone. After stroking the Moon-Crueling Knife again, she slowly loosened her grip on the handle.

“I hope you can end the corpse demon and end this apocalypse.”

After thinking for a while, she took off another talisman from her waist.

That is her own princess sigil!

Unlike other princesses’ sigils, she is also a general, and this sigil can mobilize her army!

However, now her army has also disappeared.

Pass the talisman to Ao Xin:

“I don’t understand the power system of your time, but since you can turn into a blue dragon, you must

There is some connection with the Dragon Clan. ”

“With my Princess Pingyang’s talisman, I will go to the East China Sea and maybe the Dragon Palace ruins. There may be something that can help you there.”

“In addition, with my talisman, I can also open most of the restricted areas in Chang’an. Most of the things we obtained from the time and space of the late Han Dynasty, as well as the combat skills and prescriptions we developed ourselves, etc., are stored there. If those places are still there, you You can go look for it.”

Ao Xin quickly took the talisman, never expecting such an unexpected surprise!

Isn’t this the same token as the gold hairpin and jade plaque?

Moreover, it is a token of a higher level than those two!


He saw that Princess Pingyang’s body had begun to become illusive, and he quickly went to ask his doubts: “The Dragon Clan…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted again by the princess:

“There is inheritance in Guan’s sword, and the blood of inheritance is needed. My current blood may still be useful, so you should keep it. This is the key to making Liuyun Yanyue recognize its master.”

She closed her eyes slightly, and a drop of essence and blood was forced out from her fingertips. The essence and blood also contained dense cloud energy, which was exactly the same as the cloud energy on the handle of Liuyun Yanyue’s knife!

“Liuyun Yanyue is a divine weapon. Although it has been consumed by the power of great annihilation and its divine power is gone, it will regain its former power after being nurtured.”

The princess said:

“This sword has two functions, one of which is to flow clouds.”

“When this knife is used to resist an attack, the enemy’s attack will vibrate the clouds on the handle of the knife. These flow clouds absorb the enemy’s attack power and transform it into a special force that strengthens the user himself.”

“It can slowly increase the user’s resistance to the demonic energy of the corpse demon and the user’s own defense. Although the improvement is very weak each time, it is related to how frequently we fight with the corpse demon. I died in battle without being infected by the demonic energy. This is related to this. ”

“The second is to increase the power of natural elements. I practiced the Zhaoyang Heart Technique during my lifetime and was able to use the power of flames. After my death, these powers disappeared, so I was unable to exert this characteristic of this sword.”

“Although your power system is not interconnected with ours, I think you can also control the natural elements, so it doesn’t mean you have buried this sword.”

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