Make a plan to fight corruption Secretly arrest the suspect

In the dark night, how many people are working overtime. And how many people are like rats in the gutter, doing dirty things.

Among the twenty-three people, and the third person was lying naked on the bed of the official. There were as many as 12 people, all of whom were photographed by Ye Huan as evidence in court.

All safes, including where the property is hidden, are also marked.

These were all done when Tian Huaqiang opened Tianyantong. These rats in officialdom have a variety of methods to hide money.

Inside the fridge, inside the sofa, inside the ceiling, on the bed, underneath. Even inside the trash can, inside the bathroom.

Even some of the money was soaked in water and became black and rotten. Some even sleep with a mat underneath the sheets.

In order not to startle the snake, Tian Huaqiang let all the people and items be restored to their original state after getting the evidence.

The three of them after a night of busy and tidying up. Tian Huaqiang basically had a clue about the arrest.

He began to make a plan, and then prepared to find the provincial director Ren Feihong in person. Secretly carry out their own capture plan. Wipe out all these corrupt elements and black sheep.

After the darkness of the night, there will be light. Under the light of the sun, all darkness and dust cannot be hidden.

When they woke up, they felt a little dizzy and thought they were super tired from work. Because the people who were searched by Tian Huaqiang have a bit of sequelae.

These people are starting to get up and go to work and do their own thing. These are social elite public officials who are superficially sanctimonious and dedicate themselves to their posts and love their work.

Who would have thought that they were all Sven scum. The moth of the country, the-stirring stick of officialdom.

Tian Huaqiang came to the door of the provincial director Ren Feihong early in the morning. Ren Feihong is the highest police leader in Northern Province. Every day is very regular and I get up very early.

Ren Feihong had just gotten up and brushed his teeth and washed his face, and it was only six o'clock in the morning. There are still two hours left before work. Tian Huaqiang began to knock on the door.

Ren Feihong felt very strange, who came to the door so early? At first glance, it was Tian Huaqiang, the famous Internet celebrity director of Huaxia Guonaibei Province.

As a police officer who has been doing it for decades. His instincts are very strong. Tian Huaqiang must have a very special situation this time.

His arrival is definitely related to the development of the project in Niulanshan, Jingshi. It seems that things are not as simple as they seem. Otherwise, he'll say it on the phone.

Because Tian Huaqiang wore a sun hat to cover his face. He was wearing sports shorts, like a man jogging in the morning.

Ren Feihong led him into his study. In a study room of twelve or thirteen square meters.

A simple bookshelf and a desk. A sofa and a water dispenser. Document storage cabinets. Nothing else.

Tian Huaqiang knew that the matter was serious and time was running out. Take out the materials in your hand and put them on the table to jump straight to the topic.

"Director, take a look, this is the evidence I have searched and collated. All photos and videos are well documented.

"The problem is bigger than you think. This time Jing City, it can be a big thunder. Tian Huaqiang said solemnly.

Ren Feihong's hand holding the material trembled. He saw a lot of people from the list, people he promoted. These people used to be colleagues, and they were the people he valued the most.

The more I watched, the more frightened I became. If it weren't for the information and evidence in front of you. Who would dare to believe that these intellectuals and cultural elites are serving the people in such a high post in this way.

Accepting bribes, greedy for sex and money. Power and money trading, forced purchase and forced occupation. Act as an umbrella for the underworld. Collusion between officials and bandits.

There are even people who cheat for the sake of political performance. Even more serious is that there are as many as 13 mistresses.

Some have their assets transferred abroad. Both the daughter and the wife emigrated.

Earn money from Huaxia and go to other countries to enjoy. Eat, drink and have fun at public expense, and even go to Lisboa to gamble. Lose tens of millions of dollars in a gambling game.

Ren Feihong looked at it and gritted his teeth. He squeezed the information with both hands.

"What is Comrade Huaqiang's plan. These people are angry for not arresting the people. The people are feeding us. And they are sucking the blood of the people.

"These scum must be dealt with quickly, severely, and strictly, and must not be tolerated. When it comes to being angry, Ren Feihong slapped it on the desk with one hand.

"I want to act tonight. With our police officers in Jiangcheng, which one of them suddenly attacked to avoid secret arrest. Twenty-three people worked in groups to spread out the net. "

All the arterial roads out of the city in Jing City are fortified. Until all the people involved in the case are arrested and brought to justice, they will be released. Tian Huaqiang looked at Ren Feihong.

"That's what I planned, eight o'clock this morning. You issued a notice in the name of the provincial department, from one of the three districts of Jiangcheng. One hundred and fifteen police officers were drawn. On the grounds of going to the Armed Police Corps to study and exchange.

"I'll take care of it all. Bring all the people to the training base of the Armed Police Corps.

"Then apply for Major General Zhou Xingzhe of the Armed Police Corps. One hundred and fifteen armed guards were dispatched. All the people brought their gear on board. "

Divided into twenty-three arrest teams. Each group of ten people held a search warrant from the provincial department. Wait until the suspect is in place to act in unison. Tian Huaqiang said the plan in detail.

So that it can be kept secret. The god entered the city unconsciously.

Since I made the plan, I applied that I be in charge of the command. Ensure the smooth operation of the arrest. I hope the Director will think about it. Tian Huaqiang said with great confidence.

"Comrade Hua Qiang, I believe in your ability very much. You seem to have been born to do criminal investigation work, and you plan every step of the way perfectly. It can also be kept secret.

"And we can guarantee that they will not collude with each other to cover up each other. I agree that you will lead the team to arrest you in another place. Anything else needs to be brought up. Ren Feihong affirmed Tian Huaqiang's arrest plan.

"The members of the arrest team are organized by me. As for the belongings that were counted, and the seized bank accounts of the company's real estate.

"The provincial department should send serious personnel to carefully count and store the warehousing. Don't lose anything! That's all evidence!" Tian Huaqiang said seriously.

"Once you get the bank card, immediately arrange for personnel to freeze it on the spot. These people have real estate and luxury cars under their hands. All financial aspects of jewelry, all detailed remarks on file. "

I think the whole process is a video record to be used as evidence in the trial. Tian Huaqiang said directly.

"In order not to leak this plan, there are only two of us. Except for the room, they act separately. First of all, I had to arrange four buses, all of which were tour groups.

"Just wait for the arrest to be completed, and you will notify the provincial party committee." Let someone take charge of the work of Jing City. Call when the time comes. After Tian Huaqiang finished speaking, he got up and went to prepare.

Ren Feihong was not in the mood to eat breakfast. I left in a hurry to inform the Jiangcheng City Bureau, and today I organized personnel to go to the Armed Police Corps to study anti-terrorism and anti-riot drills. Relevant departments will send personnel to gather at the municipal bureau.

Then I called the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and immediately arranged for four buses to go to the Jiangcheng Bureau to pull people.

At 11 o'clock in the afternoon, all the personnel arrived at the training base of the Armed Police Corps.

Tian Huaqiang took people into the car and collected everyone's personal belongings. And all the equipment is checked, and the order is waited in the car.

Eat at noon in the car, go to the toilet and go to the toilet with four people. Someone watched, and there was no way to keep the action secret.

Everything was ready, and Major General Zhou Xingzhe of the Armed Police Corps was also very cooperative. One hundred and fifteen guards, on standby with live guns and ammunition.

It is normal for the military and police to join forces in China to strengthen the country. The armed police have sufficient firepower and combat effectiveness. High safety factor.

Departed on time at 1 p.m., the curtains and front of the bus were all covered. You can't see people inside or outside.

The vehicle passed through the Jingshi Expressway intersection and entered the city, in a large warehouse.

All the people got out of the car, divided into 23 arrest teams, and distributed photos of the arresting personnel. Family location. Precautions, until this time everyone knows, the real purpose of this trip.

The game of catching the rats begins, and the rats are all ready to come home from work for a big meal. Or go for a walk around the old place.

How could Tian Huaqiang let the rats feel at ease, I don't know that everyone shouts in the rat aisle.

As soon as Tian Huaqiang's consciousness opened, he laid down the clamp. Exterminate rats. And they are all big rats in officialdom.

If you ask how big it is, look at it and you'll know. Anyway, it's bigger than you know.

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