The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 100 Polyjuice Potion And Duel Club (3/4)

Since the news spread that Colin was attacked and petrified after visiting Harry Potter, the theory that Harry Potter is the heir of Slytherin has become popular among small necromancers.

Harry never tired of this, he believed that Draco Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin, but he had no proof.

So he came up with an idea: he and Ron could transform into Crabbe and Goyle through Polyjuice Potion, and then wait for an opportunity to extract evidence from Malfoy.

However, Polyjuice Potion is a very high-level potion. Their potions book does not mention how to make it at all. The "Powerful Potion" containing the recipe for Polyjuice Potion is placed in the restricted section of the library. Books can be borrowed there only through a note from a professor.

For this reason, he had to suppress his nausea, pretend that he had become an admirer of Professor Lockhart, and deceived a note from him——Lockhart was both boastful and proud, and he was quite enthusiastic about Signing for someone else, he handed the note to Harry without question.

So Harry and Ron started making Polyjuice Potion.

The production of polyjuice potion requires two stages. The materials in the first stage are oozing grass, two-eared grass, lacewings and leeches, which are all quite common magic materials. 04

However, the second stage of production requires bicorn horn and African tree snake skin. These two materials are quite rare. Only Snape has stocks in the entire Hogwarts, so they plan to steal some from Snape. ——Ye Ting did the same thing when he made the polyjuice potion last school year.

They found Ron's twin brothers, George and Fred, for help.

George and Fred were happy to give Harry and Ron some hard-drawing fireworks.

During a Potions class, Harry lit a firework and threw it into the cauldron of Malfoy's follower, Goyle.

This Potions lesson is about making a Swelling Potion. Gore's potion exploded and poured onto the entire class. Everyone screamed and screamed under the attack of splashing potion.

Malfoy was doused in the face and his nose swelled up like a balloon; Goyle stumbled around with his hands over his eyes, his eyes swollen as big as lunch plates.

In the chaos, no one noticed that Harry and Ron secretly left the classroom. They went to Snape's medicine storage room and successfully stole the medicine they wanted.

A week later, a notice about the opening of the "Fighting Club" suddenly appeared on the bulletin board in the foyer.

Most of the young necromancers are full of interest in the opening of the duel club.

In fact, necromancer duel is a special culture in the necromancer world, which is somewhat similar to medieval knight duels, duels between generals on the battlefield, or duels between nobles.

Duels between necromancers are generally formal contests between two or more people, and only magic can be used. Both parties in the duel must first bow to each other to show respect, and then assume a common dueling posture. After counting three times, both sides will try to disarm, stun, injure, defeat or kill the other party, forcing the other party to submit and win.

Dueling also exists as a sport. In addition to actual combat, it can be presented in the form of friendly competitions. Even today, there are various dueling competitions in the necromancer world.

Legend has it that Professor Flitwick is a dueling competition champion, and currently the most famous dueling competition in the world is the International Necromancer Duel Competition held by various countries.

Necromancers usually talk about some legendary necromancer duels. The most typical one is the epic duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald in 1945.

Even the various myths and legends of the necromancer world are filled with various duels between necromancers.

The most typical one is the duel between Merlin and the witch Mrs. Mim. In this duel, Merlin creatively turned into a virus and won.

Hermione and Zhang Qiu also expressed their intention to join this dueling club. They have experienced several weeks of combat magic training with Ye Ting, and they can't wait to see their own strength - in the Room of Requirement, in addition to sparring with Ye Ting, they also practice with each other. Ye Ting's level They are much higher than them, and their levels are relatively similar.

So all this time, they didn't know what level their ability had reached.

Ye Ting himself didn't want to join in the fun. In his opinion, the so-called duel club was just noobs pecking each other.

Helplessly, Hermione and Zhang Qiu found him respectively, "I hope to join the duel club with him.

Definitely, Ye Ting also saw what they were thinking. They just wanted to show the results of their training in front of him, the "teacher".

It was difficult for Ye Ting to refuse the invitation from the two "students", so he had to participate in this novice pecking match.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the long dining table in the auditorium disappeared, and a gilded stage appeared along one wall, illuminated by hundreds of candles floating in the sky. The ceiling became as dark as velvet again, and almost all the students from the school were here, crowded together, everyone holding their own wands, their faces full of excitement.

"I wonder who will teach us," Hermione said as they squeezed into the chattering crowd. "Someone told me that Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young. Maybe he will teach us."

"In fact, the truth will disappoint you." Ye Ting smiled faintly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Gilderoy Lockhart walking onto the stage, wearing a purple robe, dazzling, and the 673 people around him were not Others, none other than Snape, were still wearing his usual black clothes.

Lockhart waved everyone for silence, then shouted: "Come around, come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!

"That's right. Professor Dumbledore allowed me to open this small dueling club to fully train everyone in case you need to defend yourself one day. You can protect yourself in the same way that I have used countless times. For more information on this aspect, , please see my published works.”

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape," Lockhart said, grinning broadly. "He told me that he himself knew a thing or two about dueling, and he generously Agree to help me give a small demonstration before class. I said, I don’t want you little guys to worry that after I finish the demonstration with him, I will still

-’s Potions Master will return it to you intact, don’t be afraid!”

Ye Ting looked at the confident Lockhart and couldn't help but curl his lips.

Who is Snape? He was once a Death Eater, and he was definitely a master of black magic. He invented the Blade Curse and the Upside Down Curse when he was a student, and he could also compete with the master of the Order of the Phoenix, Harry's The father, James Potter, and Harry's godfather, Sirius Black, fought back and forth.

With a spear as sharp as Lockhart's, he dared to challenge Snape...

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