Chapter 566

"The King of Liang used to have a counselor named Du Zhiwei! This person was King Liang's brain truster, but... this person is dead. Before, I thought that the King of Liang without Du Zhiwei would be nothing to be afraid of. Because of Liu Ruofu, the king is tied up with the idle king." Bai Qingyan looked at Dong Qingyue and said, "The king of Liang is now determined to take over his heir, and the emperor's son Wang Xin, who was demoted to a commoner, has returned to Dadu. The empress of the palace is pregnant with a son again, and the drama of seizing the son in the capital seems to be... getting more and more lively."

Bai Jinxiu said in the letter that after returning to Dadu, King Xin was quite at ease. Apart from going to the palace to visit the queen every day, he went back to pray for the queen and the prince in the queen's womb when he left the palace... he didn't see any guests, and he didn't go out .

Because Prince Xin's mansion is guarded by secret guards sent by the queen, Bai Jinxiu's people can't get in, but it is said that Prince Xin's mansion is almost becoming a Taoist temple now, and the smoke is lingering all day long, and it smells like burning incense. The emperor also praised Wang Xin for being sensible. many.

Although Bai Jinxiu didn't write about the impact of this incident on Dadu City in the letter, the atmosphere in Dadu City has always been effective, and it is estimated that the alchemy atmosphere of nobles in Dadu City is about to rise to a higher level.

Bai Qingyan's guess is not wrong. Nowadays, not only noble families in Dadu have started to invite immortal masters to make alchemy at home, but this trend is gradually becoming more popular in the state of Jin. Ordinary wealthy families who cannot invite immortal masters to their homes go to Taoist temples to seek alchemy For a while, there were a lot of people in Taoist temples all over the world, and even incense candles... all of a sudden their value soared.

Even the members of the Bai clan in Shuoyang followed suit. Those who went to the Taoist temple to seek alchemy, the patriarch Bai Qihe ordered that no one from the Bai clan go to the Taoist temple to seek alchemy, which offended many Bai clan members.

"The last time the emperor asked Liang Wang to investigate the death of the deer poisoned, the Jinxiu letter did not write the result, I think Liang Wang has not found out one, but the emperor did not punish Liang Wang, so Liang Wang is here with the emperor. I am afraid that the weight will become heavier day by day."

Bai Qingyan wondered if the King of Liang had any capable people around him. Although Li Mao's eldest son, Li Mingrui, was capable and ruthless, he was bold, but the last letter written by Li Mao must have made Li Mingrui wary of the King of Liang. Therefore, it is not Li Mingrui who can advise King Liang.

"You just need to be careful about King Liang, you don't need to spend energy staring at him, King Liang is favored... King Xin returns to the capital, let the prince worry about these things!"

As soon as Dong Qingyue finished speaking, someone came to report that the convoy escorted by the crown prince arrived in Dengzhou tomorrow.

The Dong family was having a funeral and it was inappropriate to invite the prince to stay, so they arranged the prince's residence in a nearby official's house, but the person who sent the prince to report said that the prince had called to stay at the Dong's house, and called Zhen Guo Princess to leave immediately Go to greet you.

Bai Qingyan heard the words, without delay, changed her clothes, and was about to set off with the Bai family guards. As soon as she went out, she ran into Xiao Rongyan who came to express her condolences.

Xiao Rongyan supported Yue Shi's hand to get out of the carriage, saw that Bai Qing's words were straight and straightforward, and bowed to Bai Qingyan: "Miss Bai..."

Under the dazzling sunlight, Xiao Rongyan's eyes were bloodshot, as if he had not had a good rest, and his expression was exhausted.

"Mr. Xiao!" Bai Qingyan stood with his hands behind his back and nodded slightly.

"Miss Bai is going out?" When Xiao Rongyan spoke, his eyes had already fallen on Bai Qingyan's ears, his face tensed, "Are you injured?"

"Small injuries don't matter." Bai Qingyan smiled, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is coming to Dengzhou, so he asked me to meet him. Mr. Xiao can do it himself..."

"Miss Bai, can you please give Brother Chang Lan a moment later, and Xiao will go with Miss Bai to meet His Highness the Crown Prince?" Xiao Rongyan bowed to Bai Qingyan again, "I still have something to do with you on the way. said the girl."

Bai Qingyan thought the crown prince knew that Xiao Rongyan was in Dengzhou, so he also called Xiao Rongyan to meet him, nodded: "No rush."

Xiao Rongyan came in and offered incense to Dong Changlan, said a few words with Dong Qingyue, and then came out of Dong's mansion.

Seeing Bai Qingyan jump on the horse, Xiao Rongyan also ordered Yue Shi to lead the horse over, abandoned the carriage and rode with Bai Qingyan, the speed of the two was not considered fast.

"Is the ear injury serious?"

"How is Princess Mingcheng?"

Bai Qingyan and Xiao Rongyan spoke together.

Before the people of Dengzhou returned to the city yesterday, General Pei of Dayan took Princess Mingcheng and the doctor of Jin State back to Yan State, but did not go into the city with them.

"I'm not in the way, it's just a scratch, but it's Princess Mingcheng, I don't know what's wrong." Bai Qingyan asked.

Xiao Rongyan tightened his grip on the reins, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yesterday, Mingcheng was gone... Xie Xun rushed over all the way, and only had time to see Mingcheng for the last time. I heard that Mingcheng was sober when Xie Xun arrived. For a short while, let Xie Xun forget about her."

Xiao Rongyan's people came back and said that Princess Mingcheng told Xie Xun Dayan that there was a girl who loved Xie Xun as much as she did. She had entrusted Xie Xun to this girl before she decided to marry, and hoped that Xie Xun could marry that girl and live a good life.

After Mingcheng finished speaking, he died in Xie Xun's arms. Xie Xun had just recovered from typhoid fever, and now he collapsed.

Bai Qingyan was silent for a long while without saying a word. Princess Mingcheng's love for the country is out of righteousness. Bai Qingyan originally wanted to save such a woman.

Bai Qingyan looked sideways at Xiao Rongyan, who had well-defined facial features: "My condolences..."

"Brother Changlan's matter, eldest girl...please also mourn." Xiao Rongyan had some vague guesses about Dong Changlan's death, but since Dong's family held a funeral, it's good to know some things in your heart, and you don't need to say it out loud.

The two were silent all the way, and before sunset that day, they met the prince at the Fenping Station.

The prince was quite surprised when he heard that Bai Qingyan and Xiao Rongyan came together, and then he laughed lowly, took the teacup from the maid and asked Quan Yu to invite people in.

Quan Yu responded with a smile and came out to invite Bai Qingyan and Xiao Rongyan. Seeing Bai Qingyan's ears wrapped in muslin, he was surprised: "Princess Zhen Guo is injured?"

"It's okay, just a little injury." Bai Qing said with a smile.

Only then did Quan Yu nod his head reassuringly, and hurriedly stepped aside, bending over to make a gesture of invitation: "Princess, please, Mr. Xiao, please. Your Highness is waiting for the princess and Mr. Xiao inside the room."

When Bai Qingyan entered the door, the prince was sitting on a chair, being served by a servant girl and pressing his shoulders.

The prince already regarded Bai Qingyan and Xiao Rongyan as his own. Seeing the two of them entering the door together, they did not put down their teacups and did not call the maid to go out. He only waved to the two of them while drinking tea, and motioned for them to sit down: "This journey will be lonely. Tossing and dying half-life, it is more painful than marching in the southern border."

During this journey, the prince who was jolted by the carriage vomited out his gall.

In just ten days, the prince lost a lot of weight.

As soon as Bai Qingyan and Xiao Rongyan sat down, Quan Yu asked someone to serve tea, and what Bai Qingyan offered was red dates and wolfberry tea, which nourishes blood and nourishes qi.

The first bird! Roll around and ask for a monthly pass!

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