The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 727: Special War Killer

Standard Terra calendar, 943.M41

Armageddon planet, main continent, Hades’ nest

It has been a week since they participated in the battle to defend the capital. They are engaged in high-intensity operations every day, but the situation is still deteriorating.

The middle nests are basically lost. Now everyone retreats to the top nests, but the size of the top nests is limited and can no longer accommodate so many refugees. Many people have to live in dangerous war zones.

At the same time, there are a large number of passages between the middle nest and the top nest. These passages may not be very wide and cannot allow large machinery to pass through, but they can allow small groups of green-skinned troops to infiltrate. Bahram and the others have been in various Run defense between the channels.

Narrow terrain can limit the number of enemies, and Astarte, who is far beyond mortal, is easier to play in such places.

But their number is still too small.

After a fierce battle, Bahram was separated from his companions, and now he must join the friendly forces on the perilous battlefield.

Walking in the empty passage, the recruit Astarte was on guard, whether it was the air vents above his head or the emergency exits on both sides, he could shoot out the green skin at any time.

His weapons are only a blaster and a combat knife, a grenade, and two spare magazines.

As he walked, he suddenly felt something following him. When he turned his head, he found nothing—no shadow, no heat, no sound, or even breathing.

But the threat of being peeped still exists, as if a cold knife lay alone on his throat.

Maybe it was the fierce battle that made him too nervous?

Bachram shook his head and pressed the button of the communicator again, but there was only a rustle of white noise inside.

But when he just turned his head, he felt a strong wind hit, and subconsciously he raised the explosive gun and pushed forward.

The moment of contact with the blasting gun, the strength of the knife changed a little in an instant. Although the pressure did not change, the angle of the knife changed a little.

Then, Bahram raised his right elbow, swung it back suddenly, and slammed it on the chin holding the thing.

The knife pierced his cuff, and when the enemy was knocked to the ground by his elbow, Bachram smoothed his cuff.

But at this time, the enemy who fell on the ground attacked him again and grabbed his foot. For a while, the two fell to the ground at the same time, fighting each other with their arms, trying to win a strong position for themselves.

It was only then that Bachram saw that the attacker was a green leather with a red headband and a camouflage jacket.

"Disgusting reptile!"

Bachram tried to keep his focus, punched the enemy diagonally, pushed the enemy away, stood up quickly, and drew his saber from his belt—his blaster had just been thrown aside.

And that green skin is also a good fighter, just relying on the strength of his back and legs to jump up, his body crouched, maintaining a defensive posture, and holding a knife in his right hand.

How could an ordinary green skin make this kind of action?

Bachram had some doubts, the enemy's movements were perfect, and he could approach him silently-all of which showed that the enemy was a professional killer, an expert good at stealth and assassination.

But when I took a closer look, Bachram found that this green leather was not very strong either, but the weapon was rather special.

The blade shaped like a leaf is shorter than the rubber-coated handle. There are a series of perforations on the knife body, which can reduce its weight without destroying the structure of the knife. Moreover, this thing is also glowing with blue light, which is obviously not a green-skinned weapon. , But a captured weapon.

Bahram stared at the enemy’s tyrannical eyes. They were circling each other. Bahram lowered his body in accordance with the combat technique of the battle group. It maintains an oblique angle with its own body.

This strange knife technique was also taught by Thor, and it took them several years to realize the difference between this technique and ordinary fighting techniques.

Afterwards, he raised his left hand and clenched his hand into a fist.


The green skin suddenly rushed over and stabbed the knife directly at Bahram.

His speed was extremely fast, and the blade swept across the recruit's shoulder, only a punch away from the neck.

When Bachram was preparing to feint and block, the blade swept back in a whirlpool. The collision between the handles caused the knife in Green Leather to retract the handle with a slight pneumatic sound, and then extended it again. And the angle changed with the rotation of the palm.

This dazzling series of operations caught Bachram off guard, and the blade pierced his blocked left forearm in an instant, leaving a pool of blood on the floor.

"Good guy!"

Bahram jumped back, but the green skin was still chasing frantically, changing the angle of the blade again, so that the knife could stab the enemy before his fist.

The recruit blocked the attack again with a knife, and then kicked at the enemy, and the leather boot hit the enemy’s left knee directly.

The enemy retreated.

Actual combat is obviously not as easy as training. Fighting training involves a lot of maneuvers, sprints and pushes.

The green skin in front of him almost broke away from the normal behavioral logic of green skin. After every feint and block, he immediately rushed towards Bahram, and constantly pressed his space of action, causing the Astarte recruits to disorder their footsteps.

Sometimes the green skin swept the knife through Bachram's body again after making an upward blow.

But if Bachram knew that he was fighting the strongest killer under the boss of the Greenskin Blood Axe clan leader "Sneaky Rat", perhaps he wouldn't be so surprised.

"Come again!"

After avoiding another fatal blow, they rushed towards each other. This time Bachram no longer stabbed each other with a knife, but directly blocked the enemy's blade with his left fist blocked by his close character.

The blade made a cut in the joint, but the knife slipped on the fist, so Bachram grabbed the enemy with his right fist.

They scuffled together, and Bachram suppressed the enemy under the advantage of his physique and height, and the enemy's left hand also strangled his throat, clutching him like an iron hand.

Bachram coughed twice, and the muscles of his neck were fighting against the enemy's hand.

Then he pushed the enemy against the and smashed them a few times, but the enemy once again grabbed the knife and pierced Bachram's wrist with the inverted blade.

As a counterattack, Bachram thrust his knife directly into the triceps on the opponent's arm.

After a muffled hum, they pushed each other away, blood gurgling from the wounds on their arms.

Bachram was a little panting, but the enemy didn't make any sound, as if he could not feel the pain, or the pain did not hinder him, just a low roar.

A few seconds later, the green skin attacked again, and Bachram lowered his body to block.

But as soon as it approached, the enemy threw the knife held in his right hand to his left, and the blade adjusted its angle in the air, so that the direction of the attack changed from the upper right to the lower left.

The blade pierced Bachram's right shoulder, and the bulletproof armor and its inner fillings resisted part of the force of the attack, but he still felt a fiery pain on his right side, hitting his ribs and breathing.

In the next second, the blade was pulled out, blood gushing out, and the heat of blood stayed along the sleeve and fell to the ground along the handle of the knife.

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