"Young Master, except for the elbow position, there are no major problems in other places.

Ye Hai was a little relieved, turned around and glared at the culprit angrily, only to see that the other party was not only timid in the face of the tall and mighty bodyguard, but also aroused the other party's aggressiveness.

"Xiaobao, I'm really your grandmother, I don't believe you look at it.

She took out her phone from her bag and wanted to show him a photo of Shen Yue.

was grabbed by the fast-eyed No. 2 bodyguard with one hand, and crushed his life to the ground, which was not polite at all.

Ye Hai thought to himself: Buy you chicken legs, this speed.

The woman, Shen Yue's mother, named Shen Qingcui, was unmarried and pregnant, and her father was unknown.

In the second year after marrying Shen Yue, she remarried a white man, the one standing next to her, and then settled abroad in style.

"You let me go, bastard, Ye Hai, if you dare to do this to me, I won't let you go. He

was pressed to the ground and uttered wild words.

"Coach, have you called the police? They have put my son's safety at risk. The

white man on one side roared and threatened, completely lacking the calmness of watching the play just now.

"We are citizens of country M, and if you do this to us, I will go to the consulate to sue you.

Ye Hai walked past the bodyguards and coaches, came to them, and stared at Shen Qingcui condescendingly.

"You hurt my son, and you dare to threaten me? I would like to see how the consulate of your country M connived at the citizens of country M to run rampant and domineering in our Chinese territory?"

he looked up at her husband of country M without fear.

"You are welcome to call the police, I have enough time to spend with you. One

was also on the ground in embarrassment by the bodyguards, and the other was standing and threatened by Ye Hai, and the two were at a loss.

"Ye Hai, let your bodyguard let go of me, bastard, hurry up and call the police, I welcome you to call the police, I want to publish all your ugly things, you bastard, you actually hurt your wife, you have no humanity, you deserve to be crippled.

Ye Hai was burned violently by the anger aroused.

"Oops, it hurts me.

Ye Hai heard a click, and his arm was dislocated, which was the heroic act of the No. 2 bodyguard, and before Shen Qingcui could finish speaking, he directly scolded her and told her to shut up.

He stared deeply at the woman on the ground, a man who had lost his legs, and it was his eternal pain.

Not only was he scolded by Shen Yue in public, but today he was even insulted by her mother in front of so many people, and he was also in front of his son and classmates.

Is it tolerable or intolerable?

"I've been divorced from Shen Yue for four years, didn't she tell you?And when did I hurt her?"

he wanted to say that Shen Yue was still in the drug rehabilitation center, but he still had to take into account the child's feelings.

He raised his hand and summoned the number one bodyguard.

"Send the little master to the hospital to see the condition of his elbow, and by the way, do an injury evaluation. "

He wants Shen Qingcui not to go to jail, but also to peel her skin.

"Yes, young master. The

No. 1 bodyguard who understood decisively left the scene with Xiaobao in his arms, but the little guy suddenly became unwilling.

"Dad, I'm not leaving, I'm going with you. I

don't know if he is insecure, or if he wants to stay at the scene and advance and retreat with Ye Hai, he said that he is not willing to leave anything.

"Xiaobao, be good, follow your uncle to the hospital for a check-up, and Dad will be there soon.

"Xiaobao, don't go, don't let your father succeed, he hurt your mother in... Before

she could finish her words, she was stuffed with a stinky sock in her mouth by No. 2, and she couldn't speak, and the white man wanted to step forward to stop her, but he waved one arm a few meters away.

The sharp eyes made him dare not take a step forward, just now he was pushed like that, he couldn't stand steadily, and he threw away a few meters, if the other party moved, his three-legged cat defense ability may not be able to resist.

Shen Qingcui almost said a fact that Ye Hai didn't want Xiaobao to know.

"Xiaobao, Dad wants to stay here to deal with these things, you go to the hospital for a check-up first, and your two teammates also go for a check-up.

He turned to the team doctor on the side.

"I'm sorry for you. The

eyes motioned for him to hurry up and leave here with the child, otherwise the consequences might not be something they could bear.

He is only working, and when the child is injured, the parents will look for them first.

For the sake of his own work and the safety of the children, the team doctor received the signal and had already taken a step forward and left with the other two children following No. 1.

The coach stood aside, keeping an eye on their situation, an eyewitness and a bond that balanced the conflict between them.

Waiting for the police to come, he was done.

It's just that the combat effectiveness of the two bodyguards is too strong, even if one of them is gone now, he still feels that his strength is very small.

Just now I almost let the woman on the ground make them lose a lot.

Whatever he says, he has to protect the parties.

"I've called the police, you can't leave, everyone has seen it, it was you who caused the child to be injured, and we are going to hold you responsible.

Not to be outdone, he followed Ye Hai and them to unite the front and deal with the invading outsiders together.

"Shen Qingcui, let me tell you, don't say that I have divorced Shen Yue, even if I am not divorced, you have no right to take Ye Xiaobao without my permission, you are still here to rob people? Are you so bold? Do you think this is country M?"

he looked up and despised the white man.

"Your daughter was arrested and sent to a drug rehabilitation center for drug abuse, that's her own fault, what's the matter with me? What is it about Xiaobao? Are you embarrassed by a child? Are you still human?"

The crowd of onlookers is unknown, it is divorce and drug addiction, and there are bodyguards, there are so many melons in this family.

Some people have already secretly webcast everything that's happening here to get traffic and viewers for their accounts.

The uproar in the live broadcast room was suddenly overcrowded, and everyone ate melons together to denounce this wealthy grievance.

No. 2 was too alert, even though he was now controlling Chen Qingcui, who was constantly struggling and spilling, with one hand on the other, and guarding against the white man, his eyes had already scanned the audience.

"If you take photos and videos, please delete your mobile phone and online uploads immediately, as well as live broadcasts, and we will have a team of lawyers to contact you. The

audience looked at each other, they were still hesitating whether they should listen to the bodyguard, but now they were so curious, how could they be so easily obedient.

Even if they succumbed to his eyes and threats, some still secretly took pictures, because someone had already recognized the person in the wheelchair, Ye Hai.

There are also viewers of the online live broadcast who have also eaten melons.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves, even if it is deleted and interrupted now, it will not prevent the melon-eating masses from collecting and sharing the inside information they know.

"Don't listen, the man in the wheelchair is the ex-husband of the big star Shen Yue, the prince of the Ye Group. "

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