The Divine Hunter

Chapter 4 Kyle Siren

Silent night.

A quiet house surrounded by a wooden fence, the structure of the house is no different from the classics of the country - with a barn, a shed, a chicken coop, a garden and a manure heap.

There is also a charcoal kiln.

The woman comforted the black dog in the hospital, sneaked into the side room, walked out carrying a light sack, then knelt down at the main house with a chimney, whispered a few words in her mouth, repented , begging forgiveness, expressing determination...

She stood up suddenly, and quickly and neatly tied the ponytail under her hat into a bundle, her thin lips were pursed into a line, and a hint of determination flashed across her delicate face.

She clenched her fists, controlled her hands, and took a deep breath.

"Let's go, Master..."

Roy glanced at her, "Igsena, don't you hate the old man at home? Say goodbye to him and repent."

"Although the old guy often beats me and scolds me, but after all, it is my father who raised me," Iggena said in a low voice, her eyes slightly reddened, "After a few years, he will recognize the reality and calm down. Now, I might bring Cohen back to see him... um, give him old age!"

Are women so duplicitous?

Roy shook his head, walked side by side with her into the night, walked to the beach, and headed towards the dark silhouette of the Dragon Mountains.


The girls in the countryside are not as squeamish as the young ladies in the city.

The two walked from late at night to noon the next day. Dawn broke out of the horizon and rose to the center of the sky. Water vapor filled their body. The cold wind blowing from the sea hit their cheeks like tiny hailstones, causing bursts of pain.

She didn't say a word, didn't even stop to rest once.

At noon, the two came to the area near the ocean at the foot of the Giant Dragon Mountain.

The huge and hazy mountain range is like a giant dragon lying down on the top of the northern border. The position of the coast in the extreme west is probably just a scale on the top of its head, and a corner is split outward.

Roy stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up with extreme eyesight.

The white snow on the mountainside reflects pale golden light in the sun, and a narrow flagstone road winds its way up the snowy slopes.

And the higher mountains,

Hidden in the clouds and mist, disappearing and appearing from time to time.

Roy took out the map and looked at it, wondering if he should circle and investigate on Golfing.

And Ignatius walked to the side of the stone road and looked under a snow-covered pine tree, with a happy face, and excitedly swung the sack around in a circle.

"Master Roy, we came at the right time! Cohen left a mark, which means that he is still in the castle!"

"Well, this is the will of fate, let's go..."

The two of them quickly walked up the flagstone road. The snow on both sides of the road was like white silk and satin. From time to time, there were rows of pocket footprints left by small animals, like the embroidery on the satin. .

But after less than ten minutes of admiration along the way, the witcher suddenly stopped and took off his sunglasses.

100 meters high light ski slope.

A figure emerged from the clouds and quickly approached the two people below.

But the way he descended the mountain was unusual - he slid down on a pair of sledges.

From time to time, the two snowball fights tapped the ground to keep his body balanced, or swerved quickly and lithely around broken branches, rubble on the slope, and jumped over huge obstacles.

Make a series of beautiful twists.

Leaves a row of scratches running straight across the snow.

His posture is smooth and free, with a fluttering smell, like a dolphin with its dorsal fin sticking out of the sea and swimming at high speed.


The skier swerved abruptly less than ten meters in front of the two, and the wooden sled pointing down the slope suddenly slammed horizontally.

The thick snowflakes under the sleigh were shoveled into the air and splashed in all directions.

The man took off the sled fastened to the boots and clipped it with the pole clip under his left armpit and walked towards the two of them.

Ignatius was excited to meet him, and the whole body hung on him like a sloth.

The man wrapped his arms around her and turned around.

The slender calf is like a skirt flying in the wind, drawing a playful circle against the ground.

The man took off his black mask, revealing a pale complexion, tough facial features, and a handsome face.

He has thick black hair, a short black beard on his chin, and under his cheeks and lips is dotted with acne scars left by the healing of smallpox, but these scars did not make him too bad and unsightly, but in a certain To a certain extent, it adds a rough masculinity.

He was tall, strong, and composed. Two pale blue hilts emerged from behind his shoulders.

With a smile on his face that shines brightly like the sun after reuniting with his lover after a long absence.

Roy's eyes became deep.


Age: 48

Sex: Male

Occupation: Griffin school witcher

Life: 160

Mana: 200


Strength: 17

Agility: 16

Constitution: 16

Perception: 12

Will: 7

Charisma: 6

Spirit: 20


Witcher Seal lv8: Quinn, Axie, Arden, Igni, Alder, Heliotrope.

Kramp: Consume a small amount of magic power to break the magic illusion, or create an illusion of yourself near the body to confuse the enemy.

Griffin Sect Secret Art lv3: This stage only includes double seals - the two hands synergistically draw a spell, which is far more powerful than single-hand seals, and consumes more magic power.

Alchemy lv8, Meditation lv6, Griffin School Longsword Swordsmanship lv7, Witcher Senses lv8



The pupils behind Roy's sunglasses shone brightly.

This was the first time he had seen a witcher with a second-order spiritual attribute, and his meditation skills were not inferior to older Brotherhood members.

"The Griffin is absolutely unique in terms of magic."

Of course, what he cares most about is the seventh seal that Cohen has mastered...and the secret law of the Griffin sect.

He had a strong hunch that this visit would definitely be rewarded.

"Igsena, why did you come to the mountains?" Cohen took the woman's hand in his arms in surprise, "Didn't we make an appointment to see you next week, your father beat you?"

The woman pursed her lips hesitantly,

"Who is this friend?"

Keen's intertwined pupils of white, yellow, and green look a bit weird, but his eyes are clear and friendly, which inexplicably makes people feel good.

"Your Excellency is the Griffin Witcher Cohen? My name is Roy," the young man waved his right hand at him, "Snake Witcher, and a member of the Witcher Brotherhood, from Novigrad Come... Explore the teleporting Griffin Holy Land, Kayle Siren, just to facilitate communication between the schools."

"Snake faction, witcher brotherhood?" Cohen held the woman's hand, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then turned to the pendant between Roy's neck, "Forgive my ignorance, I have never seen a snake faction witcher. "

"That's normal. The base camp of the Snake Sect was originally in the Nilfgaardian Empire in the south," Roy said calmly. "It's just moved to the north more than a year ago."

Cohen nodded, then asked,

"What kind of organization is the Brotherhood of Witchers? Sounds like... similar to the Brotherhood of Warlocks?"

"This question is a long story..." Roy looked over his shoulder, "How about this? Let's find a place to sit down and talk slowly."

"I promise, there is no malicious intent."

"My dear, Master Roy saved my life... So I brought him here." Igsena helped, her voice and expression were extremely gentle, completely lacking the savageness she had when confronting the two villagers.

She recounted her previous experience.

Cohen's face sank first, anger flashed in his pupils, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

With a sincere expression of gratitude,

"Your Excellency Roy, thank you for everything you have done for Igsena! It would have been a disaster without your intervention!"

"I owe you a favor!"

He reached out to the witcher.

Roy shook his hand firmly and smiled heartily,

"To be honest, anyone with a sense of justice will not sit idly by."

"Since I met her, I helped her... You don't have to care."

Keen's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help nodding, with a hint of approval on his face.

"In that case, come with me, Your Excellency... The teacher is also at home, he will be very happy to see you."


Heading down the winding mountain trails, the temperature plummeted.

The further you go into the mountains, the colder the climate gets. The wind was not fast, but it was frighteningly cold, like a steel knife scraping the face, and the cheeks of passers-by were flushed.

The couple, Ignatius and Cohen, held their bodies close together like magnets, warming each other and biting their ears intimately.

Roy behind them put on a hood behind his head, unwillingly tucked the Golphin Black Cat into the collar on his chest, and gave it a roll order.

The fluff frantically rubbed against the skin, and the witcher felt better.

The terrain is getting steeper.

Both sides are snow slopes with a gradient of nearly 75 degrees, leaving only a narrow and steep snow-covered stone road in the center.

Milky white rime hung from the pine trees, and from a distance, these opaque layers of ice reflected colorful sunlight.

The view is gorgeous.

But the witcher didn't appreciate it.

After walking for half an hour without stopping, the terrain began to drop again, extending to the west coastline. Soon after, the three arrived at their destination.

The once majestic and lofty fortress of Kel-Seren stood on the cliffs of the Povis coastline. Most of the buildings were deeply buried by snow and turned into a wide and flat ruin. Only the tops of five or six towers rose. Out of the ground, it can barely be called a few low-rise bungalows.

Even so, the rooms were badly damaged, with signs of collapse and cracking everywhere, revealing mottled wall tiles.

Most of them are old blue-gray, and some are lighter in color, obviously artificially repaired later...

The roof is covered with a thick layer of snow, and crystal clear ice ridges hang from the eaves.

There is no doubt that living in it is definitely not a pleasant experience, and most people keep it away.

"Welcome to Kyle Siren, Roy, the place is simple, don't take offense." Cohen finally let go of his girlfriend's hand, turned and smiled at his fellow witcher, with pride on his face,

"Your Excellency is modest, Kyle Siren can be regarded as a famous fortress. For witchers, it has an extraordinary meaning, and naturally it can't just look at the appearance."

"I'm interested in its history."

Roy stepped into the land, walked straight along the courtyard, and couldn't help walking to the edge of the cliff, beside a standing stone tablet in the icy world.

There are traces of the vicissitudes of life baptized everywhere on the stone tablet, but it is not covered with any snow and ice, and written in ancient language "Kel Siren" and a date.

"1029 Soul Moon"

More than two hundred and thirty years ago.

He overlooked the back through the stone tablet. The sea water more than 20 meters below rippled violent and strange vortexes, and the huge waves that were constantly raised slapped the coastal reefs. It seems to be shaky, faintly dizzying.

At the same time the pendant between the necks hummed again.

This time it was more violent, like a sparrow trying to break free from its snare.

He controlled the badge, but there was so much chaotic energy that it still penetrated into his body pervasively, making the magic value in a strange overflowing state.

A magical aura flashed before his eyes.

"This is a magical place?!"

"You're right." A gentle and magnetic male voice sounded, and Roy turned around.

An old man walked out of the central tower and stood under the eaves, out of the sun.

He was dressed in a light reddish-brown robe, his long gray-brown hair was draped over his shoulders, and his back was straight.

There is a circle of carefully groomed beards around his lips, his eyes are sunken, and his eyes are bloodshot, as if he hadn't rested much.

The cheeks are long and narrow, the features are handsome, and the amber eyes are not as intimidating as most witchers, but instead shone with the light of wisdom.

He was holding a book in his left hand, a quill in his right, and a canvas pocket wrapped around his waist.

The kind usually used to hold books and literature.

He dresses less like a witcher who hunts monsters for a living, and more like a knowledgeable professor at Ossenfurt University, or the administrator of the private library of some great nobleman.

He also looked like a well-maintained middle-aged man in his forties.


Age: 193

Sex: Male

Status: Grand Master of the Griffin School (proficient in all Griffin arts)

Life: 170

Mana: 270


Strength: 16

Agility: 16

Constitution: 17

Perception: 14

Will: 9

Charisma: 7

Spirit: 27


Witcher Seal lv10: Quinn (mutation), Axie (mutation), Arden (mutation), Igni (mutation), Alder (mutation), Heliotrop (mutation), Curran Pu (variation).

Griffin Sect Secret Art lv8: This stage includes double seals and the roars of the four world spirits improved from the elemental realm, which can mobilize the mixed energy in the air and greatly enhance the power of the seals.

Alchemy lv10, Meditation lv9, Griffin School Longsword Swordsmanship lv10, Witcher Senses lv10, Portal lv6, Magic Tricks lv3

Law source (passive curing).

Other slightly.


"This land is filled with the pulsation of chaotic energy. A long time ago, elf mages discovered its value and built a castle here." Kelda was still writing in rustling, and his amber pupils looked at Roy. , "Friends from afar, what's the point of visiting Kyle Siren?"

"Respected Lord Kelda, I'm Roy the Snake Sect witcher..." Roy bowed to him with an undisguised respect, just as Vesemir is the spiritual symbol of the Wolf Sect.

And Kelda is the backbone and guardian of the Griffin faction.

The whole school was destroyed more thoroughly than Kyle Morhen, reduced to a true ruin.

He still doesn't give up.

Said he was pedantic, but used this pile of ruins to train a new apprentice - Cohen.

The fate of the Griffin continued for decades.

What he does is admirable.

What's more, he also has so many powerful skills——

Roy himself only has a variation of the Igni seal, and this old man has all the seven seals mutated.

He also has secret techniques related to the four world spirits, and the seal has been strengthened to the extreme by him.

However, a sense of abnormality came to his heart, and Roy raised his eyebrows.

Something seems wrong with the information just obtained?

But he couldn't figure it out for a while, and continued,

"Master Vesemir mentioned you and this great academy. I came to visit out of curiosity and respect, and at the same time as a test for myself." He handed a letter.

"Vesemir, old buddy of Kelmorhan?" Kelda carefully put the book into the cloth bag, clipped the quill to her ear, took the envelope and glanced at it.

His face became softer.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years. How is Vesemir doing? Is he still strong?"

"Take your trouble, there is nothing wrong with the master, and he lives very comfortably."

Well, I'm still busy with my lover's revival, and maybe it's Osenfurt now.

Kelda looked relieved, stroked her soft beard,

"The old man's vision has never been wrong. Since he recommended you, then you are a friend of the Griffin School."

"Come in and sit down, polite boy," Kelda looked away.

Igsena's mind was a mess, and she bowed her knees shyly and awkwardly to the old man, but there was a lingering sense of awe for her elders in her eyes.

"Korn, my stupid disciple, can you show half of the cleverness of dealing with the bat-winged demon? Bring your girlfriend in too!"

"Don't freeze her!"

"Okay, teacher!" Keen nodded hurriedly, and his expression was vaguely afraid of the teacher.

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