The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 125 Patronus Charm Practice (4/6)

After the back-to-school dinner, the news that Harry Potter was stunned by the dementors and that Ye Ting scared away the dementors at the gate spread among the young necromancers.

Comparing the two, the former has become the laughing stock of everyone, but the latter is admired by everyone - the person who can drive away the Dementors with the Patronus is already a very powerful necromancer, and the Dementor can be driven away without even using the God of Lu. The spirit monster was scared away. This was really the first time I saw it.

And when they learned that Ye Ting's patron saint was a dragon, everyone exclaimed: He is indeed a genius from Ravenclaw.

Ever since they learned that dementors would stay outside Hogwarts for a long time, the little necromancers have become interested in the Patronus Charm, especially Hermione and Zhang Qiu. They asked Ye Ting to teach them how to summon the Patronus Charm.

Therefore, this semester's black magic defense practice class has another learning project - practicing the Patronus Charm.

In order to help them quickly master this technique, Ye Ting specially found a Boggart and planned to use it to simulate a Dementor.

The boggarts in the Harry Potter world are actually a very special kind of creature. Like the dementors, they are neither born nor dead. They are generated by human emotions and feed on these emotions. Boggarts can transform into anything that scares anyone nearby, and feed on human fear. In addition, Boggarts, like Dementors, can fly without physical assistance.

In fact, Ye Ting also wanted to use real dementors, but this would cause unnecessary conflict with the Ministry of Magic. In fact, after killing two Dementors, the Ministry of Magic once wanted to call Ye Ting to the Ministry of Magic for accountability, but was stopped by Dumbledore's letter, in which Dumbledore complained about the Dementors' initiative. Behavior that attacks students.

Considering the influence of Dumbledore and Ye Ting, the Ministry of Magic did not intend to hold Ye Ting accountable. Instead, it sent him a letter of apology, guaranteeing that such a situation would not happen again, and asking Ye Ting not to report anything to him again. The dementors take action.

There was no way, although Ye Ting was not afraid of the Ministry of Magic, but in order not to disturb his current peaceful life, he had to settle for the next best thing and use Boggarts to make up for it.

"Oh, there is nothing here~" Hermione looked at the empty Room of Requirement and complained, "There is only a shabby wardrobe here. Are you sure we can practice the Patronus Charm here?"

Before Ye Ting could reply, the wardrobe suddenly shook and hit the wall with a bang.

"Don't worry." Ye Ting said calmly, because at this time the three girls were so frightened that they jumped back.

"There is a Boggart inside." Ye Ting explained, "Boggarts like dark, closed spaces, such as closets, gaps under the bed, and cupboards under the sink.

"I know the Boggart," Hermione volunteered. "It's something that can shapeshift. It can take on whatever image it thinks will scare us the most."

Zhang Qiu glanced at her with admiration.

"So, are you going to use Boggart to help us practice the Patronus Charm?" Penello asked doubtfully.

"Definitely, as we all know, a boggart can transform into a person's deepest fear. We can use this method to turn it into a dementor, and then use shapeshifting to fix its state."

"Using shapeshifting to fix a Boggart's state?" Penello was a little stunned, "I can't believe you can still do this."

Ye Ting asked the girls to retreat and stood in front of the closet, because when there were many people, the Boggart would be at a loss and not know what to turn into.

He waved his hand gently, and the wardrobe opened immediately.

In an instant, what appeared in front of them was a vast and boundless space. There was Chaos in the space. There was no direction and no time. It was filled with devastating turbulence and countless cracks that suddenly appeared and disappeared...

This is an infinite time and space tunnel, and the experience during that time really made Ye Ting despair.

However, the girls watched it with gusto. For people who didn't know better, the scene in the space-time tunnel was indeed strange and spectacular. They were surprised as to why Ye Ting was afraid of this.

Ye Ting changed his thoughts slightly, and the Boggart in front of him immediately changed. This time, a Dementor appeared.

The candlelight in the Room of Requirement flickered for a moment, then went out, and the coldness spread in the air [The dementor wearing a black turban stretched out towards Ye Ting, giving off a faint, gray light.

Thin and scabbed hands.

The girls screamed, and Zhang Qiu immediately hid behind Hermione.

"What's going on? Why has it changed again?" Hermione asked strangely.

"It is deluded," Penello explained. Her former black magic defense teacher mentioned this to her. "Only masters of Occlumency can do this. They can control the Boggart at will. The information read in the brain is really amazing."

The Boggart turned into a dementor and rushed towards Ye Ting, and the cold frost began to spread in the room. Ye Ting finally pulled out the wand and pointed at it gently. The Dementor immediately shrank into a ball as if bound by invisible ropes.

Then, he was stuffed into the closet by Ye Ting. Just hearing the sound of "`~哐!", the closet door was closed.

"That's enough." He turned around and smiled slightly, "You all know the spell, it's 'Guardian Guardian', so, who wants to come first?"

"Why do we have to use Dementors to practice the Patronus Charm?" Zhang Qiu objected weakly, "Even if there are no Dementors around, we can still practice the spell, right?"

"No! Whether there are Dementors or not, the difficulty of summoning the Patron Saint is two different things." Ye Ting pointed out very seriously, "Whether the Patron Saint can be successfully summoned is actually directly related to the mental state of the caster at the time. Relationship, if you are in a low mood, it will be extremely difficult to use this kind of spell. The difficulty of casting the Patronus Charm in the classroom is completely different from facing the Dementors directly. "

"Okay, then, who wants to give it a try first?" (Nonuo Zhao)

"I'll do it!" Hermione stepped forward first.

"Very good, recite the incantation with me first," Ye Ting cleared his throat, "Call the gods to protect you."

"Guardian," Hermione repeated in a low voice, "Guardian."

"Try to remember only your happy events!"

"Oh, yes," Hermione said, quickly forcing herself to think about the moment she received her Hogwarts acceptance letter.

"Shout to the gods, no, guard, sorry, call to the gods to protect, call to the gods to protect."

The end of her wand suddenly spurted out something that looked like a plume of silvery gas.

"Did you see that?" Hermione said excitedly, "There is movement."

"Very good," Ye Ting said with a smile, "Then let's try that Dementor. Are you ready?"

"Okay," said Hermione, clutching her wand tightly and walking slowly to the wardrobe door. .

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