The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2404: Cooperate

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c_t; For Mu Xin, the situation in front of him really made him a little hard to imagine, and he couldn't fully accept it in a short time. []access:. Please search for the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

Sun Yuan is not cool and hates Mo Yuefan's post

The horrible cold around him has frozen his strength seven or seventy-eight. Although he still has hands-on power at this moment, he is very clear that in terms of his strength now, let alone be profound. The measured Yuan Feng, even Meng Guang, also the son of the **** king, made him tired of coping.

He could see that the two men Meng Guang and Yuan Feng were absolutely dominated by the latter, but the eldest son of the divine king would obey an unknown man, which made him really unable to understand.

"Brother Meng Guang, what do you mean? Also, what is the name of this brother, but what is the misunderstanding between you and me?"

After a brief shock, Mu Xin calmed down quickly. No matter what, it was still his place. He didn't believe the other two dared to treat him.

"Master Mu Xin, right, there is no misunderstanding between you and me. In addition, you better give up your plan to ask for help at this time, because then, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to survive today."

Meng Guang didn't say anything. Standing out was Yuan Feng, and at this moment Yuan Feng was smiling, and his eyes were full of determined color.

His realm space has been opened, and being in his realm world, let alone a superior god, even a stronger person should never want to pass the message on. Because in his realm space, Jiuqu Yellow River Array's mystery has already been integrated into the world. To put it plainly, his realm space has reached a level of its own. There is not much difference in itself.

Of course, although this is very firm, if you can make Mu Xin honest, it will undoubtedly be more secure.

"It's hard to survive? Oh, I'm afraid your statement is a bit big? Why, do you think that you can kill his favorite son under the eyelids of the First King of the Divine Realm?"

Yuan Feng's words fell, and Mu Xin's eyes flashed a panic of 'chaos', but soon she was calm again, and proudly said.

A few simple words, not only moved out of the super king of Mu Tie Shen King, but also greatly increased his weight, it can be said that enough pressure on Yuan Feng!

Frankly, the situation in front of him is indeed something he has never experienced before, and whether it is Meng Guang's bowed ears or Yuan Feng's unpredictable, he has a deep sense of crisis.

It is true that there is a way to send a message to his father, but he really dare not use it easily. After all, if Yuan Feng is true, then he is going to lose money. (ad)

One thing he knew very well was that even the First God King did not just do what he wanted to do, or whatever he wanted to do. Even if he sent a message asking for help, it would take some time for the other party to arrive. Until then, he could not guarantee that he would be able to hold on.

Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done now is to stabilize Yuan Feng first, and then ‘touch’ the other person ’s details before talking.

"Is the King Mu Tie God? Speaking to my heart, the King Mu Tie God is indeed what I cannot provoke now, but Master Mu Xin still don't expect the other party to save you. If you do n’t believe it, Master Mu Xin can try. Of course, you have to think about the consequences before you try. "

Sun Qiu Chou Ke Complex Inspection

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng is still very confident, and while talking, he is moving forward and approaching Mu Xin.


The enemy of the enemy

Seeing that Yuan Feng was heading towards himself, without any worries about his desire to ask for help, Mu Xin's heart suddenly panicked and 'chaos', and subconsciously scolded him.

The enemy of the enemy, Sun Xuemo, Yueyue, the enemy of Nuoyang, was almost subconscious, and he was a glance at Meng Guang behind Yuan Feng. At this moment, he did not feel resentment against this difficult brother, but he understood the other very Come reads ;.

Yuan Feng's performance really made him more and more scared. Yuan Feng's performance made him naturally think of four words-there is no fear!

Cultivation of Yuan Ke Ghost Hate by Lengcha Jinuo

It stands to reason that no one would put a super **** king in his eyes, but Yuanfeng dared to do so. If all of this is pretentious, it seems that there are some so unlikely.

"Brother Mu Xin, although you and I have no‘ friendship ’, I still advise you to refrain, otherwise you will regret it.”

Yuan Feng's footsteps did not stop. Meng Guang, who was speaking behind him, really said that at the moment, Meng Guang was enjoying Mu Xin's expression, because for a time, he was like the other party now, panicked and helpless. Like a child without the power of a 'chicken'.

"Wait a second, don't do anything, please say something slowly !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng getting closer to himself, Mu Xin could even feel that her heartbeat was accelerating madly, and her figure was also subconsciously backing away. However, the last bit of calm told him that at this time, it is absolutely not easy to ask for help, otherwise it is really dangerous.

"Master Mu Xin, offended !!! Brush !!!!"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, of course Yuan Feng would not listen to the other party. He could see that Mu Xin had been deterred by his momentum, apparently he wouldn't send a message to Mu Tie Shen. In this case, he naturally did not need to be polite .

"Wait a minute ..."

With his pupils shrinking, Mu Xin really wanted to discuss with Yuan Feng again. Unfortunately, his words were not finished, and the opposite Yuan Feng had disappeared. At the same time, he only felt the light in his eyes. Flash, a purple 'color' thunderbolt descended from the sky, completely paralyzing his whole body.

"Om !!!!!!"

Yuan Shen shuddered, and then he completely lost consciousness.

In the dimness, he felt as if he had been caught in the palms of others, deep in Yuan Shen, as if something had been taken away by others, and when he woke up again, everything around him had disappeared, The familiar scene is precisely the hall of his visitors.

Frankly, he really hoped that everything before was just a dream, but when Yuan Feng and Meng Guang's figures appeared in sight, he knew that he was probably a little too naive.

"Oh, Master Mu Xin, now, your" life "is in my hands. I wonder if you would like to" make "friends with me?"

Yuan Feng's voice sounded again, and while talking, a miniature version of Yuan Shen in his palms slowly emerged. In that way, who else is not Mu Xin?


Seeing his own Yuan God appeared in Yuan Feng's hands, Mu Xin suddenly became tight, and the feeling that the whole person was controlled by Yuan Feng even made him dare not even breathe, fearing himself If you accidentally do something wrong, you will lose this 'life'.

"You ......... What did you do to me?"

Looking at the blood-red 'color' of himself in the hands of Yuan Feng, he really felt a sense of breathlessness. This feeling was definitely something he had never felt before, and he never wanted to feel it in his life.

"It doesn't matter what I did to you. What's important is that as long as I think about it, your Yuan Shen will collapse. At that time, even if the strength of Mu Tie Shen Wang is strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to bring you back ? "

Picking the eyebrow 'Mao', Yuan Feng directly collected the other's blood, and then sat down leisurely, waiting for the other's response.

Today, the blood curse has become more and more skilled in his hands. This time, he has not weakened the accused, but even so, he believes that the other party will never do anything stupid.


Mu Xin wanted to win something for herself, but when she spoke, she could not say anything.

The ‘life’ has been in the hands of other people ’s homes. At this moment, what he said is useless, and there is only one way left before him.

"I, I give up!"

A lot of words ended up with only these three words. At this moment, he was completely defeated, and until this moment, his heart still couldn't believe that everything was true.

The son of the dignified first-class king of the Protoss was subdued so easily by others, that he didn't even have a trace of resistance, and he was really home.

Almost subconsciously, he glanced at Meng Guang behind Yuan Feng. At this moment, he didn't feel resentment against this difficult brother, but understood the other person very well.

"Okay, the current affairs manager is Junjie. You have earned a life for yourself. You should be grateful to yourself."

Hearing Mu Xin's words, Yuan Feng finally ‘show’ a smile of satisfaction. What he wants is the result. Speaking of which, if Mu Xin really doesn't cooperate, then he can only kill the other party and then proceed with other people.

The son of Mu Tie Shen Wang is more than this. Without Mu Xin, he can start with other people. Anyway, he has the initiative to control in his hands, and he has nothing to worry about.

Meng Guang's face was "colorless" without sorrow and optimism, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but judging from his expression, his heart was probably a little complicated, but more, it should be a sympathetic helplessness. !!

"Have you spent so much effort and controlled me, shouldn't it have no purpose? Is there anything I need to do, even if I say, I will do my best to help you."

Far away from independence

The extra questions were asked in vain. Seriously, what he wanted to know at the moment was Yuan Feng's identity and what exactly Yuan Feng controlled him, but he was very clear. If he asked these questions, Not to mention whether Yuan Feng will answer him, it is difficult to estimate whether Yuan Feng will kill him alone.

"Very well, I like people like you who know the current affairs. Now, come together with the secrets you know about the King Mu Tie God. Remember, don't lie to me, otherwise you will die. It's ugly. "

He finally controlled a son of King Mu Tie Shen, and was also a son whom King Mu Tie liked very much. He believed that at least some useful information could be obtained from him.

Of course, even if you do n’t get too much useful information, it ’s fine anyway. He already has this breakthrough, and he really does n’t believe that he will have nothing to do in the next action.

Chou Yuanyuan hated Mo Mocha and Momo after he fell in love


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