The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Lonicera's perspective

Su Liang laid Gu Lingping on the bed. Seeing his frown, she thought he had a severe headache. She quickly checked the back of his head and found a slightly raised bump, which was obviously caused by the fall.

"There's no bleeding." Su Liang held Gu Ling's head and placed it gently on the pillow. Then he picked up his arm and took his pulse. "There's nothing visible on the pulse, but if you feel dizzy and have a headache, it's probably mild." concussion."

Su Liang said, sighing in annoyance, "It's all my fault, it was too reckless. Master, how do you feel now? Are you still dizzy?"

Gu Ling looked at Su Liang's concerned eyes and nodded slightly, "Dizzy, it hurts."

"How much is this?" Su Liang stretched out two fingers.

Gu Ling's thin lips parted slightly, " one."

Su Liang held her forehead, "Fortunately, my God, you are clear-headed and can even joke. It shouldn't be serious. Take a rest and I'll prepare some medicine for you to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis."

After saying this, Su Liang was about to turn around and go out, when Gu Ling pulled on her clothes and said she felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, yes." Su Liang wanted to take off the cloak that Gu Ling was holding underneath him, and pulled the outer side outwards, but couldn't pull it, so he leaned forward and pulled the inner side.

If there were a third person here, they would definitely feel that they were doing something indescribable...

Finally taking off the cloak, Su Liang took off Gu Ling's shoes and socks and covered her with a quilt, "You go to sleep for a while, I'll make the medicine and call you later."

"Oh." Gu Ling closed his eyes, opened them again when he heard the footsteps leaving, and watched Su Liang hurried out and disappeared from sight.

She is very nervous about me... Gu Ling then thought of something. Su Liang always called him "the great god" and admired him very much. It seemed that he regarded him as his "idol"? Could it be because of this that Su Liang always felt that there was a distance between them and regarded him as his protector, master, and brother, so he would not consider being together at all? Perhaps he should show vulnerability when appropriate?

But the word fragile is too unfamiliar to Gu Ling. He thought about it and found that he could barely be called fragile because he needed Su Liang to be by his side and didn't want her to leave him.

How to behave? Pretending to be sick is not a long-term solution. Su Liang is a doctor and he will easily find out that this time it was a coincidence. Gu Ling really fell, but it was not as serious as he made Su Liang think.

Su Liang boiled the medicine and brought it in. When she saw Gu Ling lying with her eyes closed, she called him softly, "Great God?"

"Yes." Gu Ling opened his eyes and saw Su Liang smiling, "Are you not asleep? Then drink the medicine!"

Su Liang put down the medicine bowl, helped Gu Ling sit up, picked up the medicine, took a spoonful, blew it gently, and brought it to his mouth, "It's a bit bitter, please bear with it."

Gu Ling actually wanted to laugh a little, because he fell on his head and his hand was fine, so he could drink it by himself.

However, Gu Ling did not remind Su Liang, he just accepted the feeding silently and drank a bowl of medicine. It was indeed bitter, but he found the aftertaste sweet.

The moment Su Liang put down the bowl, Gu Ling said, "Actually, my hand is fine."

Su Liang was stunned for a moment, "Oh, yes, you just fell on your head, not paralyzed."

Gu Ling: ...So Su Liang just thought he was paralyzed...

"Go to sleep. It shouldn't be serious. You'll recover quickly after a good rest." Su Liang said and yawned.

I stayed up and ran outside for a long time at night, and it was already past midnight.

Gu Ling frowned slightly, "I remember you once said that concussion may cause amnesia?"

Su Liang nodded, "Yes, but God, you are in such good health, you just fell a little, and now you are clear-headed, so it shouldn't be that serious.

"Why did you suddenly attack me?" Gu Ling asked, reminding Su Liang how he fell.

Su Liang coughed lightly, "Didn't I say yesterday that I wanted to make you laugh? You don't feel anything when I tell a joke, and it's useless to make faces. I just want to make you laugh."

Gu Ling was really puzzled now, "Keck, what is it?"

"Master, you don't even know this? That's right, you didn't have a childhood at all. When you were a child, you were thinking about how to save people with black Yintang." Su Liang explained to Gu Ling that there are some places in the human body where the nerves are more sensitive, commonly known as " "Itchy flesh" will react physiologically when stimulated. Most people will laugh uncontrollably when their armpits are tickled.

In Su Liang's previous life, when she was a child, her classmates often used this trick to make pranks. But obviously, it is impossible for Gu Ling to have any experience in this area and not understand it.

"I see." Gu Ling nodded slightly, gaining another piece of new knowledge.

"Master," Su Liang chuckled, "Shall I try again?"

"I'm still sick, do you want me to fall under the bed?" Gu Ling refused. Although he likes Su Liang to touch him, he doesn't want touch that will cause uncontrollable physiological reactions for the time being.

"You're kidding. I know you really want to hit me, great god, so bear with it for now." Su Liang patted Gu Ling's quilt gently, "I decided to give up on making you laugh. It's not as difficult as beating you with me. same height."

"You promised." Gu Ling disagreed.

Su Liang sighed slightly, "Okay, I agreed. Since you insist, Master, it means you want to laugh, then why don't you try to laugh? Come and learn from me."

Su Liang stretched out her index fingers and made a movement to raise the corners of her mouth. She showed a standard smile, while Gu Ling remained expressionless.

"Forget it, take a rest." Su Liang said that today's attempt is over and he is tired.

"Okay." Gu Ling actually wanted Su Liang to stay, but sleeping on the same bed was not suitable. Su Liang would not agree, and he was also afraid of any physiological reactions he would have. If he asked Su Liang to stay vigil, she would definitely not refuse, but Gu Ling felt heartbroken.

By the time Su Liang fell asleep, it was already past the third watch.

Early the next morning, Lonicera was wandering outside Su Liang and Gu Ling's yard. She felt strange when she saw no movement inside. Su Liang's life is very regular. She rarely sleeps in and gets up at the same time every day.

Liao Dong waited for a while, then went in and knocked on the door, worried that something had happened and it was time for Su Liang to enter the palace to give Situ Han acupuncture.

When Su Liang rubbed his eyes and opened the door, Rendong was stunned, "I thought the master was not here."

"What time is it?" Su Liang asked.

Lonicera told the time, and Su Liang suddenly woke up, "Help me get some water!"

Then, Su Liang finished washing and changing clothes within a quarter of an hour, then went next door to check on Gu Ling and saw that he was still lying down.

"Master, I'm sorry, I got up late. I'll make some medicine for you when I get back from the palace." After saying this, Su Liang went out and rode into the palace without taking a carriage.

Although from the doctor's point of view, it didn't matter if she gave Situ Han the acupuncture an hour late, but from the patient's point of view, this was not the case, and her patient this time was still the emperor of a country.

Su Liang still gave Situ Han acupuncture on time that day. After the end, Situ Han invited her to play chess together. Su Liang said that Gu Ling was sick and she had to go back early to take care of him.

Situ Han looked concerned and asked what disease his Gu family nephew had. Su Liang answered like this, "He suffers from sleepwalking. He ran to the frozen lake in the garden for some reason in the middle of the night. When I found out, he had already fallen." fainted."

Situ Han looked surprised, "Sleepwalking syndrome? Can this be cured?"

Su Liang shook his head, "I still don't know what caused it. He was already awake when I came, but he didn't remember going to the garden last night. His head was injured."

"Then go back quickly and take good care of Gu Ling." Situ Han let him go after hearing this.

Su Liang quickly returned to Prince Ning's Mansion and dismounted at the entrance of the main courtyard.

Lonicera took the reins of the horse and told Su Liang that Gu Ling never came out.

"Well, he's not feeling well." Su Liang said and walked inside, "You can go out to play, wander around, and eat out, so you don't have to save money for me. By the way, it's time to buy new year's goods. You can buy them as you see ”

Liao Dong looked at Su Liang's back walking straight towards Gu Ling's room, and couldn't help but laugh or cry. In fact, they were master and servant, but she often felt that Su Liang not only regarded her as a friend, but even doted on her...

The only thing Lonicera needs to do is to be obedient. She knew that Su Liang had a secret, but she didn't want to explore it. Su Liang didn't like the way she was groveling. He hoped she would say what she wanted to say, but she was still adjusting her mentality.

When Su Liang saw Gu Ling, he had changed his clothes and was sitting on the bed reading a book.

She reached out and took the book from Gu Ling's hand and put it aside, "You need to rest. Sleeping more will be helpful for recovery."

Gu Ling said in a faint tone, "I'm too hungry and can't sleep."

Su Liang coughed lightly, "I'll make breakfast right away."

Although it had been a while, Su Liang still made porridge and egg pancakes as usual for breakfast.

"You eat first, and I'll prepare the medicine." Su Liang put down the food, and Gu Ling had already gotten out of bed and walked over.

When he reached the door, Su Liang turned around and asked, "Are you not dizzy?"

"One more thing." Gu Ling said.

Su Liang sighed and went to the kitchen to make medicine.

After boiling the medicine, the two of them had breakfast together. When they put down their chopsticks, Su Liang mentioned her nonsense in front of Situ Han.

Gu Ling nodded slightly, "Sleepwalking syndrome, not bad."

Su Liang's lips curled up slightly, "I knew you would like it, Master. From now on, if you do something bad in the middle of the night and someone finds out, don't talk, don't look at people, just leave, and you won't remember anything the next day. Then I will Please Situ Han testify that you have been suffering from sleepwalking for a long time."

"Very good. If I hit you tonight, please don't mind. It's because I'm sleepwalking." Gu Ling said.

Su Liang sighed, "I knew that because of what happened last night, you really wanted to hit me." As he said that, Su Liang leaned forward and stretched his head over, "You can hit me on the forehead and I'll be clean." ”

Gu Ling raised his hand and bent his index finger.

Su Liang thought she was going to be hit hard, but Gu Ling just tapped her head lightly and took it back.

Su Liang blurted out, "Master, aren't you full?"

Gu Ling waved, "Come here."

Su Liang stood up and left, "I'm just kidding, everything is clear. I'm going to take a look at the medicine."

By the time the medicine was ready and Gu Ling had finished drinking it, it was almost noon.

The sun was out and it was bright outside, but it was still cold.

Gu Ling mentioned that last night Su Liang said that he wanted to dig through the ice for fishing. Su Liang couldn't say anything, but he insisted on going to the garden to get some fresh air.

So Su Liang found tools and made two small fishing rods.

Gu Ling, wearing a cloak and hood, walked in front.

Su Liang followed behind, carrying a small wooden bucket in one hand and two small benches in the other.

Gu Ling stopped and waited for her. Su Liang took two quick steps to reach him, "I don't know if there are any fish in the lake. Master, if you feel uncomfortable, go back and rest first."

"It's okay." Gu Ling shook his head slightly.

Stepping onto the ice lake, Su Liang quickly found the place where they fell last night. At first glance, it looked like there were signs of a fight. Where Gu Ling knocked his head, there were still small cracks on the ice.

"Just here!" Su Liang inserted the ice-cutting awl into the ice where the back of Gu Ling's head had been in close contact, and the cracks instantly enlarged.

She set up a small bench and asked Gu Ling to sit next to her. She began to chip away at the ice with an awl and a hammer, and poured a pot of hot water over it to melt the ice.

The ice layer was very thick. Su Liang made a hole and water came up. After clearing away the broken ice, Su Liang gave Gu Ling a small fishing rod with bait on it.

Then Su Liang dug another hole not far away. She and Gu Ling sat side by side, facing the sun with their backs to the wind, and started fishing for ice fish.

After a quarter of an hour, nothing was gained.

"Master, are you cold?" Su Liang asked.

Gu Ling replied, "It's okay."

"are you hungry?"


"Boring or not?"


"How about forgetting it?"


Su Liang looked at the sky speechlessly. She had never really liked this kind of almost still, waiting activity. She proposed it last night because she just thought Gu Ling would like it. Gu Ling really likes him, but she can only accompany him because of her unreasonableness.

Then, Gu Ling asked Su Liang's question again.

"Are you cold?"

Su Liang nodded, "Cold."

"are you hungry?"

Su Liang nodded, "Hungry."

"Boring or not?"

Su Liang nodded again, "Boring."

"Okay." Gu Ling said, "Go back and put on some clothes, bring snacks, tea, and a stove."

Su Liang:......

When Su Liang came back with a basket, he saw Gu Ling's small fishing rod lifted up.

She quickly ran over to take a look, and saw a crucian carp one foot long being pulled up from the ice hole with its tail swung.

Gu Ling placed the fish on the ice and then lifted Su Liang's small fishing rod in his other hand.

"I'll do it!" Su Liang quickly put down the basket, wanting to experience the fun of catching a fish, but Gu Ling was afraid that the fish would run away and did not let go.

Then, Su Liang wrapped his hands around Gu Ling's and together they pulled the fish up. It was a plump carp.

When the fish fell on the ice, Su Liang immediately let go of Gu Ling's hand and went to untie the fish and put it into a small wooden bucket.

Looking at the two fish in the barrel, Su Liang instantly felt neither cold nor hungry nor bored, "Braised carp, steamed crucian carp."

"I want to eat fried fish nuggets." Gu Ling said.

"Then you catch another big one." Su Liang sat back in her seat, "You're already here, catch more and we'll eat it during the New Year."

There was probably a fish nest under the place where he fell last night. After the two fish were hooked, fish were caught one after another. It was not until the small wood was almost full that Su Liang and Gu Ling unanimously decided to end today's ice fishing activity.

Then, Gu Ling carried the basket, Su Liang carried the barrel, and moved the small bench, and went back together with a full harvest.

"Hey, Master, ice fishing is so fun, aren't you happy?" Su Liang asked.

Gu Ling nodded, "I'm happy."

"Why don't you want to smile when you are happy?" Su Liang expressed confusion.

Gu Ling looked at her and said, "You owe me this. I can't let you succeed easily, otherwise it will be boring."

Su Liang hummed softly, "Master, you intend to make it more difficult for me. Isn't that very kind?"

"You promised." Gu Ling still said the same thing, and then suddenly turned around and stood in front of Su Liang, blocking her way.

"Master, what are you doing?" Su Liang was stunned.

Gu Ling raised her hand and patted Su Liang's head gently, then turned around and continued walking forward.

Su Liang was confused, "Master, is your brain filled with water and frozen?"

"I hit you too hard this morning and you were not satisfied, so I just made up for it," Gu Ling said.

Su Liang said in a cool tone, "I won't make fried fish nuggets today."

Gu Ling glanced at her and said, "I have a headache."

Su Liang noticed that Gu Ling seemed to be pretending, "Master, how many days are you going to have a headache? Let me be mentally prepared."

Gu Ling thought for a while and said, "I think it will be fine tomorrow.

the next day.

Gu Ling, who had eaten fried fish nuggets and crucian carp soup the day before, said he wanted to eat sweet and sour pork ribs today.

Su Liang refused to order, and Gu Ling said she had a headache.

Su Liang said angrily, "Master, you haven't lost your memory. What did you say yesterday?"

Gu Ling looked at Su Liang and said, "I said yesterday that it will be fine tomorrow. My head still hurts today. What's wrong?"

Only then did Su Liang realize that Gu Ling had trapped him. He immediately stood up and touched the bag on the back of Gu Ling's head. If the swelling subsides, the matter will be over.

The window was open, and Liandong came to give Su Liang the red paper for cutting window grilles. At a glance, he saw Su Liang standing on tiptoes, seemingly hugging Gu Ling...

Lonicera immediately turned around, silently hugged the red paper, took three steps in two steps and left.

Gu Ling's head was not completely swollen, so Su Liang could only accept the current situation of his headache.

When Su Liang saw Lonicera again, she felt like she was hesitant to speak.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Su Liang was cutting a large piece of red paper with scissors, planning to let the ingenious Gu Ling cut the window grilles.

"Master..." Rendong lowered his voice subconsciously, "Master, are you forcibly kissing Marquis Changxin today?"

Su Liang's hand shook and he almost stabbed himself, "What?"

"My subordinates accidentally saw that the master and Marquis Changxin were hugging each other, with their heads still moving..." Ling Dong's voice became lower and lower, but he couldn't help but sigh, "The progress is so fast!"

"You are wrong, we are not..." Su Liang was speechless, "Even if we really hugged each other, why was I the one who forced him to kiss him? Am I that kind of person?"

Lonicera gave Su Liang a look and let her experience it for herself.

Su Liang coughed lightly. It was true that she was "crazy for love" and she couldn't blame Lonicera, so she explained, "He injured the back of his head from a fall. I'm looking at the injury for him."

Lonicera was very puzzled, "Then why doesn't the master stand behind him and watch?"

Su Liang found that he was speechless...

Lonicera smiled slightly, gave Su Liang an "I know you want to take the opportunity to hug Chang Xinhou" look, and turned around to go out.

Su Liang sat down holding the scissors and thought thoughtfully: Recently, she and Gu Ling have become more close than friends...


Asking for a monthly ticket (*^▽^*)


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