The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 522: Zhao-Acada

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (!

In the long past, even from the dark ages, a large amount of restored ancient knowledge was sent back by thousands of expeditions all over the galaxy and gathered in this room continuously, despite the flood of information. In the coming days, every obscure servant in the big library will still blindly, uninterruptedly record and archive this knowledge carefully, and repeat these bureaucratic administrative tasks day after day, but easily forget or They didn't care about the value of the information they heard until their twilight years.

Those scribes who were not aware of or even willing to question the tasks assigned to them would drag their feet every day to walk the same distance between the colonnades where the floor of their residence had been flattened, without question. , Thinking or performing their duties in awe.

But Ada Lovelace is different. She can observe and learn. Although there are very few remodeling parts on her body, it does not prevent her brain from operating at an efficiency beyond the ordinary.

Supercritical space calculations are precisely a framework that she has developed to improve the logic of the Thinker’s computer after several years of research.

This architecture enables a single Thinker computer, so that the entire array runs at 30% efficiency beyond the existing architecture.

And her original intention of designing this structure was just to make her work easier and faster.

Simply put, she wants to be lazy.

But the price of laziness, looking at it now, seems a bit too big.

After walking out of the musty odor in the technical archives department, the sky was bright white.

The dazzling light during the day made her unable to open her eyes, and the sun hangs like a hazy ball of light among the broken clouds stained with weird colors.

Zhao Akada is not a moderate world. It was stationed and developed by a Mars expedition settlement in the late dark technology age-this fleet may have accidentally deviated from its orbit.

The planet’s atmosphere is highly toxic, and the planet’s surface is covered with dense tropical rainforest, but human settlers managed to conquer the world.

In the first satellite connection, Zhao-Acada ​​successfully realized the establishment of a self-sufficient and functional casting world.

In the second connection, three satellites were occupied by explorers.

Soon after, Zhao Akada managed to expand further, establishing several remote planetary outposts.

At 827.M27, a civil war between the two Forge City severely damaged the entire planet, but it managed to survive.

During the Great Expedition, the Thousand Sons Expeditionary Fleet discovered Zhao Akada and relentlessly assimilated it as part of the ever-expanding empire.

The new interstellar warrior successfully repelled the alien invaders that had plagued Zhao Akada for centuries. After that, the Thousand Sons Army and Forge World established a close cooperative relationship. Zhao Akada was responsible for the fifteenth. The corps provided war supplies.

During the Horus rebellion, Zhao Akada joined the Thousand Sons and participated in the battle of the Burning of Prospero. The Empire declared that they were traitors, but Zhao Akada was spared because of the Istavan incident. punish.

At the end of the Great Rebellion, some people forged Zhao Akada to ally with the traitor war commander, while others wanted to isolate Zhao Akada from the entire galaxy.

But Zhao Akada still survived the long years that followed. He has survived until now, but he has been completely marginalized and reduced to a seemingly insignificant small casting world.

But the mechanical believers above are not willing to be lonely, they are still working hard to make the planet flourish in the past.

Ada Lovelace's boring work is part of it.

She had always longed to have her own research room, but this dream was ruthlessly shattered.

The escorts led her through the dark streets full of steam, oil and noise, and walked to unknown destinations non-stop.

Their destination was a landing platform on which a starship surrounded by mist was parked. Its hull was still hot and groaning from the pressure of entering the atmosphere.

She was taken into the huge cabin and pushed to the floor.

The apologists walked to their assigned positions and locked them on the deck with a magnetic lock.

With a violent roar and a sudden vibration, the starship rose into the air, and Lovelace also fell to the ground due to the violent ascent.

A sense of fear wrapped her whole body, and when the hull suddenly tilted violently, she had to hug a hanging column tightly.

The idea of ​​leaving the planet where she was born suddenly struck her, and she was extremely panicked at this idea that was far beyond her cognition.

After blaming herself for not being timid about such a thing, the fear in her mind subsided.

She felt a cramp in her stomach before she realized how hungry she was now.

The roar of the starship was getting louder and louder, and the shaking of the hull became more and more violent. She even suspected that the spaceship was about to disintegrate.

Finally, the noise changed the pitch, and the starship also began to enter a horizontal state, moving forward in the void at an unimaginable high speed.

At the moment, she was traveling on a starship.

After thinking about it for a while, she now wants to know where they are going, why did the apologists bring her out of the library dungeon, and what do they want to do?

Strangely, she was not afraid of this unusual voyage, but she attributed it to the mystery that this trip brought enough to conceal any vigilance.

In the next day or so, besides ordering her to eat and drink, her escorts withstood every attempt to communicate.

Even though it was all artificial chemical food, she still ate it hungrily-the only pity was that she didn't even have margarine.

During the journey, they never left the initial locking point and stood motionless like dumb caregivers. Apart from studying their appearance she had no other pastime.

Each of them looks tall and strong, their muscles are very large due to genetic modification, and a variety of weapons and enhancers have been implanted in their bodies.

Cables with distinct ridges and wires of various colors passed through their burqa and pierced into their flesh through plugs embedded in their skins.

She had seen apologists before, but she had never observed them at such a close distance. They smelled of unpleasant carrion, motor oil, and sour sweat.

Lovelace has also heard about the deeds of such fighters on the battlefield, and even read reports about their operations. There is no doubt that they are the most direct and cruel war machine, whether for themselves or To the enemy.

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