The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 89 The Last Summer Vacation (26)

While Ye Ting was obsessed with research, something big happened to the Weasley family.

Harry Potter has arrived at the Burrow.

Definitely, the way he came here was a farce: Unable to contact Harry for a long time, Ron asked the twins to secretly drive Mr. Weasley's Ford with them and flew to Little Whinging, Surrey. No. 4, Zhen Road, brought Harry, who was imprisoned by his uncle, back to the Burrow.

The origin of the whole thing is very ridiculous. It was all caused by Harry Potter fans.

In fact, ever since Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord as a baby, many house elves and their like have become his admirers. This time, Dobby, the house elf of the Malfoy family, overheard that his master was launching a conspiracy against Hogwarts. As an admirer, he did not want Harry Potter to return to Hogwarts and be harmed in the conspiracy. So, he planned an accident, causing Harry's uncle to become furious with Harry, locking him up and preventing him from returning to Hogwarts - Harry had no idea about this due to the rule that the little necromancer could not use magic outside the school. nor.

After arriving at the Burrow, Harry heard the news about Ye Ting, which made him feel very envious: because Ye Ting lived in the Muggle world like him, but now Ye Ting has gained freedom, and he cannot Don't succumb to Uncle Vernon's power.

In St. Catchpole Village, Harry rarely spent half a pleasant summer vacation, and Ye Ting definitely did the same. In the last half month of his summer vacation, he finally walked out of the laboratory and began to prepare his Animagus. ————— Definitely just hold the mandrake leaves in your mouth now.

In the remaining time, he also played Quidditch with Harry and the Weasley brothers in a paddock at the Weasley family's house on the mountain.

In addition, he also met a little girl: Luna Lovegood. Her father, Mr. Xenophilius, was the editor of the Quibbler, a magazine that often published absurd articles.

This is a strange little girl. She has messy, dirty, golden hair that reaches her waist. She also has a pair of gray eyes that look dazed and bulge outward. Luna's eyebrows are light in color. of. She had "an obvious madness" because she would stick her wand behind her ears for safety, and she often dressed differently than others.

The little girl is very cute, but she always has some strange ideas that make it difficult for people to follow her thoughts. Facing her, even Ye Ting had to surrender.

In the last week of summer vacation, Ye Ting said goodbye to the Weasley family and took a car - definitely mainly Orianna driving - on a road trip in England.

Along the way, he visited the Crevat family, the Zhang family and the Granger family respectively, and picked up their daughters as a classmate.

The girls were very happy to see Ye Ting's home in the bus and go on a journey with him, but the presence of each other made them a little unhappy.

During the journey, the girls curiously asked Ye Ting about his experience participating in the necromancer chess competition - Ye Ting was careful not to mention all the experiences related to Furong - and also admired Xiang's special golden necromancer chess. I noticed that Ye Ting was not very talkative in recent days. He explained that it was because he had to practice Animagus, so he had to hold the leaves in his mouth. The girls had become accustomed to this, because Ye Ting always They can learn many powerful magics one step ahead of them.

Ye Ting spent the last few days of the vacation with the girls. The bus finally drove north, crossing mountains and ridges, and also demonstrated its flight function [finally arriving at the village of Hogsmeade in Scotland - England. The only village composed entirely of necromancers.

Hogsmeade is quite close to Hogwarts Castle, and there is a secret passage leading to the castle in the village. This way they can enter Hogwarts directly without boarding the train.

In addition, they also came to Diagon Alley through the fireplace on the bus to buy school supplies for the new semester.

This semester's book list made Ye Ting very angry, because except for one "Standard Spells, Level 2" by Miranda Gorshak, they were all books by Gilderoy Lockhart. Because this semester, Lockhart will be their black magic defense teacher.

But Ye Ting knew that Lockhart was actually a pretty bad necromancer. He was only good at the Forgetting Curse. What he most often did was to use the Forgetting Curse on other necromancers, and then took their experiences as his own and published books based on them. Sell ​​for money.

Ye Ting didn't know what Dumbledore was thinking. Maybe he was deceived by Lockhart and invited this incompetent guy to be a professor at Hogwarts. Lockhart seized this opportunity to send him to Hogwarts. The book is used as a textbook for black magic defense classes.

0...Please give me flowers...

The most exaggerated thing is that there are seven Lockhart books in the book list, and they are quite expensive, each costing two gold galleons.

But in Ye Ting's opinion, these books are all Lockhart's rhetoric and have no practical use at all.

Therefore, he strongly advised his three female friends not to buy these useless wastes, but at this point, Hermione Granger had some conflicts with him.

"Don't you think Lockhart is brave?" Hermione said to Ye Ting excitedly, "And he is full of wisdom. He is an excellent Ravenclaw.

At the moment, they were standing in front of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley. In the bookstore, Gilderoy Lockhart was signing books.

Ye Ting looked at Zhang Qiu and Penello. Zhang Qiu also showed an expectant look. Only Penello looked at him with a smile on his face, obviously believing in Ye Ting's words.

Sure enough, little girls and housewives were easier to deceive - while at the Weasley's house, Ye Ting discovered that Mrs. Weasley was actually a loyal admirer of Lockhart.

For the first time, Ye Ting felt that he was too low-key. With his achievements, if he takes the initiative to accept interviews from the media, he will definitely become a more famous star than Lockhart. In this way, maybe Hermione and Zhang Qiu will believe his statement instead of Lockhart's bad book.

However, this is just a thought. After becoming famous, being surrounded by the media, having no privacy and no shelter is not what he wants.

After finding that he could not convince Hermione and Zhang Qiu, Ye Ting could only sigh angrily and follow them into Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to attend Lockhart's book signing.

"Just wait and see. Aren't you just a 'star'? It's as if I'm not." He muttered behind him: "In less than a month, Lockhart will definitely reveal his star at Hogwarts." Telltale."

"Definitely, I believe in you." Beside him, Penello patted his shoulder comfortingly: "I also think you are a bigger star than Lockhart. Don't worry, they are just little girls. Temper, they will soon understand your Qi."

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