The Demon King Took Off His Little Horns

Chapter 106: 【Thanks for irrigation】

The magical attainment revealed by the storm moved Anthony. This power was almost beyond the world. Even if they had tried their best to get close to Ansel, the storm and the interference of the monsters still made their Effort seems very weak.

"Ans!" He called out. At this distance, he could no longer see Ans El's figure, only a shadowy white looming in the storm.

—It's Ansel's white hair.

However, this white is as stable as a weight in the storm.

Ansair is indeed as stable as a weighing scale, and his affection for Theros is now at its peak! It turned out that it was so convenient to tie up his hair. If it were changed to the time when he was free to distribute it in the past, he would definitely be covered with long hair now, and he would lose the dignity of the Demon King!

Cerros! What a good goose... ah no, what a good devil!

However, His Majesty the Demon King, who was as stable as a weight, soon heard some hesitant whispers from the storm, like two little quails chattering.

"Al, why is he so motionless?"

"Yeah, Bailey, I thought he was wobbly too..."

"Then we'll go up and scare him!"

"Hold him up too!"

"Make him feel good about us!"


Holding this beautiful fantasy, the Gemini Fallen Angel began to stare at the scale seriously, hoping that he could move a little. Under the great pressure, Ansi Er had no choice but to take two perfunctory steps.

The next second, one left and one right, the two fallen angels flapped their single wings and supported Ansel.

Ah, sweet.

Ansier thought to himself.

If it can be determined that the self-proclaimed "Fallen Angels" twins have no blood connection with the monster, then he can say that he really wants these two orderlies!

What? Is it the enemy faction? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter too much. The prime minister and Xiong Xiong under Ansi Er's command were all dug from a tyrannical city lord in Suberbian City.

It doesn't matter if it's a leader, he also digs leaders, such as Pruru and Vashak. After digging out the leader, wouldn't the opponent's power be disintegrated or directly incorporated?

Anseyer felt that he could, like the Asmodeus family, sum up a book of "Demon Kings", a very important chapter of which must be—

When you turn enemies into subordinates, you have no enemies.

"Now, we've caught you!" Bailey smiled, then her face changed and she made a face, "Quack!"

The other grimaced.


Ansel: "…"

These two really know how to be cute.

Sand well.

Sure enough, after catching Ansel, these two revealed their true colors.

Ansier looked at the intertwined web of space on his body, the twins weaved a huge net to wrap him in, Ansier tried very hard to show a little shock , the twin sister suddenly became proud.

"You have to be good." She seemed to be comforting a kitten, but there was some childish malice in her words, "Your companion is being besieged by our men, everything is It's because you shelter people who shouldn't be sheltered."


Anseyer is acting stupid, he really doesn't know anyone, he only knows cats.

"Whether you really don't know it or not, now, you are our bargaining chip." The fallen angel's single black wing flapped triumphantly, and Al next to Bailey lifted the storm and turned the horn Holding it in his hand, he used his mental power to control the monsters that were rushing forward.

After there was no obstruction, the group headed by Rhein immediately rushed over. The previous storm had destroyed the long bridge, and now they were facing each other on both sides of the broken bridge.

"Anse!" Joey cried out anxiously, he saw the space net that bound Anseyer, if his head could pass, he might be able to destroy the net.

"Think beautifully!" The twin fallen angels immediately stood in front of Ansi Er. Bailey is usually the spokesman of the twins, she hangs up, her arms cross her chest, her eyes become cold.


"If you want to get him back, just use the cat you hid."

…the people of the Silent Council!

The little black cat Jasmine was curled up in Rhine's pocket, holding her head in her claws. Hearing this, the tip of her ear moved slightly, and after a little hesitation, she wanted to take the lead, but Rhine pressed her down with one hand.

Rhein is more mature than Jasmine. He clearly knows that Jasmine's existence cannot be exposed now. The opponent's strength is exaggerated to the point of exaggeration.

The best way to deal with it now is to delay and wait for the roving witcher from the witcher club to arrive. The movement of the storm is so big, someone will definitely notice something is wrong and come to check.

Rhein is only worried about one thing now, that is, even if more witchers come over, I am afraid it will not pose a substantial threat to the twins.

Bailey glanced at Al behind him. Al was very good at observing people's expressions. He shook his head at Bailey, saying that he couldn't see anything. Bailey was suddenly a little puffed up, where did these people hide the cat!

She didn't expect that, following Ansel's instructions, Rhine had been carrying the kitten with her. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Jasmine squatted in Rhine’s pocket or backpack. Except for the cat-eared witch hat that was often crumpled, there was no other flaw at all.

But they still have chips, so Bailey smiled again. She and Al grabbed the net of space together, flapped her wings and flew, and the net contained the white-haired hero who was very important to humans and the people in front of them.

"We can give you half a day to hand over the cat, and the brave man will naturally be released."

Al suddenly spoke.

"We know that you are all waiting for reinforcements, so the trade will be held on the high platform in the center of the ruins."

With the horn, Al will call the monsters in advance and guard them to ensure the smooth progress of the transaction. In fact, he and Bailey are not afraid of any human beings. There is no hero who can draw the holy sword. Humans do not pose any threat to them.

The little black cat in the pocket hummed and drooped her ears, looking very self-blame. Rhine also clenched his fists. The news must be notified to the club immediately. Even if the simulated hunting is terminated, the safety of Ansel must be given priority.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, he saw that Anthony and Joey were not worried at all, but looked at the place where Gemini and Ansel disappeared.

"But..." Anthony said slowly.

"But..." Joey also said slowly.

Then, the two looked at each other and sent a representative, Joey, to tell them what they had just discovered.

"But," Joey said, "Anse is in the net!"

Extremely leisurely, especially relaxing, lying in the sun with sunglasses under the beach parasol is just about holding a glass of cola with ice!

Ans looks so calm.

It always seemed that things were completely under Ans's control.

On the other hand, the pair of twins are more like hard labor being squeezed by the boss, and they don't know it.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded beside them, Yun Jian fell neatly beside them and asked aloud.

"What happened?"

From the light of the holy sword at the beginning to the storm behind, this simulated demon hunt seems to have gone wrong.


Ansier lay leisurely in the net, the wind was strong, the hammock was soft, and the orderly in the future would be very hardworking, and at first glance, it was possible to deliver large packages over long distances. It's really not easy, each of them has only a single small wing, but together they have such great power.

The twin fallen angels dragged the net and flew steadily and fast. His Majesty the Demon King was very satisfied.

In the meantime, Al noticed something was wrong. He lowered his head, looked at Ansier lying in the net, and scratched the short hair on his head.


Something is wrong.

His Majesty the Demon King is very comfortable lying down. He feels that he can arrange an interview with the boss today. Originally, if a demon in the Demon Realm wanted to serve him, he would need to be admitted to the civil service system in the Eastern Region first, and after a layer of referrals, he could finally reach his imperial front. However, Gemini is a special move. He can simply ask and see the situation first. If both parties have intentions in the end, it is not too late to take the Eastern Region Residence Permit.

The twins took Ansi Er to the high platform of the ruins, where the monsters have already assembled, showing a tendency to defend. The twins placed Ansier here, and did not untie the big net covering him, and Ansier himself didn't mind.

"May I ask a question?"

He was in the net and suddenly asked.

Berry and Al looked at each other, Al told his sister with his eyes that the other party might be trying to get information. Bailey doesn't mind revealing a bit though, because...

They didn't want to let people go.

The best result is that they catch Jasmine and then rob the hero... Who would leave a confidant who can draw the holy sword to the enemy? Bailey and Al won't anyway. And, they do love the gleaming appearance of the hero, the beautiful white hair and the eyes of the sunset.

According to the concept of being nurtured around monsters—

If you like it, it's theirs!

"Of course you can ask." Bailey smiled, "Of course, I can choose not to tell you."

"At least tell me something, right?"

Alas, is this brave man acting like a spoiled brat to her? Bailey thought triumphantly, nodding reluctantly.

"Well, I'll tell you a little."

In the dark, the executive with the straight tuxedo was lying down, raised both hands, and gently but firmly pressed one head on one side. The head on the left is a translucent pink head that can be separated at any time; the head on the right is a furry black head with a dark red beak.

The black swan murmured angrily.


Pink Slime also whispered angrily.

"Quack quack!"

I'm so angry!

"Calm down, you two." Vassago kept smiling, looking so calm and composed, but he got up immediately and said murderously, "I'm going!"

The other two sides joined forces to press him down.

"Your Majesty has His Majesty's consideration, and we can't disrupt His Majesty's plan." Blulu's face was full of pain, he was very familiar with Ansel's behavior, and smelled a dangerous breath.

"Your Majesty seems to be... looking for a job."

Who? Those two black wings?

Vassago bit his handkerchief jealously, those two little devils were so disrespectful to His Majesty, His gracious Majesty wanted to recruit them!

Berry thought that the hero would ask some questions about their identity, and the hero did ask, but after confirming that they belonged to the Silent Council, the hero thought for a while, and the trend of the topic began to become strange .

"Silent Council..."

He murmured, then asked in an inquiring tone.

"What's your annual salary?"

Belli&Al: "…"

Annual salary? What annual salary?

"Oh, you can't do this." Ans El tutted his head and shook his head, "The Silence Council is a big organization, and its members live a long time, so it stands to reason that the accumulation of wealth should be very good. What? If you have money, don't you pay the annual salary to the people under you?"

He doesn't pay an annual salary because the Eastern Region is very poor.

The Council of Silence does not pay an annual salary, that is to give his big spoon a chance!

A spoonful, just a spoonful.

Take two couriers back.

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