The moonlight was bright outside the window, and there were only a few flickers of fireflies in the room.

Su Liang and Gu Ling were so close that their breathing could be heard.

Su Liang stared at Firefly, and Gu Ling stared at her smiling eyes.

"Hey, Great God." Su Liang spoke and lowered his voice subconsciously.

Gu Ling responded, "Huh?"

"Do you know why fireflies glow?" Su Liang asked.

Gu Ling shook his head, "I'd like to hear the details."

"The light emitters of fireflies will emit light, starting from the nerve impulse transmitted to the luminescent cells, which causes the originally inhibited luciferin to be released. There is a phosphorus-containing chemical substance called luciferin in the luminescent cells of fireflies. , is oxidized under the catalysis of luciferin, and the energy generated is released in the form of light." Su Liang thought of the explanation he saw on the Internet in his previous life.

Gu Ling frowned slightly, "Do you think I understand?"

"Actually, I don't understand very well." Su Liang shook his head.

Gu Ling asked, "Nerve impulse? Why impulse?"

Su Liang chuckled and said, "It's mostly for courtship. Male insects shine to attract females, which is the same nature as a peacock's."

Gu Ling was stunned for a moment, but Su Liang didn't look at his expression and didn't notice.

Dots of fireflies flew out from the open window. Su Liang lit the lamp again and said seriously, "Fortunately, your jade pendant will glow at night. I found it this time, but be sure to keep it and don't drop it again."

Gu Ling walked out, "Yes, thank you General Su." He went outside, picked up the food box, and strode away.

Su Liang walked to the window, looked up at the moon for a while, and thought that the training plan for the new recruit camp needed to be carefully considered. Compared with the ones Su Liang had trained in Xuanbei City, these recruits were in much worse physical condition. Step by step.

As for the competition between the recruit camp and the elite team in a month, Su Liang is not too worried.

Not because she thinks she can win, but because she doesn't care about that. Duanmu Yi wanted to see her ability and consider whether to promote her, but she didn't care about promotion. I had originally thought that it would be a good thing if Duanmu Yi aroused suspicion due to Duanmu Sheng's disappearance and no longer reused her. Now I just let nature take its course and do what I have to do.

And when she trains new recruits, she wants to improve their physical fitness in the right way and teach them to become qualified soldiers, rather than trying to force them to defeat an elite squad within a month.

But even so, Su Liang still plans to get to know the strength of the elite team tomorrow. Even if it wasn't for the competition, she still wanted to see what the strongest soldier in the Forbidden Army was like.

By the time Su Liang went through the training plan she had written in the afternoon from beginning to end, it was already late at night.

After a simple wash, Su Liang went to bed.

On the other side, the conditions in the new barracks were quite simple. Gu Ling chose a position to sleep against the wall, but there were still people on one side, although not right next to each other.

It was Qiu Ming, the recruit who was selected as Su Liang's entourage together with Gu Ling. He was very talkative and had already taken the initiative to tell where his home was, how many people he had, why he wanted to join the army, what day he arrived in the capital, and how many clothes he brought with him. There are a few taels of silver left.

Out of courtesy, Gu Ling also shared his situation. The whole family died, the last wish of the deceased father and so on.

"Hey, Hansu, are you asleep?" Qiu Ming turned over and called Gu Ling in a low voice.

Gu Ling turned sideways to the wall and heard it, but ignored it. Qiu Ming said nothing.

Lin Bojun is now married and has never lived in a military camp again. Unless there is something important, he has to rush home for dinner.

When he arrived at the military camp early that morning, he went to watch Su Liang train new recruits.

The morning fog had just dissipated, and the cold and serious female voice on the training ground was shouting slogans, which was particularly beautiful.

Lin Bojun waited for Su Liang to lead the team and ran nearby, and waved to her.

"Qiu Ming comes out, keep going!" Su Liang asked Qiu Ming, who lasted to the end of yesterday's run and was very popular, to become the captain.

Qiu Ming then led the team to run away, and Su Liang walked towards Lin Bojun.

"Gao Jiabao insisted on following you, and I didn't stop him." Lin Bojun said with a smile, "But you didn't even let him be your deputy?"

Su Liang shook his head, "He demands equal treatment."

"That's fine. You guys came from the same martial arts competition. You should know him better than I do." Lin Bojun said and looked at the group of recruits running away. "I heard there is a good-looking guy here?"

Su Liang said calmly, "The overall appearance of our recruit camp is not bad. In terms of first place, the boy named Han is second, and Gao Jiabao is second. If they compare with the second brother Lin..."

"How?" Lin Bojun asked subconsciously.

"Second brother Lin should be ranked third," Su Liang joked.

Lin Bojun hummed, "Yu Jin said I'm the prettiest."

Su Liang nodded, "That's necessary. What did Brother Lin get?"

Lin Bojun reacted and quickly handed the food box in his hand to Su Liang, "I was busy chatting and forgot about the real thing. This is the breakfast that Yujin prepared for you, as well as some snacks that she and her sister-in-law made together. Last night, little sister With Yu Sheng here, my little sister wanted to bring you food, but dad stopped me."

Su Liang took it and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law and second sister-in-law. Xue Qing has moved next door to my house?"

Lin Bojun nodded, "I moved here yesterday, but you are not at home, which makes my little sister very disappointed."

"She's already married, why is she staring at me every day?" Su Liang shook his head, "I don't think your brother-in-law will be disappointed."

"That's true." After Lin Bojun finished speaking, someone called him not far away, and he left.

Su Liang waited for the team to run up to her again and told Qiu Ming to go have breakfast after running two more laps.

Su Liang's eyes met Gu Ling's again. She thought that she could ask Gu Ling to help her carry the food box and take him to have breakfast with her, but she quickly gave up the idea. If she treats a new recruit in a different light, it won't hurt if others suspect that she is interested in Gu Ling's beauty. If someone who knows something about the situation and is suspicious notices it, they may suspect that Ning Jing is alive.

For example, Lin Bojun, who knew "Ningjing" was a powerful martial artist, Duanmu Yi and Duanmu Chen, father and son in the royal family, and Lin Qi, who taught her the art of disguise.

Therefore, Su Liang walked away alone carrying the food box given by Lin Bojun. Gu Ling looked away as usual, trained with the others, and went to have breakfast together afterward.

There is no table for eating in the military camp. You have to stand, squat, or sit on the ground.

As soon as Gu Ling sat under the tree with breakfast, Qiu Ming and Gao Jiabao came over.

"General Gao is familiar with General Su, right?" Qiu Ming asked.

Gao Jiabao shook his head, "We are friends, but not familiar. She is very measured in her dealings with people."

Qiu Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said with a clear look, "Yes, it turns out that General Su has a fiancé, but it's a pity that God is jealous of Yingcai."

Gu Ling didn't say much, and just listened to Qiu Ming and Gao Jiabao talking about the competition in a month's time. Both of them attach great importance to this and hope to win. They both believe that if they lose, they will be sorry for Su Liang.

"Hansu, are you good at martial arts?" Qiu Ming asked.

Gu Ling nodded, "Yeah."

"I can do it. My father is a bodyguard. I grew up in a bodyguard station and learned some boxing and kicking skills from my uncles. But I think being a bodyguard is boring. I originally wanted to go to Xuanbei City to join the army, but I didn't expect to pass by the capital. , I'm actually lucky, and it's a rare opportunity to encounter the Forbidden Army recruiting troops!" Qiu Ming said with a smile, "My family doesn't know that I am in the capital yet. When we can go out someday, I will write a letter to my family to report that I am safe!"

Gao Jiabao said, "I'm going home tomorrow. You can give me the letter and I'll take it out for you. Ask someone to help deliver the letter."

Qiu Ming looked happy, "That's great! Thank you, General Gao!"

"I'm just like you, just call me by my name." Gao Jiabao liked Qiu Ming very much.

The breakfast Qin Yujin prepared for Su Liang was so rich that she couldn't finish it and left two buns in the room. The other delicate and delicious snacks were left untouched.

This morning, Su Liang briefly explained the next training plan to the recruits, and then led them to start the first day of formal training.

Many of the new recruits couldn't bear it any longer, but Su Liang was much stricter than yesterday, asking them to persist without hurting their bodies.

It was approaching noon and half a day of training was over. Su Liang was sweating and planned to go back and wash up.

Not long after she returned to her residence, Qiu Ming and Gu Ling brought food and water.

The small courtyard where Su Liang lived originally had a stove, but it had not been used for a long time. Lin Bojun had sent people to clean and repair it in the morning, and prepared dry firewood and a new bathtub specifically for Su Liang's use.

Gu Ling was boiling bath water for Su Liang, and she asked them if they had eaten.

After Qiu Ming said not yet, Su Liang said, "Then you go and eat first and take his food, so you don't have to go late and have nothing to eat."

Qiu Ming ran away.

Su Liang brought the buns left in the morning to Gu Ling, "Yu Jin made them. If you feel they are too cold, bake them on the fire."

As he said this, Su Liang felt that Gu Ling's diet had plummeted after joining the army.

Gu Ling wiped her hands, took it, and ate it without reheating it.

"If you ask me, you should just find some excuse to withdraw. Anyway, you have experienced it, and it will only be more difficult in the future." Su Liang put forward her suggestion. Mainly because he felt that Gu Ling would not improve his strength or character if he could live a comfortable life but come here to experience life. It was unnecessary.

Gu Ling shook his head, "No."

Su Liang shrugged, "As long as you are happy. If the food here is not to your liking, I will leave some snacks in my room for you. If you want to eat, go get it yourself without letting anyone see it."

"Okay." Gu Ling nodded and asked Su Liang, "Have you ever seen a peacock spread its tail?"

"I've seen it before, in the zoo. It's very beautiful." Su Liang said, "Aren't there any peacocks here?"

Gu Ling said that Yan Guo had it, but he had only heard about it and had never seen it with his own eyes.

Su Liang said casually, "Whenever I have the opportunity, I will go to Yan Country to visit."

The person who came to deliver dinner that day was Qiu Ming. Gu Ling didn't show up, so Su Liang had no chance to tell him a story during dinner.

Gu Ling lives with others and disappears in the middle of the night, which can easily arouse suspicion.

Therefore, when Su Liang was getting ready to go to bed, Gu Ling didn't appear, so she thought it was normal.

However, when Su Liang got up and prepared to go out the next day, she noticed that the top two pieces of the snacks she had left on the table for Gu Ling were missing...

It couldn't be anyone else, and Su Liang didn't know when Gu Ling came last night.

That afternoon, Su Liang saw the training of the elite squad of the Forbidden Army. They were carefully selected. They were all tall and strong, with good martial arts skills. Some of them had been on the battlefield and were much stronger than the new recruits.

"The emperor didn't say how we will compete at that time, but I have confidence in you." Lin Bojun said to Su Liang.

Su Liang shook his head, "I will slowly increase the intensity of the recruits' training, but winning or losing doesn't matter."

It was night, and it was Qiu Ming who came to deliver dinner to Su Liang.

Su Liang was not too hungry, so she let him put it down and left.

"Yes, General Su." Qiu Ming respectfully excused himself.

As soon as he went out, he saw Gao Jiabao coming. Although he volunteered to be a new recruit for training, he was actually still a junior general and could move around freely in the military camp.

"I've asked someone to send your letter away!" Gao Jiabao went home in the afternoon and just came back, holding in his hand the things that Dr. Gao asked him to bring to Su Liang.

Upon hearing this, Qiu Ming quickly thanked Gao Jiabao.

"I brought something delicious for you and Han Su." Gao Jiabao took out an oil paper bag from the basket he was carrying and handed it to Qiu Ming, "The signature sauce pork elbow of Wanjia Restaurant in Beijing."

Qiu Ming was overjoyed and took it happily.

Gao Jiabao carried the basket and walked to Su Liang's room.

The moment Qiu Ming turned around, his eyes turned cold...

"I don't know what you like to eat, but my mother made this." Gao Jiabao brought out a box of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, and a miscellaneous book lent to her by Dr. Gao, which contained some related medical skills.

Su Liang tasted a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in a dignified manner, nodded and said, "It's delicious." Before she finished speaking, she picked up the book.

Gao Jiabao was not surprised. Seeing that the food on Su Liang's table was untouched, he heard her say, "If you haven't eaten yet, just eat it here. I'm hungry and have sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

In order not to come back too late, Gao Jiabao did not have dinner at home. He thought he had something else to ask Su Liang, so he stopped being polite to her.

Because Su Liang was reading, Gao Jiabao ate quietly, planning to finish eating before talking.

The doors and windows were open, the wind was blowing outside, and the leaves were rustling.

Gao Jiabao put down his chopsticks, while Su Liang was still concentrating on reading.

"I have something to ask you..." Gao Jiabao just started to speak, but suddenly blood started to bleed from the corner of his mouth and his eyes turned red.

Su Liang heard this, closed the book and looked over, "What's the matter?"

After seeing Gao Jiabao's strange behavior, Su Liang's expression changed, and he threw down the book in his hand, wanting to take his pulse.

As a result, before his hand touched Gao Jiabao's arm, he stood up suddenly, drew out his sword, and stabbed Su Liang!

"Gao Jiabao!" Su Liang quickly dodged away.

Gao Jiabao seemed unable to hear and went crazy as if he wanted to kill Su Liang.

Su Liang's heart sank hard! There's something wrong with today's dinner! He must have been poisoned! And this poison was originally meant for her. If she took it and turned into a murderer uncontrollably, the consequences would be disastrous!

Su Liang concentrated, avoiding Gao Jiabao's attacks while looking for opportunities to control him.

On the other side, Qiu Ming came to Gu Ling with the pickled elbows sent by Gao Jiabao and said that he wanted to share them with him.

"It looks delicious at first sight!" Qiu Ming said with a smile.

Gu Ling's expression was indifferent, "It's too greasy. I won't eat it. You can eat it."

When Qiu Ming heard this, he took back the elbow he handed over, but did not eat it. Instead, he put it back into the oil paper bag, "Then let's eat it tomorrow. It's too late today."

Gu Ling's eyes fell on Qiu Ming's eyebrows, then turned to the elbow that he had put away, and his eyes narrowed!

When Qiu Ming looked up again, Gu Ling was gone.


Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass (*^▽^*)

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