The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 254 Hypnotic Ability Fire Dragon (4/4)

After Ye Ting came to the stage, the referee began to score.

"Okay, let's see Miss Granger's final score." Bagman announced loudly.

The first judge—Madame Maxime—raised her wand in the air. A long silver ribbon-like thing spurted out from the wand, twisting to form a big "10".

The audience began to cheer, and this ten points was well deserved.

Next up is Mr. Crouch. He blew a "10" into the air.

Then came Dumbledore, who also gave ten points.

The audience cheered louder.

Then there's Ludo Bagman, who also gives ten points.

Ye Ting definitely gave it a ten points.

Then Karkaroff raised his wand. He paused for a moment, and then a number - "4" - came out of his wand.

At this moment, the audience burst into boos. They felt that Karkaroff was simply partial and did not want Hermione to get high scores.

"Well," Karkaroff explained dryly, "I think Miss Granger should use some means that we can all understand to deal with the fire dragon."

This is a really lame excuse, Hermione. The completely incomprehensible method obviously further demonstrates her power.

Some spectators had already stood up and threw debris in their hands at Karkaroff.

"Oh, my God!" Bagman quickly hid aside and said, "It seems that our audience is more willing to see Miss Granger get full marks. In fact, I think so too. "

I don't know when Ye Ting had left the referee's seat, and the next moment "boots, water bottles, leftover snacks, towels, rotten eggs...countless messy things flew towards the referee's seat like raindrops."

Karkarov took the lead, all referees had to leave temporarily, and the game was temporarily suspended for a while.

With the comfort of Dumbledore, Bagman and others, it took about ten minutes for the scene to return to calm.

Soon, as he followed another whistle, he shouted loudly, "One goes down, there are three more! Miss Delacour, please come on."

Ye Ting went to lead Furong. She was trembling from head to toe. When she saw Ye Ting, she hugged his arm tightly.

"Don't worry, Furong, nothing will happen to you." Ye Ting patted her comfortingly, "Don't be nervous, you just need to let go and do it on the field. Believe me, once your life is in danger, I will I will rescue you immediately."

" must protect me," Furong stared at Ye Ting, hugging her hands tighter, as if grasping the last life-saving straw, her voice was trembling, "I heard that Dragon The flames contain poison, if you were slower, I might be disfigured."

It turns out that this is what she was worried about...

Ye Ting was a little speechless, but he still comforted Furong.

When they arrived near the arena, although she was still a little worried, Furong still forced herself to let go. She held her head high, clutched the wand tightly in her hand, and looked elegant and confident.

For this girl, maintaining a beautiful image is more important than anything else.

When this girl entered the arena, everyone's eyes were focused on her. It's no wonder that although the mixed-race Veela girl you posted didn't actively use her abilities, her beauty and passive charm were enough to attract everyone's attention.

Unlike Hermione, when facing the Welsh green dragon, she took out her wand from the beginning.

As Fleur approached the fire dragon, she put the index finger of her other hand to her lips and made a quiet gesture.

"The methods our players use seem to require everyone's cooperation." Bagman explained, "So in order for our players to successfully complete the game, I would like to ask the audience to join me in not making any noise, so as not to disturb us. Players.”

After saying this, he immediately shut his mouth, and the entire arena gradually became quiet.

The girl nodded towards the audience in thanks, then raised her wand and slowly approached the Welsh Green Dragon with light movements, as if she was afraid of disturbing it.

However, this Dragon still stared closely at the human in front of him, full of vigilance.

Next, Furong pointed her wand at the fire dragon and muttered something in her mouth. Ye Ting could tell that it was a Hypnotic Ability spell.

Soon, the Welsh green dragon fell into a state of Hypnotic Ability. It lowered its head, lay on the ground and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

"Oh, our warrior seems to have used some means to make the Welsh Green Dragon fall asleep. Bagman stared at Fleur walking towards the Welsh Green Dragon and explained in a low voice, "I'm not sure whether it is wise for her to do this. "

Everyone knows that the fire dragon is a magical creature with strong magic resistance, and it is difficult for ordinary magic to be effective against it. Even professional dragon tamers often need dozens of people to chant spells to the fire dragon at the same time to subdue it.

Bagman is obviously doubting that the Hypnotic Ability spell used by Fleur alone cannot fully Hypnotic Ability the Fire Dragon.

But Ye Ting knows that Furong has this ability. First of all, he himself is a mixed-blood Veela, with strong abilities in enchantment and mental-affecting magic. This is not the first time that Ye Ting has seen her use her inheritance from her Veela grandmother. Ability to deal with other necromancers. She was like this in the necromancer chess competition before. During this period, she also caused Hogwarts to panic more than once. Because of her, several couples have broken up. It is simply a sin. .

In addition, the core of her wand is the hair of her Veela grandmother. Such a wand is not only suitable for spiritual and charm magic, but also suits Fleur very well due to her bloodline.

In addition, since the magic resistance is concentrated on the scales, the fire dragon's eyes are the only place with slightly weaker magic resistance. This is why the eye disease spell is the best way to deal with the fire dragon, and Wu Rong's Hypnotic Ability spell is obviously performed through vision. Hypnotic Ability, just fits the weakness of the fire dragon.

So, it's not surprising that she has Hypnotic Ability.

This Hypnotic Ability is definitely temporary, though. This time is enough for Fleur to take the golden egg and run two more times.

Unfortunately, the girl's luck was not so good.

As she cautiously approached the nest and prepared to take the golden eggs from the nest, the sleeping Welsh green dragon suddenly snored. As it snored, a stream of flames came out of its nostrils, and Fleur dodged. However, her skirt was set on fire.

Oh...just a little bit! Be careful...oh my God, I thought she had already succeeded! Bage said with regret.

But the girl's reaction was not slow. She used a water-making spell, and spring water spurted out from the tip of the wand to extinguish the flames.

Then, she started her next attempt.

The second time, Fleur was more careful. She avoided the direction of the Welsh Green Dragon's nostrils, carefully came to the dragon's nest, picked up the golden egg, and left quickly.

In the stands, the audience once again burst into cheers and applause. This was not only applause for the girl's wonderful performance. An outburst after almost ten minutes of silence.

After the Welsh Green Dragon was taken away, the second scoring session began.

This time, Karkaroff gave Furong a slightly higher score than before, but it was only six points. By the way, Ye Ting gave it ten points.

In the end, Fleur's score was fifty points. .

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