The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 558: Manic Technique And Civil Strife

In the previous battles, the Alliance relied on the perfect cooperation among the soldiers to form a solid defense line, blocking the waves of attacks from the tribe, forcing these powerful orcs to shed their blood in front of the steel shields and spears.

Although the Horde continuously discharged powerful units such as death knights and ogres, causing major damage to the alliance's defense line several times, due to the efforts of the alliance commanders, the defense line was ultimately maintained, and the orcs did not gain huge amounts. of the results of the battle.

However, for now, the ogres are still a big trouble for the alliance.

Although the orcs had paid a heavy price before, the tribe was still gathering troops constantly, and more people joined the battle every minute.

The Alliance's consumption of the Horde has not reached a point where they can win, so they must continue to be on the defensive.

The top priority is to prevent the ogre from approaching the newly established defense line again.

Lothar has no idea how to do this. Among the elites in his hands, the Paladins are restrained by the Death Knights, and the rest have no way to deal with the Ogres. The only ones who can deal with the Ogres are the High Elves. The same tall arcane construct in his hand.

However, in this field battle with the tribe, Lothar simply led the elite troops with light vehicles and simple obedience. In order to speed up the march, these arcane constructs were left in the camp of Thoradin's Wall.

In this case, he could only turn to Ye Ting for help.

"We need to do something to keep them from getting close to this hill," the old warrior said helplessly. "Now all I can rely on is your strength. Use your invincible magic to find a way."

"Why don't you ask the conch of the artifact?"

Ye Ting resisted the desire to blurt out these words and nodded.

"I'll do my best," he promised.

The ogres in front of him were not one or two, but dozens or hundreds. In addition, they did not act in a collective, but were scattered among ordinary orcs. Ye Ting could not use ordinary means to deal with them.

However, he naturally has his own way.

According to the history of Draenor [the Lu people evolved from the original powerful elemental creatures Rockkumen to Gronn and then evolved through the one-eyed ogre and ogre.

In this process, their bodies continued to deteriorate, but their intelligence continued to improve.

Compared to orcs, ogres are undoubtedly mentally retarded beings.

To deal with such a physically powerful but simple-minded opponent, the magic and control spells that control people's hearts are much more useful than the spells that directly cause damage.

Just then, not far from Ye Ting, a huge ogre was holding the big wooden club in his hand and rushing towards the alliance's defense line with great momentum. In front of him, there were several people less than half his height. The Alliance infantrymen were holding up their shields calmly, waiting for the impact.

Ye Ting concentrated his attention and his eyes met the ogre.

Arcane power passed through his sight and into the ogre's mind.

The ogre with low intelligence was immediately affected by Ye Ting's magic without any resistance in his heart.

The ogre suddenly felt a kind of irritability from the bottom of his heart. This emotion even made him forget the battle order from the orc commander that he had finally remembered.

Under the influence of this manic mood, he was simple-minded and felt that all the little guys running around in front of him were an eyesore, and he wished they could stay away from him immediately.

Then, he really did it.

Before this behemoth could reach the alliance's defense line, he swung the wooden stick in his hand randomly and sent two orc infantrymen who were charging in front of him flying away.

Such a move not only stunned the Union infantry, but also stunned his comrades.

However, it was okay for the Alliance infantry to stay stunned. The orc comrades around him couldn't do it.

In just a moment, the manic ogre killed and injured two unlucky orcs in succession. The other orcs had to rush forward in an attempt to subdue the ogre who accidentally injured friendly forces.

In fact, by this time, the effect of Ye Ting's spell had disappeared.

However, the ogre who returned to normal did not realize that something was wrong with him just now because his intelligence was too low. Just when he finally remembered the order given by his superior before the war and wanted to continue to attack the alliance's defense line, he suddenly realized that he was being attacked by the orcs. Surrounded, these guys actually waved weapons at him.

Why are they doing this? No matter, let’s fight back first!

Next, the ogre really started fighting with the orcs.

Even when facing the orcs, the ogre still showed strong fighting power. He tore up three orc warriors who rushed forward, and then his head was shattered by a blow from behind and he fell to the ground.


However, this wasn't the only ogre to be tricked.

Ye Ting rode a horse and moved back and forth behind the alliance's defense line.

Every ogre that crossed his line of sight was easily hit by his "Mania Technique". The level of this magic was not high. In order to save magic power, Ye Ting did not even let the magic effect last too long, but for intelligence For the low-lying and well-developed ogres, even four or five seconds of mania can cause them to cause huge amounts of damage in the orc formation, and then naturally start fighting with the orcs.

Even if some ogres with slightly higher intelligence can realize that they are affected by abnormal power, they can't explain it to the orcs at all.

First, their intelligence determines that except for a few individuals, the rest of them are not good at words.


Secondly, the ogres were originally a race conquered by the orcs. Although they were powerful individually, they were inferior in the tribe and had a deep grudge with the orcs. Ye Ting's magic inadvertently detonated this grudge.

Later, Ye Ting didn't even use the manic technique on the ogres behind him. They stupidly imitated their compatriots and started fighting the orcs spontaneously.

Such chaos continued from the front line to the rear. In the end, the tribe even gave birth to the suspicion that the ogres were rebelling on the battlefield. Warchief Orgrim promptly stopped the order to send ogres to join the battle, and personally executed several of the troublemaking ogres. The ogre barely managed to stop the chaos.

However, from this moment on, deep suspicion spread across the ranks of the orcs and ogre kings.

Even if he was as smart as Orgrim and guessed that all this happened because of the alliance's spells, he could not stop it.

After all, compared to the Alliance, the tribe's original system is still too loose and backward, which makes their internal conflicts more intense than the Alliance. Even if they are suppressed and diverted by the current war, they cannot be resolved in a short while.

On the Alliance side, Lothar was almost dumbfounded by the series of changes before his eyes.

Ye Ting actually used magic to cause a small civil strife in the tribe.

Although Ye Ting repeatedly argued that such civil strife was just an accident that happened at the right time, Lothar still believed that this was the result of precalculation by the resourceful Magician in front of him.

"As expected, he is indeed a great Magician Liver." Lothar sighed. .

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