“Bring your war slaves out of Bianzhou City, and tonight we will raid those strange creatures in the Bianshui military camp!”

The man with this title gave orders to his nine ordinary spirit corpses.

An ordinary spirit corpse had a slightly higher status. He questioned:

“Boss, didn’t Zero 735 say those creatures are very strong? If we go there, I’m afraid we won’t be able to match those creatures.”

But the named spirit corpse obviously didn’t want to explain to him:

“Listen to my orders, there is so much nonsense!”

At Ao Xin’s place, they spent nearly a day wandering around the ruins of the ancient city before they found the piece of grass that gave off a faint green light.

This grassland of Zhu Yucao is not big, only about the size of a basketball court, and the sea where Zhu Yucao grows is very sparse.

“Finally found!”

The clouds lowered and a few people killed the zombies here.

“Brother, the corpse blood has contaminated Zhu Yucao, can it still be used?”

Ao Xin glanced at the Zhu Yucao stained with corpse blood, and the green light on the grass dimmed.

“Zombie viruses infect all living beings, but plants are not counted as living beings. As long as they are cleaned, the virus concentration can be greatly reduced, and they can be used.”

Living in this world where zombie viruses are everywhere, it is impossible to completely eliminate zombie viruses.

The water they drink and the air they breathe contain viruses at varying concentrations.

It’s just that they now have strong physiques and their own immunity can resist zombie virus infection.

Moreover, the corpse blood was sprinkled on by himself and others.

But I don’t know how long this piece of Zhu Yucao has been growing here. Has it not been infected during this period?

He reached out and picked off a piece of Zhu Yucao that was not contaminated by corpse blood. After exchanging it for a bottle of strong liquor to clean it, he stuffed it into his mouth.

After a few gentle chews, the juice of the grass flowed into the intestines and stomach, and then with the help of digestive juices, the juice turned into the purest energy and dispersed throughout his limbs.

Every cell in the body eagerly absorbs this energy, and most of the hunger is eliminated immediately.

“Yes, this is Zhu Yucao!”

“Moreover, the quality of these Zhu Yucao is not low. I only need two to fully replenish the energy my body needs!”

Although he is only at the fourth level of the Divine Foot Realm now, the Azure Dragon Fruit has provided him with a more powerful body.

As well as the transformation of his body by bloodline factors, he is strong enough to easily surpass two levels and fight!

But equally, his body also needs more energy.

This is why so many big eaters in One Piece come about.

With his strength, he only needs two pills, but his sister and others can be full with half a pill!

For those who only have one or two levels, one pill is enough to feed many people!

Therefore, although there are not many Zhu Yucao here, the energy contained in them is absolutely amazing!

Several people pulled out this small piece of leftover grass, rinsed it with strong alcohol, and stored it in Ao Chen’s treasure storage space.

“Brother, here is a little pepper that looks like a dead tree.”

After collecting all the leftover grass, when they were about to take a rest, Ao Chen suddenly found a piece of red stuff exposed in the opened earth.

When I dug it out, I found it was a small chili pepper.

Ao Xin took it and looked at it, then entered the God-given network and compared it based on the Materia Medica.

“Xiaochen is so lucky. This is the leaf of Qimu Emperor’s House! Wearing it can ward off the ominous aura of zombies!”

“But these are just leaves. The ominous energy they can resist is limited. If you can find the trunk of a high-level imperial house and wear a small piece of it, you can resist the ominous energy of high-level zombies!”

“If you find it, take it with you. It will also increase your ability to protect yourself.”

Ao Chen happily put the Emperor’s House Leaf into the treasure storage space, then turned around to find a rope and hang it on his body.

At night, a large group of martial corpses quietly left Bianzhou City and headed in the direction of the Bianshui military camp under the leadership of several spirit corpses.

In the Bianshui military camp, Ao Kang said to Meng Kui and other core cadres:

“The signal that the spirit corpse mentioned has been released. With the speed of the spirit corpse, it is very likely that it has returned to Bianzhou City to report the news. A team of spirit corpses should be dispatched within the next two days.”

“Although we can rest safely in the castle, we must also arrange for vigils at night to discover those spiritual corpses as soon as possible.”

Meng Kui replied: “Don’t worry, Uncle Ao, everything has been arranged. The martial zombies are very fast and the spiritual zombies are very strong. Ordinary people cannot report back in time even if they find them, so we take turns patrolling outside.”

Ao Kang said: “Xiao Meng is very steady in his work. I can rest assured that you can do things, but you guys don’t make yourselves too tired. We don’t have Xiao Xin’s fighting power. Even if the spirit corpse in this secret realm is very fragile, after all, it is Spirit corpses cannot be underestimated!”



At this time, Blue Star was in the southern part of Bingzhou.

On the bank of the Yellow River, there is a base that has been initially established.

Inside the base, a girl with twin ponytails brought a glass of fresh water to Li Hui.

After Li Hui drank it, he breathed a sigh of relief:

“I decided to send someone to explore the vortex.”

“It has now been determined that this black vortex appears near all human gathering places.”

“Thinking of the sudden apocalypse and the God-given space that allows us to survive in the apocalypse, this vortex is definitely not a coincidence!”

“Some people speculate that this is the legendary secret realm. I think no matter whether it is right or not, it must be explored.”

“Now, although we can barely cope with the zombies in Bingzhou, it is not enough. Although these zombies can be killed, the zombie virus cannot be eliminated.”

“But as long as the zombie virus is not eliminated, it will be useless even if you kill all the zombies!”

“I think there may be a solution in this vortex.”

The girl with ponytails advised: “Brother Hui, everything in the vortex is unknown. It is too dangerous to explore rashly. Let’s wait for news from others. Someone will definitely explore there, so we don’t have to worry.”

Li Hui shook his head and said: “Why do you tell us what others have discovered? Besides, can you believe what others say?”

“Zombies evolve much faster than our human strength. Without some special opportunities, the destruction of mankind is just a matter of time.”

“I know there may be dangers lurking in the whirlpool, but opportunities and crises coexist. Maybe there are limited opportunities. If we can’t seize the opportunity, those benefits may be obtained by others.”

The girl was silent for a moment, knowing that what Li Hui said was reasonable and knowing that she could not persuade him, she nodded and said:

“Okay, I’ll choose the people who will go in to explore the way.”

After the girl left, Li Hui lay on the bed and entered the Godsend Network to read the latest news.

“Huh? Ao Xin’s message?”

When he clicked it and took a look, he was shocked, but he felt it was reasonable.

“He actually went in! That’s right, it’s normal for him to go in. This guy can always do things that others dare not do.”

“But he wants to share information with me? What does he want?”

“He has the Dragon King Store and is not short of points, so what does he want from me?”

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