The place where Su Liang and Qi Jun were located was the Changxin Hou Mansion that was previously given to Gu Ling by the emperor, and is now the Regent's Mansion. However, Gu Ling only lived here for a short time before "marrying" to the Su Mansion. This is the couple's garden, and it is also where Gu Ling makes weapons. There is usually no one there, so it is very suitable for Pucheng to set up traps. It is similar to the environment in the wild.

Su Liang and Qi Jun took Pucheng back to Su Mansion, and there was a garden through the back door.

When he was about to walk out of the forest, Qi Jun said, "Master, I won't tell anyone about those things, not even Lonicera."

Su Liang nodded, "Yeah. It may not be a good thing to know about that kind of thing. There is nothing we can do this time. I have to tell you. What I tell you is only what you need to know. You performed very well, and what Pucheng told you is I want to know. Gu Ling should be back soon, in time to drink the wedding wine between you and Lonicera."

Qi Jun laughed and said, "I hope my uncle has a smooth journey."

However, Qi Jun didn't know that the person he thought was Gu Ling was a time traveler, but it was actually a lie. The real time traveler was Su Liang.

Su Liang did not intentionally mislead Qi Jun, but just told him some useful information for the current needs. Qi Jun did not need to know the rest for the time being.

By the time the two of them reached the lake, the thick fog had dissipated and the sky was bright.

Zheng'er and Ji Xiaoshu ran out of Yuanming Pavilion, followed by Cheng Yun. The three of them were all dressed in smart clothes and were about to start morning exercises.

"Master's wife is back!" Ji Xiaoshu rushed over, followed closely by Zheng'er, and Cheng Yun also ran over.

"How's it going?" Chengyun looked at Pucheng, who was unconscious on Qi Jun's back, and his expression was much calmer than yesterday.

Su Liang smiled, "It's done."

Ji Xiaoshu gave a thumbs up, "Master's wife, everything is safe!"

Su Liang rubbed the heads of the two little guys and said, "You guys go practice."

Seeing that Su Liang had no intention of sharing the information he learned from Pucheng, Chengyun went to exercise with the two children without asking.

Qiu Cong asked, but Su Liang didn't say anything for the time being because it involved time travel. Apart from her, only Qi Jun knew, and he only had a rough idea.

Whether to share their biggest secret with the rest of the family, and who to tell and who not to tell, Su Liang decided to discuss it after Gu Ling returns home. If too many people know about it, there will be very large and uncontrollable risks. Some things are better kept secret.

If Gu Ling was at home, Su Liang wouldn't need to tell Qi Jun about what happened last night, but let Gu Ling do it. It may not be a problem to wait a few days, but if you know earlier, you can take better precautions earlier, especially against Sheng Yue. Although Su Liang expected that he would not appear easily again, he was afraid of what might happen. Moreover, Gu Ling's return date is just Su Liang's speculation and cannot be guaranteed.

After a while, Chengyun said that he wanted to go back to Huguo Temple, where there were still some of his things, and that he wanted to tell Master Puhui about his return to secular life. He once lived in Huguo Temple, and Master Puhui took great care of him.

Ji Xiaoshu said that he wanted to go to Huguo Temple with Chengyun, but was immediately stopped by Zheng'er, "No, there is a bad guy who has escaped. He may arrest us and threaten the master's wife!" Zheng'er has experience with this kind of thing. .

"Oh, okay then." Ji Xiaoshu was naughty but never fooled around. He winked and said, "Will the bad guys take my dad as a hostage? Or is my dad no longer an important person?"

Su Liang smiled, "Not as important as you."

Ji Xiaoshu was very happy, "When my father comes back, I have to tell him! I am the important person!"

Qiu Cong accompanied Chengyun to Huguo Temple. He came back near noon and brought the vegetarian food from Huguo Temple.

"Uncle Puhui asked me if I had thought clearly, and I said yes." Chengyun sighed slightly, "I thought he would advise me not to return to secular life, but I didn't expect that he would not object."

Su Liang was not surprised by this. Chengyun has never experienced the mortal world at all, and becoming a monk was not his choice. A true monk should have a tolerant heart and not think that it is best to become a monk and that it is wrong to return to secular life.

"You can grow your hair now." Su Liang said, "Should I find you a hat? Or a wig?"

"No need to pretend." Chengyun shook his head, "Just let nature take its course."

Su Liang chuckled, "That's right, a true beauty is not afraid of hairstyle."

Chengyun's face turned slightly pale, "My appearance is far from that of brother-in-law Gu."

"Not much different." Su Liang joked, "When your hair grows back, you will be a handsome young man."

Chengyun drifted away silently, physically stopping this embarrassing topic.

In the afternoon, while the children were sleeping, Su Liang sat by the window and took out the papers on which Min Rou had recorded the information when she first explained the situation on Xingluo Island. She looked at the "forbidden land" in the layout of the Xingluo Island City Lord's Mansion. Now he can be sure that that is the place where Mo Yan traveled through, and it is also the way back that he has guarded for many years - what he thinks.

Not only Mo Yan, but also Pucheng learned from Pucheng that even his deceased wife wanted to go back. This gave Su Liang a new idea: Could it be that she was the only soul that traveled through time? Mo Yan and Pucheng's deceased wives were both bodies. Time travel? is it possible?

Su Liang thought about it over and over, and since soul time travel exists, physical body time travel is of course also possible. Including Gu Ling's special abilities, these are mysterious and mysterious things that cannot be explained by science.

If so, Su Liang felt that Mo Yan and Pucheng's deceased wife both wanted to go back, which was not completely incomprehensible. But she still thought that it was impossible for her to go back. She had settled here and didn't want to go back.

Su Liang picked up the pen and wrote the word "road" on the paper in the forbidden area of ​​​​Xingluo Island, and drew a big question mark. Then he put these away and put them aside for the time being, waiting for Gu Ling to come back.

In the afternoon, Su Liang went to the underground secret room to see Pucheng again.

This time, Pucheng lost his cool when he saw Su Liang, because at dawn today, his true face was completely exposed in front of Su Liang. Putting on a mask again would not only be meaningless, but would also make him look even more ridiculous.

"What are you doing here again?" Pucheng snorted coldly.

Su Liang sat down with a calm expression, "It's much better now, why bother pretending, so tired. Nian Ruxue said that Yan Shiba is still alive in Sheng Yue's hands, is it true?"

"Fake!" Pucheng blurted out.

Su Liang nodded, "In this case, when your son threatens me with Yan Shiba as a hostage, I will know that the hostage in his hands is also a substitute like Nian Ruxue, so there is no need to worry."

Pucheng's expression froze. No need for him to say anything else, Su Liang already got the answer he wanted from his reaction.

"Where is she?" Su Liang asked, "In this regard, Nian Ruxue has already told a location. Whether you tell her or not, I will send people to find her. It will be easier if you tell her."

Pucheng snorted, "What? You still want to torture me?"

Su Liang shook his head, "That's not true, you're overthinking it. You know, my family is small, and Ajun and Liandong are going to be busy getting married recently, and they have to arrange for someone to bring you food and water. It's very troublesome, not to mention... I'll torture you when I have time. If you don't cooperate, I can only meet the minimum standards for your diet and ensure that you don't starve to death. This is the easiest way for you to be shameless enough to ask me to let you go. Can you eat well, drink well and be well taken care of?"

"You!" Pucheng's face was filled with anger.

Su Liang shrugged, "Are you saying that I am a cunning person? I am not kind? Could you please reflect on yourself first? What bad things have you done, and you still expect me to retaliate with kindness? I have seen people like you before. Many people say they have reasons for doing evil. To put it bluntly, it is selfish. You are not as good as Sheng Yue. He is not a good person, but he is quite magnanimous and not like you. Okay, enough nonsense, it is also because he knows that your son will not come. To save you, I have the time to tell you this today. Have you thought about how to answer my question? "

"I want to see Yun'er." Pucheng's face was as dark as ink.

Su Liang stood up and left, "It seems you chose 'just stay alive'."

Just when Su Liang was about to disappear from Pucheng's sight, he stopped her and said, "I can tell you where Yan Shiba is.

Su Liang turned around with a calm expression, but saw that Pucheng looked a little unnatural, as if he expected to get a new wave of ridicule from her.

But Su Liang has seen through Pucheng's true nature. This man is not even willing to suffer a little for himself. At this time, he no longer cares about protecting his son. He is selfish to the point of shamelessness. It is no wonder that he has not taken up the responsibility of being a father at all these years and only cares about protecting his son. Own. Su Liang was too lazy to comment and asked him directly, "Where is it?"

Pucheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Liang Kingdom, in Wolong Mountain."

It is consistent with what Nian Ruxue explained. Su Liang felt that it must be true. Yan Shiba was still alive and imprisoned in Wolong Mountain. Nowadays, the territory of the original Liang Kingdom is covered with ice and snow, and the Wolong Snow Mountain is inaccessible, but it is an excellent hidden place.

Su Liang suspected that Sheng Yue had a secret force of his own outside of Xingluo Island, but it had not been exposed so far. Perhaps Wolong Mountain was one of his strongholds. At least, when Yan Shiba is imprisoned, someone must be arranged to ensure her food and drink, and no one can die.

Su Liang said nothing more, turned and left.

Yaocheng is too far away, and Su Liang has no manpower to send out for the time being, so he plans to wait for Gu Ling to come back first.

At this time, Gu Ling and Cen Man were rushing home day and night. According to their speed, they could return to the capital within three days.

Gu Ling, who was eager to return home, paid attention to the rumors in the capital, but there was no news about Su Liang. If Sheng Yue went to the capital, he would have taken action long ago. No news is good news.

In the evening of that day, Cen Man said he was a little tired and wanted to take a rest. Gu Ling found an inn, which was opposite a restaurant. After booking a room, he went to eat first.

Although Cen Man was old, she was in good health. She said she was tired because she wanted Gu Ling to take a rest. Because all the way back from Xingluo Island until now, Gu Ling hasn't had a good sleep.

Both of them had disguised themselves and were dressed very ordinary, like a mother and son. I ordered food and sat in the lobby on the first floor to eat while listening to the conversations of people around me.

When they were almost done eating, Gu Ling put down his chopsticks first and was about to ask the waiter to pay. When he looked up, he saw an old man with gray hair coming in from the door, followed by a girl carrying a basket. The girl had a large dark spot on her face. Although she had good facial features, when Gu Ling saw her, she heard someone around her mutter "ugly girl".

The old man and the girl were all dressed simply, with some dirt on their trousers and shoes. The girl didn't care about the disdainful glances cast on her. As soon as she entered the door, she shouted, "Signature dish, a jar of the best wine!"

The waiter responded quickly, but then found that there were no empty tables.

The restaurant is doing good business today, and there are no empty seats upstairs. Only the table where Gu Ling and Cen Man are sitting on the first floor is half empty, and there is room for two people.

"Let's go." Cen Man put down his chopsticks and stood up.

"Yes." Gu Ling picked up the baggage, passed by the old man who came over, went to the counter to pay the bill, and walked out of the restaurant with Cen Man.

After returning to the inn, Gu Ling asked Cen Man to rest first, saying that he had something to do and had to go out.

"What's wrong?" Cen Man frowned. Her original intention was to let Gu Ling rest before rushing on.

"There was something wrong with the last two people who entered the restaurant just now," Gu Ling said. He saw the black mist between the old man's eyebrows.

Cen Man was puzzled, but she knew Gu Ling had a secret, so she said she would go with him. She came back with Gu Ling because she was afraid that he would encounter trouble alone without help.

"No need. Master, let's get some sleep. I will act in secret and be careful." Gu Ling planned to go alone.

"That's fine. Then I'll wait for you here." Cen Man had no choice but to agree, "Be careful."

After Gu Ling left the inn, he walked around a lot and saw the old man and the girl leaving the restaurant and entering the same inn opposite.

So Gu Ling returned to the inn, and after confirming the room where the old man and the girl lived, he booked the room next to them, leaning against the wall, listening to their movements.

Gu Ling's ear was very good, and it didn't take long for him to hear the girl's words.

"Grandpa, is it worth traveling so far to collect medicine? I've been wandering around the mountains for two days and still can't find it. Let's go home early tomorrow morning!"

"It's only been two days. What's the rush? Let's look for it again." The old man said cheerfully.

"Grandpa is not a great god. I think it's not worth it to travel across mountains and ridges to find medicinal materials at this age for an unrelated person." The girl complained in a somewhat complaining tone, "It's just that our ancestors have some connection with our family. How long have they been? If he comes to visit Grandpa now, won’t he turn it down? Just tell him to go to the capital to find Dr. Su! I’m afraid he’ll spread rumors about Grandpa’s address. But there will be no more quiet days!”

"If you promise others, you must do it. Even if your ability is limited, you must do your best." The old man said.

"Okay, okay, Grandpa makes it sound like I'm a bad person. I'll have the last day to look for him tomorrow. If I can't find him, I'll go back, okay?" The girl seemed to be coaxing the old man.

"Hmm, look again, look again." The old man said with a smile, "Go and wash up and go to sleep."

Gu Ling initially judged that the old man was a doctor and a nice person. The black mist between his eyebrows was not meant to kill someone, but someone wanted to harm him.

The room next door became quiet, and the person must have fallen asleep.

But Gu Ling didn't dare to sleep and kept staring. He actually hoped that the "killer" would come quickly, so that after saving the people, he could rest for a while and then continue on the road home.

But unfortunately, Gu Ling waited until dawn and the inn was calm. He even sneaked into the old man's room to confirm with his own eyes that he was fine, but the darkness between his eyebrows was still there.

Cen Man packed her bags and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Gu Ling appear, "Is the matter done? Do you want to sleep a little longer? Or should we have something to eat and leave?" She had already rested, and Gu Ling definitely didn't want to be blamed for her. Rest delays time.

Gu Ling shook his head, "It's not finished yet, so we can't leave for now." The black fog had a deadline of three days. He actually hesitated. If he had to wait three days to save someone, should he wait or give up? But the final answer is not difficult, etc.

He and Su Liang have always believed that God's will seen through Gu Ling's superpower is correct, and Gu Ling has always been serious about doing what God asked him to do.

At the moment, we don't know what the situation is in the capital and whether Su Liang is in danger, but if the old man doesn't save him, the consequences are hard to predict.

Gu Ling wanted to go home immediately, but he knew that if Su Liang knew about it, he would definitely let him save people first.

Gu Ling asked Cen Man to leave first and go home to report that he was safe, but Cen Man decided to wait for Gu Ling after thinking about it. It took a day or two to report that she was safe, and she was even more afraid of losing Gu Ling.

So, Gu Ling and Cen Man "encountered" the old man and the girl again at the breakfast shop.

The girl recognized them and saw Cen Man smiling, so she waved and smiled, "We meet again."

At this time, Gu Ling had a backpack on his back that he had just found. He found out that there was a mountain outside the city called Yaowang Mountain. It was a very high mountain. It was said that there were many rare medicinal materials in it. People often went to the mountain to collect medicines. However, because of the steep mountains, there are often dangers for medicinal collectors.

"Senior, did you also go to Yaowang Mountain to collect medicine?" Gu Ling asked the old man.

The old man raised his eyebrows, looked at Gu Ling, and then looked at Cen Man, "Which one of you is the doctor?"

"I am." Gu Ling nodded slightly.

The old man was a little surprised, but he was also very happy to meet someone who had the same idea. He laughed and said that he might not be able to find a magic medicine if he looked for it, but he still wanted to try it, taking advantage of the nice weather these days.

"Me too, let's try my luck." Gu Ling said.

The old man looked at Cen Man, who smiled, "I am his foster mother."

After breakfast, the old man took the initiative to invite Gu Ling and Cen Man to go with them, saying that he knew the way.

The girl frowned, pulled the old man and whispered, "Grandpa, be careful, they are medicinal material robbers." Yaowang Mountain produces rare medicinal materials of high value, and bandits often intercept and rob medicinal collectors at the foot of the mountain.

The old man shook his head, "That guy has very clean eyes. He must be a good person. I won't be mistaken."

The girl wanted to persuade her again, but the old man smiled and shook his head, "Wait a minute, I'll test him."

The girl didn't say anything else. Since Gu Ling calls himself a doctor, the answer will be clear in the test.

On the way out of the city, the old man chatted with Gu Ling about medical skills. The girl and Cen Man walked behind and saw that they were talking happily. Gu Ling was calm, but the old man was very happy. He grabbed Gu Ling's arm as he spoke, "Young man, who did you learn your medical skills from?"

The girl realized that she was overthinking it. From the looks of it, Gu Ling's medical skills must be very powerful.

Gu Ling shook his head, expressing his inconvenience, and the old man smiled and did not ask further questions.

Normally, Gu Ling would be happy to make friends with this old man with superb medical skills. He also liked collecting medicines, but at this time, he very much hoped that the person who was causing trouble for the old man would come out quickly and let him kill him so that he could go home. Although he decided to wait, it would be difficult for him to wait for three days.

The old man called himself Wen, and Gu Ling called himself Gu.

All the way to the foot of the mountain, I looked up and saw that the top of the mountain shrouded in mist was still far away.

However, maybe God heard Gu Ling's thoughts. Not long after entering the mountain, trouble appeared.

Two masked men descended from the sky and blocked their way with swords drawn.

One of the eyes passed over Gu Ling and Cen Man and landed on the old man Wen, "I have admired the name of the miracle doctor for a long time. My master has invited me to come with us!"

Old Man Wen subconsciously pulled his granddaughter behind him and said with a sullen face, "I am not a miracle doctor, just an ordinary doctor. If your master is sick, you can go to the capital to find the famous Doctor Su."

"I heard that the divine doctor is being too modest. You don't like fame and fortune. It's not easy to find you after living in seclusion for so many years. If you don't want your granddaughter to get hurt, you'd better not embarrass us."

"These two are just strangers we met on the way. Don't embarrass them." Old Man Wen looked at Gu Ling apologetically, "This has nothing to do with you. You should leave quickly!"

"I'm anxious to go home." Gu Ling nodded.

The next moment, Old Man Wen felt a cold light flash before his eyes. Gu Ling took out the medicine hoe from the backpack and rushed towards the man in black blocking the road.

The two men in black did not expect such a change, but their eyes were contemptuous and they did not take Gu Ling into their eyes at all.

One of them just said "seeking death", but before he finished speaking, his head fell.

Wen that the old man’s grandparents were all shocked!

Another man in black started fighting with Gu Ling. He was much stronger than the one who died just now, but there was still a gap between him and Gu Ling. Moreover, Gu Ling was in a bad mood. He was unable to go home early to reunite with Su Liang. The people are very ruthless.

Not long after, the man in black fell to the ground seriously injured, but he was still alive.

The basket was still on Gu Ling's back. He threw the blood-stained medicine hoe into it, leaned over and took off the black cloth covering the man's face, and asked coldly, "Who sent you here?"

The man in black vomited blood, turned pale, and did not answer Gu Ling's question.

"Mo Yan? Are you going to capture the miracle doctor and return to Xingluo Island?" Gu Ling asked.

The man in black's momentary shock did not escape Gu Ling's eyes.

There is no need to ask about the rest. Gu Ling stretched out his hand and broke the neck of the man in black. He turned around and faced the dumbfounded expressions of Old Man Wen and his grandson. His expression was calm and he said, "Senior Wen is looking for the medicinal materials. I have them at home. If it is convenient, please tell me the address. I'll send someone to deliver it to you when I get home."

The old man was stunned when he heard that, "You...who are you?"

"My husband is the husband of Divine Doctor Su. She taught me my medical skills." Gu Ling directly revealed his identity.

The girl's eyes widened, "The legendary Gu Ling?"

"I was just passing through here, and I accidentally learned that a force led by a scumbag wanted to capture people with excellent medical skills to be slaves. I wanted to help along the way. Don't worry." Gu Ling looked calm.

"I originally wanted to find an opportunity to go to the capital to visit Divine Doctor Su..." Old Man Wen was still in shock.

"Well, I'll go home and wait for you, senior. Say goodbye." Gu Ling handed over his hand.

By the time Old Man Wen and his grandsons reacted, Gu Ling and Cen Man had disappeared.


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