The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 186 The Masked Knight And The Stark Sisters (3/4)

"Now there is a more urgent matter to ask you." She looked at Arya seriously, "This matter is about the 'Masked Knight' at the tournament. You are also here today. You should know about the 'Masked Knight' Knight' it."

Arya's little face couldn't help but blush when her sister mentioned what she had done at the competition today. Two days ago, she said in front of Sansa, "I'm not interested in participating in any boring competition." ", but now she was discovered by the other party in person, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

However, when she wanted to deny it shyly, the "Masked Rider" thing immediately cheered her up. To be honest, she was also quite interested in this Masked Rider. In the audience today, her master Her evaluation of the "Masked Rider" and her self-reflection made her very concerned about this young master.

Sansa described what happened before and said, "You also saw the 'Masked Rider' today, right? I hope you can find the 'Masked Rider' tomorrow and tell him about it. Leave King's Landing quickly, or the cruel prince will harm him."

The 'Magic Mountain' is no match for the 'Masked Knight'!" Arya blurted out. She trusted her master's judgment the most, because in her opinion, her master himself was a master. In the previous practice, No matter how she drew her sword, her sword could not touch her master. She felt that the bulky Magic Mountain would definitely not be able to defeat her master. When Magic Mountain faced her master, it would definitely be the same as her, unable to touch him. How could such a person defeat the "Masked Rider" in the slightest?

Regarding martial arts, Sansa still trusts Arya's vision, because she has been interested in this since she was a child, but she also knows that even in a martial arts contest, the Mountain can't defeat the "Masked Knight", but Joffrey He is not a person who fights fairly. He can do many dirty tricks outside the game.

She told Arya her judgment.

"Why is he like this?" she said loudly and unconvinced, thinking of how Joffrey treated her and her playmates - Joffrey was not their opponent in the battle, so he used a real sword to chop him She, he is not a rule-abiding person.

"Okay," she said helplessly, "you are right, I will find a way to remind him before the game.

Suddenly, she remembered the scene in the game where the "Masked Knight" presented flowers to Sansa, so she blurted out.

"You like that 'Masked Rider' very much, right? You haven't even seen what his face looks like."

"What are you talking about, Arya," Sansa blushed a little and squirmed, but in front of her sister, she still said calmly, "Although I didn't see his face, I believe he must be very... He is handsome, young, has a nice voice, and is very chivalrous..."

Arya knew as soon as she heard that her sister had fallen in love again. To be honest, she felt that her sister was good at all. She was a fully qualified and even excellent lady that she envied. But when it came to love, She always fantasizes about being a character in knight novels or fairy tales, and is deeply involved in it. She likes Joffrey because of this reason - she has fantasies about the role of a prince.

However, Arya agreed with her sister's choice this time. She also felt that this "Masked Knight" was a good guy, but not because of his demeanor, but because he was so young but so skilled in martial arts.

But thinking of this, Arya felt a little jealous and sad, because she had always felt that Sansa had everything. Sansa is good at sewing and embroidery, can sing and dance, can recite poetry and lyrics, and knows how to dress up; what's worse, she is also a beauty. Sansa inherited the Tully family's slender cheekbones and thick auburn hair from her mother, while Arya looked exactly like her father, with dark brown hair and dull face; a slender, gloomy face, and Jeyne always liked to scream She had "horse-faced Arya" (later, when her face grew, she began to look as beautiful as her aunt).

Later, after the king and prince arrived, Sansa became the princess again. Although she hated Joffrey and the queen, she still envied Sansa for being chosen.

-After all, this is a proof of charm. Now the masked knight with superb martial arts is also very courteous to her.

As for myself, I am just a wild child-like girl who is not proficient in the art of being a lady. The nuns have always disliked her. The only places where she is better than her sister are horse riding and swordsmanship, but the "Masked Knight" will like her. A girl who is good at swordsmanship? Does he like real ladies like others?

Originally, Arya only had a good impression and admiration for the Masked Rider as a martial arts master, but due to jealousy of her sister, she suddenly became curious about the opposite sex side of the Masked Rider, and even had the idea of ​​competing with her sister.

0…Please give me flowers…

Men who are chased by girls are more attractive. This is the principle.

Even so, Arya is essentially a good child after all, and she still wants her sister to have a good home. She suppressed her sourness and suggested to Sansa: "Why don't you and 'Masked? Knights, let's elope together. I heard from the master that the masked knight is from Essos, not from the Seven Kingdoms. Since he appreciates you and you like him, you might as well escape to the continent of Essos together, so that you can You don't have to marry the nasty Joffrey, and in Essos you won't be able to catch the ugly ones.

This proposal is a bit bold, and it completely touches Sansa's girlish heart - isn't this a plot that often appears in fairy tales?

However, as a lady, Sansa couldn't do it to boldly agree to this plan in front of her sister. She shyly said "You can do it." and immediately ran away.


This was her boldest response.

In the individual competition early the next morning, there were only four players participating. The masked knight dressed by Ye Ting was preparing early on the sidelines. While the guests were waiting for the king to take his seat, he was feeding his horse on the sidelines.

He chose this horse from Drogo's Kayla, and it is the same female as Daenerys's silver horse. Although he is not good at training horses, under the power of the dragon, which horse dares to explode? Woolen cloth?

Suddenly, he found strangely that a child wearing boy-like leather clothes, with short hair, and holding a rapier was walking towards him. Although she looked like a tomboy, she had a slight bulge on her chest, and Ye Ting could see it. Come on, she's a girl.

The girl obviously realized that she was noticed. She smiled slightly at Ye Ting, who was covering his face with a helmet, and then stabbed him fiercely with the thin sword in her hand.

The girl is not very strong, but her movements are very agile and her angles are very tricky. In addition, she is left-handed and most people are not used to the way she draws the sword. Therefore, facing such a sudden attack, even a well-trained Even if the veteran tried to escape, he would inevitably feel embarrassed.

From seeing the girl's dress, the sword in her hand, and her appearance that was somewhat similar to Sansa, Ye Ting immediately recognized her identity—the second daughter and third daughter of the Stark family.

Son, Arya Stark.

The picture shows Aili Liuya.

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