The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 599: The Temple Rising From The Sea [Second Update]

Gul'dan leaned out from the bow and sniffed the sea air.

He closed his eyes and used his ability to perceive evil energy to look for that powerful aura.

He felt it almost instantly, the stimulating smell like fresh blood, so strong that it made Gul'dan's skin tingle, and his hair crackled as a result.

"Stop!" he shouted, and the clan members sitting behind him stopped rowing.

The boat quickly slowed down and stopped quietly on the water. Gul'dan laughed.

"We're here," he announced.

"But--but there's nothing here," asked an orc named Drax'ul from his own clan, the Stormrage.

Gul'dan turned around, opened his eyes, and stared at the young orc warlock.

"Nothing?" he laughed. "Then do you think we should tie you up with chains and throw you to the bottom of the sea for us to see if you are alive, or do you think you should just sit here and trust me that I know what I am doing?"

Drax'ul stepped aside and stammered an apology, but Gul'dan had completely ignored his presence.

He looked at the ship parked aside, where the two-headed ogre magician Cho'gall was standing near the bow.

"Inform the others," Gul'dan told his assistant. "We need to start immediately. Doomhammer probably already knows about our actions, and I don't want to be disturbed by anyone before we achieve our goal."

The two-headed ogre nodded, issued an order to his men on the ship, and then conveyed the order to another ship.

The orcs threw the rope over, some grabbed the rope and moved slowly, and some used the rope to guide their direction while swimming, depending on their own Ability and whether they could swim.

Soon, all the ogres and orc warlocks boarded Gul'dan's ship.

"The place we are looking for, an ancient temple, is below us." Gul'dan began to explain as all his warlocks gathered on the deck in front of him.

"Definitely, we can dive down there, but I don't know how deep it is. And the darkness and cold down there are not to my liking~" He smiled. "Instead, we will lift the island entirely and let the temple come to us.

"Can we do it?" asked an ogre magician.

"Absolutely," Gul'dan replied. "Not long ago, in our homeland, Draenor, we orcs once lifted another continent: a volcano in Shadowmoon Valley. At that time, I was commanding the Shadow Council, but now there are some new people.

He waited if there were any other questions or objections, but no one did.

He nodded, very good, these subordinates are not only stronger but also more obedient, he is very satisfied with these two points.

"When do we start? (I can't wait!)" Cho'gall finally asked.

"Now," Gul'dan replied. "Why wait?"

He turned and pointed in the direction of the ship's railing, and his assistants began to gather around him.

Then, he closed his eyes and began to use his consciousness to get closer to the powerful force he felt beneath the sea water.

For a powerful warlock like him, this is easy to catch.

As he grasped the power, Gul'dan began to pull, using magic to pull the power and its source to him.

At the same time, he extends his consciousness and casts his magic on the energy surrounding him - energy coming from other sorcerers.

The evil energy of the warlock resonated and gathered into a powerful force that could overwhelm rivers and oceans.

The surrounding sky began to darken, and the nearby seawater became turbulent.

"I caught him." He gritted his teeth and said to the warlocks near him. "Trace my mana and you will feel it as your own. Pour your own mana into the energy body I constructed and pull up with me! Now!"

He could feel Cho'gall and the other sorcerers pouring their power into his own.

The sky turned crimson, the thunder rumbled as if a rainstorm was coming, and huge waves hit their ship.

The heavy pull he felt before became much lighter. But life is still not easy at all, it's just not as torturous as before. Every pull made their magic circle become more powerful, and the power of nature attacked them angrily, but they still stood firm.

These people have been standing here for several hours. In the eyes of the warriors and watermen who are desperately fighting against the power of the ocean, these warlocks are almost motionless.

The sea water soaked their bodies.

The thunder was deafening, and the falling lightning almost blinded people. The ships were rocking wildly, and the other orcs clung to the oars to hold their positions.

Many orcs looked at Gul'dan and the warlocks in panic, but due to the power and terror of the warlocks, the sailors stuck to their posts even as the ship rocked violently.

After a while, a burst of flames and smoke erupted from the water not far from the bow, and the air was filled with smoke and dust.

Through the gravel and steam, they could see something emerging from the water, like the beak of a chicken that had broken its own eggshell.

This thing looked like a stone, but what happened next stunned the orc warriors who had been watching everything in front of them.

The thing grew larger and larger, quickly emerging from the waves, and water and lava flowed down from the top of the stone. What was just a small stone soon turned into a large stone, and from the large stone it turned into a small plateau, and the plateau turned into a small piece of rocky flat land.

Other parts also emerged, rising from the sea not far from the first place, but they were connected together. When the sea water receded from above, the orcs could see an entire island emerging from the bottom of the sea. , still spraying flames, dust and steam.

Another smaller island also surfaced, then the third, and the fourth.

Finally, the sky above turned from the swirling crimson back to the usual leaden gray, and the huge waves gradually receded, slowly reaching only the height of the masts of a large ship.

Gul'dan opened his eyes. He walked staggeringly, and like a small number of other warlocks, he leaned on the railing to rest. The spell cast just now almost exhausted his strength even for a powerful legendary warlock like him. .

He looked up at the newly emerged islands. The islands were still emitting steam, and with the roaring sound, they gradually formed new shapes.

Seeing this, Gul'dan laughed.

"...Soon." He whispered, looking at the island in front of him and then using his consciousness to feel it all, calculating the location of the place he was looking for. "Soon, I will take you to the temple I am looking for. The rare treasure lies inside."

If Ye Ting or Aegwen were here, they would definitely recognize the temple in front of them.

That was the place where Aegwynn sealed the powerful corpse of the Demon King after defeating Sargeras. It was a temple in the Broken Isles called the Tomb of Sargeras. .


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