The air was filled with smoke and dust left after the fire was extinguished, gray and dancing in the sunlight.

A group of people are repairing the bombed pier and recovering the boats that drifted away.

A livid-faced He Wei reappeared on the shore, followed by one of his sons and two grandsons.

"Great Elder, there are explosives all along the coast and outside the forest." An old man came to report. There were beads of sweat on his forehead, not just from running, but also from fear. He raised his hand and wiped it with his sleeve, " All the explosives found have been collected."

He Wei's face was livid, "Search again, don't miss anything! Be careful of the forbidden areas!" There are many "forbidden areas" in the forest, and the nearby trees are marked. Although the people know it, they have to observe carefully to avoid them. They usually don't go into the woods for fear of accidentally stepping on a thunderbolt.

He Wei's eldest son He Yun took half a step forward and said in a low voice, "Dad, we still have an important hostage. That group of people will not come again. But that bitch Sheng Yue has really been given to Gu Ling... …”

Seeing He Yun making a beheading gesture, He Wei stared at the direction Qiu Jing left, "Do you think it's a good thing that Sheng Yue was killed by Gu Ling?"

"Of course it's a good thing!" He Wei's eldest grandson He Peng sneered, "That bitch is always good at pleasing his master. He has been competing with grandpa for the second position on the island. It would be better to die outside!"

He Wei shook his head and whispered, "You are all too short-sighted. Nothing we have to do has been accomplished. No matter what, Sheng Yue is from Xingluo Island. He can die, but dying at this time is not right. There is no benefit to us. I still hope that he can catch Gu Ling back, and many things will not be a problem. "

He Peng frowned, "What grandpa said makes sense. But according to what Qiu Jing meant, Sheng Yue really took Gu Ling away. If he was fine, he should have come back long ago! Unless he didn't come back on purpose and had ulterior motives! I have always been I feel that the person named Sheng is not from the same group as us, so I don’t know what he is planning."

He Yun agreed with his son's view.

He Wei let out a long sigh, "Stop talking about this. It's useless to guess. First, stabilize the island, take good defense, and keep an eye on the one named Mu."

He Peng hummed, "Grandpa, don't worry. That group of people dared to make noise outside the island, and in the end they ran away without leaving anyone behind. They didn't dare to land on the island again, knowing full well that they would never come back!"

"Don't take it lightly!" He Wei frowned.

"Yes." The children and grandchildren beside him said in unison. But looking at the looks on his two grandsons' faces, it was obvious that He Wei felt that the crisis had passed and He Wei was too nervous.

As they walked to the pier, He Peng mentioned Min Rou again, "It's all my cousin's fault. It's a big deal! Should we send someone to deal with her? Otherwise, it will be hard to let go of the hatred in my heart!"

He Wei's face darkened and he shouted angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about? She must have been controlled by some evil means by Su Liang and Gu Ling. Otherwise, how could she have done something detrimental to Xingluo Island?"

He Yun noticed that the people who were repairing the pier were all looking this way with strange expressions. She glared at He Peng fiercely and said in a loud voice, "Su Liang is best at bewitching people's hearts. Rou'er may have been taken advantage of by her." It’s such a shame that you still say this, doesn’t it make your grandfather even more sad? At first, the master asked Rou’er and your aunt to go to the capital of Qian Kingdom to work as internal agents. We didn’t agree with it, but we could only follow the master’s arrangement.”

He Peng met He Wei's cold gaze, reacted, silently shut up, and took his younger brother to join the team searching for explosives.

In fact, the He family knew very well that it was Min Rou who sold out the location of Xingluo Island. Because after Lao Mu and Cen Man found Xingluo Island, the old man who sent Min Rou's family away from Xingluo Island remembered that Min Rou seemed to have come into contact with his chart. Apart from this, there is no other possibility.

The He family wanted to strangle Min Rou to death with their own hands, including He Wei. Because as long as the location of Xingluo Island is not exposed, they can always hide in the dark and take the initiative. Once exposed, this will happen today, and today is just the beginning. As Lao Mu said, He Wei might not be able to sleep well next.

But He Wei was determined not to admit that his granddaughter betrayed Xingluo Island. Because this is a serious blow to his prestige on the island, especially after today's aggrieved incident of being beaten and threatened, and one of his own died, the people on Xingluo Island are full of anger and resentment. Venting everywhere, not many people might have thought about how Lao Mu and Cen Man were found, and how Qiu Jing led his troops to find Xingluo Island, but not everyone knew about Min Rou's surrender to the enemy.

He Wei could only insist that her daughter and granddaughter were sent by Mo Yan to serve as internal correspondents in the capital of Qian Kingdom. He did not arrange it, and he even opposed it because it was very dangerous. And he insisted that both He Qianqian and Min Rou fell into Su Liang's hands, and their lives and deaths were uncertain. Even if they leaked the news about Xingluo Island, they must have been controlled by Su Liang's minds using evil magic, and they were definitely not voluntary.

But obviously, He Wei's grandson He Peng was a bit mentally retarded and couldn't help but scold Min Rou in public. But they forgot that Min Rou was from their He family.

He Wei inspected the area, made arrangements, and arranged eight teams, divided into two groups. Then, no matter day or night, there would be patrols on the shore. Once any ship was found approaching, a signal would be sent out immediately.

Another elder on the island asked, "If we don't have the hostage named Mu, the group will come back and bomb the island unscrupulously. How can we resist?"

He Wei frowned, "As long as we can discover it in advance, we can blow up their ship before they attack the island! Or we can arrange for someone to sail the ship to fight!"

"But the people we can use now..." the elder sighed deeply, "are becoming less and less. The other party has the strength of the entire land. This time they will only come with 500, and next time they will come with 550,500,000. It’s all available.”

Everyone who originally thought the problem was not a big deal after hearing He Wei's words started talking one after another, and the sense of crisis became more and more serious. No matter how high their individual martial arts are, how can they withstand being surrounded by thousands of troops and firing thousands of arrows? They have explosives and the other side has more. Is it necessary to rely on a hostage to ensure the subsequent safety of Xingluo Island?

Someone mentioned Sheng Yuelai, "It would be great if Master Sheng was here. Master said he is the most resourceful person on the island."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere instantly became a little subtle.

There are not many people on the island, but it is still a small society, and it is closed all year round, so naturally there are groups. The He family has been deeply favored by Mo Yan for many years. He Wei is absolutely the most powerful person on the island, with a deep foundation and many followers. Sheng Yue came into his own in the past two years. Although he was young, he had extremely high martial arts skills and a shrewd mind. Mo Yan trusted him more and more and entrusted him with many important things. There were also many people who couldn't bear to see the He family on the island. The domineering people began to secretly form a faction with Sheng Yue.

He Wei sighed deeply, "I'm also very worried about Sheng Yue. I'm really afraid that, as Qiu Jing said, he captured Gu Ling and had an accident on his way back. That would be extremely serious for Xingluo Island. loss."

As soon as these words came out, the people who originally followed Sheng Yue began to murmur in their hearts: If Sheng Yue really died outside, it would be unwise for them to go against He Wei. As a result, this group of people became more and more silent, and even if they had opinions, they did not dare to speak out easily.

Someone asked when Mo Yan would be released from confinement, and He Wei said he didn't know. Over the years, Mo Yan would often go into retreat, ranging from three to five days to three to five months, during which time he would see no one except a servant who was serving him.

As dusk fell, Qiu Jing and his party were far away from Xingluo Island and were speeding back. Someone noticed that there was one person missing on the boat and when asked, Qiu Jing only said that "Qi Jun" had gone to do other things.

At this time, Gu Ling was taking a rest in the rockery in the garden of the city lord's mansion on Xingluo Island. The surroundings were quiet, and no one noticed that their biggest enemy had secretly sneaked into the island.

Thanks to Sheng Yue not coming back, all the subordinates he took out were dealt with by Gu Ling. Naturally, no news about him came back. During the day, Qiu Jing and He Wei's conversation about Sheng Yue and Gu Ling led to Xingluo Island. People on the street suspected that something had happened to Sheng Yue, and many people even thought that he would never come back. And this also gave them a subconscious impression: Gu Ling was captured by Sheng Yue, and Qiu Jing didn't know where he was, so he definitely couldn't be in the team attacking Xingluo Island this time.

Otherwise, why didn't Gu Ling show up and let Qiu Jing take charge of the situation?

This is a good question, but no one on Xingluo Island, including He Wei, thought of this level. Otherwise, they should think about it carefully. Did Qiu Jing really not want to save everyone when he readily left Gu Ling's master as the last hostage? Doesn't anyone care about this last hostage?

Of course there is. Gu Ling dived into the water at that time and hid under the boat returning from Xingluo Island after transporting the hostages. He successfully approached Xingluo Island in front of everyone's eyes without being noticed. The closest to He Wei was only three meters away. He Wei was on the shore and he was in the water.

By the time He Wei and the last hostage, Lao Mu, left the shore and returned to the City Lord's Mansion, Gu Ling had already stepped ashore from another hidden location, passed through the woods, and approached the City Lord's Mansion.

Mine arrays can only really work for people who are unaware of them. If you want to avoid them if you know there are mines, there is a very simple way, just don't walk on the ground. This is very simple for Gu Ling. Although it was his first time here, with the detailed information provided by Min Rou, he basically understood the location and distribution of the buildings on the island.

And because he acted secretly, Gu Ling even arrived at the city lord's mansion half a moment earlier than He Wei and his party.

At that time, He Wei and the other people on Xingluo Island were full of anger. They had no idea that enemies would come to the island, let alone Gu Ling. After all, their mine array is still there. As for the fact that the mine array has been exposed to the enemy today, they have not had time to consider it. And even if you think about it, you will think that it is a deterrent to the enemy, and no one will rush in.

Therefore, while He Wei personally dragged Lao Mu and locked him back into a well-defended dungeon, Gu Ling watched from a safe distance. After confirming the location where Lao Mu was being held, Gu Ling left.

There were many masters on the island, and Gu Ling acted very carefully. He originally wanted to go to the forbidden area that Min Rou mentioned to find out. Unfortunately, the forbidden area was very tightly defended and there was no breakthrough at all, so he stayed away from it.

Gu Ling's primary purpose is to save people. As long as Lao Mu can be taken away safely, he can actually lead the troops to level Xingluo Island next time without any scruples.

Therefore, Gu Ling did not search around the city lord's mansion during the day, but chose a hidden location to rest and wait for action at night. There is only one hostage left, and there must be a lot of people guarding Lao Mu. It would be terrible if the other party reacts first and threatens Lao Mu with his life.

Therefore, Gu Ling was planning a perfect strategy when he was resting.

The soaked clothes have long since dried. Gu Ling looked at the brilliant stars in the night sky through the gaps in the rockery. In fact, he suspected that Sheng Yue had gone to the capital. During the day, he thought about rescuing some people first and rushing home immediately. But in the end, his reason made him choose to stay and finish what he had to do. Because he couldn't return home immediately even if he had wings at this time. If something happened at home, it would be too late for him to go back now. The root of everything is on Xingluo Island. After he solves the trouble here, he may have greater initiative against Sheng Yue.

As midnight approaches, there is only the sound of the night wind and the chirping of insects and birds.

Gu Ling came out of the rockery like a streak of ink feathers, followed the route he had explored during the day, avoided the eyes of the city lord's palace, and left quickly.

When daytime came, Gu Ling walked through the dense forest from the trees and found the mark of the place where the mines were buried in the forest. This is bound to happen, and you can see it as long as you look carefully. Otherwise, if the mines are buried without markings, your own people will be blown up sooner or later.

Gu Ling chose a place and threw a few stones at it from a distance.

An explosion froze the people who were patrolling the shore for the first time tonight, and immediately sent out a signal of enemy invasion.

Soon, a second explosion sounded in the other direction.

The third tone, the fourth tone, the fifth tone...

Every sound made the patrollers' hearts tremble, and soon He Wei summoned the experts on the island.

"He must be here to save that person named Mu!" The second elder frowned fiercely, "If you can't do it clearly, you're here to do it secretly!"

A young man who originally followed Sheng Yue had a look on his face and muttered, "That's not right... They should have discovered the mines we planted in the forest during the day. How dare they go to the island rashly..."

But this man was standing behind, and someone else was expressing opinions at the same time. His voice was only heard by the people around him, but they couldn't hear him clearly. He slapped him and reminded him to shut up and not to make He Wei unhappy by talking nonsense. The He family couldn't stand Sheng Yue's absence.

"Great Elder, I don't know how many people have come. Should we go out to fight?" one person asked.

He Wei stared, "Guard the city lord's mansion and don't go out."

"Grandpa, what if someone walks through the woods and throws explosives at the city lord's mansion?" He Peng asked.

"They are here for the hostages. They will grab the hostages and hold them in our hands to see which one of them dares to act rashly! No matter who or how many people come, in order for the hostages to survive, they must put down their weapons and be captured without mercy!" He Jun said coldly, and many people expressed their agreement.

A report came from outside the meeting hall, and the people on patrol ran back. No one wants to stay on the shore and guard. If the enemy does come, they will be the first to attack them.

He Wei listened to everyone around him saying, "Hurry up and catch the hostages." Without knowing the enemy's situation, hostages are their best shield.

"There are so many people going to the island, how could there be no boat? Didn't you see them on patrol..." The young man who felt something was wrong muttered in a low voice, but he couldn't hold it back. He thought of trying to persuade He Wei, but was stopped by him. The companion dragged him away.

"Are you crazy? Didn't you know that He Peng is preparing to cause trouble for us? Mr. Sheng has not come back, so we should be careful."

"I just feel a little strange." The man frowned. It was possible that he didn't see the ship. After all, there weren't many people patrolling, but why did the explosions sound every once in a while, and the intervals were about the same? But think about it, although it is too coincidental, it is not impossible. He didn't think clearly for a moment, and finally shut up silently under the persuasion of his companions.

The master guarding the dungeon received the order and immediately brought the hostages to the meeting hall.

Lao Mu was sleeping when he was suddenly pulled up. He was still a little confused and asked, "Where are you going?"

No one answered him. He was carried out by two people, and the chains on his feet made a crisp impact sound as they dragged on the ground.

After leaving the dungeon, Lao Mu took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. He was already awake. He was not blindfolded or gagged. It seemed like the matter was urgent? Could it be that his apprentice came to save him?

Just when Lao Mu had this idea, he heard a very subtle strange sound coming from beside him, and the two people holding him fell to the ground within a short time.

Lao Mu almost couldn't stand still. He lowered his head and saw a bloody hole between the eyebrows of the two people. His eyes immediately brightened: It must be his apprentice!

"There are thorns..." A man not far away fell to the ground dead before he could shout the last word.

Lao Mu didn't even notice where Gu Ling was hiding when he fired the cold shot. He must have been moving, and everything that happened after that was calculated before firing the first shot. The speed was incredibly fast, giving these people no time to react. And the night was an excellent cover for him. The nail gun is the best assassination weapon and makes almost no sound.

These were all very strong masters who fell to the ground one after another, but they had no idea that someone had sneaked into the city lord's mansion, and they didn't know that they were already cannon fodder destined to die in Gu Ling's careful plan.

All the masters in the city lord's palace except the dungeon were summoned to the meeting hall, so when Gu Ling was hiding in the dark, calculating the right time, and accurately bringing down the people around Lao Mu, he quickly appeared and shouted " After saying "Master", he raised the drawn Hanyue Sword, and the sword light illuminated Lao Mu's excited face.

Lao Mu understood instantly, spread his legs that were bound by iron chains, and raised his hands.

Hanyue Sword struck twice, and Lao Mu's limbs were freed again. Gu Ling stuffed a few pills into his mouth while sheathing the sword. He didn't know if Lao Mu had been poisoned or what kind of poison he was poisoned with, but Zuo was just Ruanjin powder or something to seal his internal energy, so Gu Ling gave him all the potentially useful antidotes.

Everything happened very quickly. When a person who appeared not far away realized something was wrong and shouted, Gu Ling had already carried Lao Mu on his back and rushed into the lush garden.

There was no one guarding the garden during the day. Gu Ling was quite familiar with it and carried Lao Mu on his back for a while. When they left the garden, Lao Mu felt that his body had almost recovered and asked Gu Ling to put him down. Lao Mu's martial arts is not as good as that of Lao Bai and Qiu Cong, but his light kung fu is quite powerful.

When He Wei and other masters on Xingluo Island were waiting for Lao Mu to be brought over, and then took Lao Mu hostage to confront the island's enemies, they received bad news: the hostages had just been taken away from the dungeon!

On the other side, after the mines exploded several times, not even a single person who broke into the island was seen.

The young man who had always felt something strange looked on his face and blurted out, "Make a sound in the east and attack in the west!"

He Wei's face was as if struck by lightning, and he became furious, "You've fallen into a trap! Chase after him!"


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