The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 693 Conditions [Sixth Update]

Just when Zeus wanted to say something to save the situation, Ye Ting spoke for him again.

"My Lady Goddess is indeed wise. Taking advantage of the weakness of the Olympus gods, it is indeed a good time to kill them and plunder their wealth." Ye Ting said to Hecate with admiration, making her a little proud.

However, Ye Ting continued to ask.

"What are we going to do after that?"

"What for?" Hecate was confused.

"I mean, if we severely damage the Olympus gods and get Mount Olympus from them, what will the goddess do?" Ye Ting asked carefully.

"Does that need to be said? I will definitely continue to do what I should do as the goddess of magic." Hecate answered naturally.

However, Ye Ting shook his head.

"No, in addition to the responsibilities of the goddess of magic, the goddess also has many things to do."

"Like?" Hecate asked.

"For example, managing the sky, ocean, and underworld, dealing with the undead in the world, resisting the attacks of the suppressed Titans and Typhon, the ancestor of all demons, responding to the prayers of millions of people in the world, managing the movement of the sun and the moon, and managing the changes in the four seasons. ...

Ye Ting talked eloquently and kept talking about the mission, which shocked Hecate.

"Wait, why do I do these things?" Hecate was confused.

"That's because you defeated the Olympus gods and became the new ruler of the God's Domain," Ye Ting explained. "In this way, the management of Greece's affairs will be all on your head, isn't it? "

After hearing Ye Ting's explanation, Hecate shook her head dissatisfied.

"I don't want to do so many troublesome things, otherwise I won't have time to study magic."

"What you are saying is," Ye Ting followed her words, "That's why I ask you to condescend to forgive the Olympus gods, so that someone can handle these tasks, right? Otherwise, the entire Greek God Realm will be in chaos. If we get together, even you will feel uncomfortable."

After listening to Ye Ting's words, Hecate thought for a long time.

Just when Zeus thought she was finally going to fight, the goddess finally raised her head.

"Well, I have to say that you are right," she patted Ye Ting on the shoulder and said with satisfaction, "You always say that you can think of places that I haven't thought of, so let's allow the possibility of peace talks to exist for the time being - ——Definitely, the conditions must satisfy me.”

"It's my honor to be able to help you," Ye Ting smiled slightly, and then looked at Zeus. The god-king's hair suddenly stood up subconsciously, "I think that His Majesty the god-king will fully express his apology, no. ?"

Looking at the smiling face of the human in front of him and listening to his meaningful words, Zeus held it in for a long time and finally nodded sharply.

"Yes, as long as our Olympus system can pay this price, please say so."

"Definitely, we will not rashly put forward any unrealistic conditions," Ye Ting said sincerely, "I think that the Olympus pantheon has dominated the Greek divine domain since King Uranus. After three generations, it will definitely You should have accumulated countless rare treasures, including some powerful artifacts, right?"

"...Yes," Zeus reluctantly admitted, "Our Olympus system does have some accumulation...but in terms of artifacts, even we don't have many.

"As long as you have it." Ye Ting nodded, "Our requirements are not high, we only need to pick half of your treasure trove. 1"

Ye Ting spoke lightly, but Zeus almost vomited blood.


That’s half of the entire Olympus accumulation!

Half of the coffin he had saved since Ouranos was about to be taken away at once. Zeus felt as if his flesh had been cut off.

But after thinking about it carefully, he endured it again.

Isn’t it just half of the treasure?

In order to retain this half of the treasure and start a war with the opponent, Olympus will probably die several main gods, and this treasure may not be able to be saved.

Although Hecate did think it was too troublesome to take charge of the entire divine domain just now, so she gave up the idea of ​​continuing the war, but with her willful look, if she was offended, it was not something she could not do without starting a war.

Can half the treasure house be used to cultivate several powerful gods? Absolutely not.

So, why keep it?

So, as if he was deeply wronged, Zeus agreed in a low voice.

"no problem."

"Very good," Ye Ting clapped his hands after hearing his words, "It seems that His Highness the God King is sincerely sorry to the Goddess, so the next condition is that the God King must publicly apologize."

"Public apology?"

Hearing these words, Zeus's face darkened, but Hecate's eyes lit up.

To be honest, Zeus's original character is to save face... except for Hera.

To ask him to apologize publicly would be like slapping him in the face.

The old opponents he defeated in the past will definitely take the opportunity to laugh at him at this time.

However, now the situation is stronger than the people.

Can he refuse this condition?

To put it another way, if an apology can solve the problem, it is much less expensive than sacrificing a few more gods.

What's more, half of the treasure trove has been promised, so what's wrong with apologizing?

So, Zeus nodded harder than before.

"Okay, I apologize."

Ye Ting's smile became even brighter.

"Okay, it seems that the God King is indeed sincerely sorry to the Goddess. So, as long as he can meet these two conditions, I think the Goddess can show his tolerance and forgive them."

"Indeed, you are right." Hecate said with satisfaction, and Zeus breathed a sigh of relief at her words.

However, the next moment, Hecate's expression changed again.

"But, I think it's not enough!"


These sudden words made Zeus frown even deeper.

What else does this willful goddess want?

Hecate looked at the gods across from her casually, and continued: "2.7 Speaking of which, as the goddess of magic, I am very lonely here. I am the only god. Without helpers, I will occasionally feel lonely."

As she spoke, she pointed at the gods.

"My condition is that you choose one of your main gods to be my subordinate.

Upon hearing this condition, Zeus's face became ferocious.

"No, this is impossible! The main gods of Olympus are all my family members, how could they be taken away by you like this!"

Judging from his expression, it seemed as if Hecate would start a war immediately if she insisted on doing this.

His objection made Hecate's originally good complexion turn a lot worse.

Just when the two sides were about to get into trouble, it was Ye Zhong who intervened.

"Isn't that right, Your Majesty the God King," he said slowly, "How do I remember that among the twelve main gods of Olympus, one of them has nothing to do with you?".

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