The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 496: Druid turns into a bear (first more)

This is a box of seeds shaped like broad beans, but certainly not broad beans, because the colors are beautiful. There are black, white, red, yellow, purple, green, blue, gray... all are monochromatic, but the colors are different, more than the color of the rainbow.

There are some seeds that can be observed with the magical eye of the faint magic, the magic of chaos, no color attributes.

But most seeds don't have magical light.

"These should be the seeds of the same kind of plants. The magic is the potion seeds. The magic is the ordinary seeds?" Lisz swallowed and quickly denied this judgment. "No, the same green beans. Some have magic, some have no magic, and the other colors are the same."

Broad beans of the same color should be of the same kind, but they show both magical and non-magical forms.

Moreover, the magical broad beans, the degree of magic is not the same, even Liszt also found that the magic of several broad beans is almost invisible.

"These... probably because the storage time is too long, the magic is lost, what is the current appearance? Explain that these broad beans, used to be the potion seeds?" In this way, his heart is even hot, so many varieties of potions, It is simply the rhythm of getting rich.

But quickly, his brow wrinkled.

"There is a potion seed, but I don't have a related elf. How do I plant it?"

The growth of the potion is inseparable from the effect of Cordyceps. Once it is removed from the Cordyceps, the potion will soon lose its magic and return to ordinary plants. This box of potion seeds is very obvious. They are not any kind of plants known to Liszt, and naturally there is no corresponding elf.

Therefore, the idea of ​​planting potions is just empty.

It seems like a basin of cold water poured from the head to the feet.

Through the heart.

"I am empty and happy?" He snorted and quickly returned to calm, and there were twelve boxes left, which could be checked slowly.

Maybe there is an elf bug behind it... It seems unlikely that the elf bug will not have such a long life.

In the same way, he opened the second box and immediately took it into the gem space, and then checked the box, which was also filled with seeds, but it was an oblate seed. Golden yellow, small fingernail size, is also a potion seed.

Some have magic, some have no magic.

The third box is the seed; the fourth box is the seed... until the tenth box is the potion seed. Each of these ten boxes contains different seeds, all of which Liszt has never seen. Some are like beans, some are like grains, some are as big as fists, and some are as small as sesame.

Such a large and diverse range of potions seeds is supposed to be a fascinating harvest.

But Liszt is more and more aware that the heart is blocking the light to the seed, not to the elf, this is to see but can not eat, do anxious!

There are still three last boxes.

With a tragic attitude, he opened the first box. This time, the box is no longer a potion seed, but a book. A stack of books that are neatly arranged, stacked vertically, and a complex text on the spine of the book, he can see at a glance, this is the sun.

You can even recognize a lot of text.

At the beginning, "The Diary of Philip Sun's Descendants" was not seen in vain.

"XX Sun Tower **** build xx?" Liszt saw the title of one of the books, the sun is not recognized, but the general idea can be speculated that it seems to be a book about how the sun tower is built, then he looks down One, "xxx turned into **** bear x..."

Subsequent copies, the format is similar, are "xxx turned **** eagle x", "xxx turned **** leopard x", "xxx turned xxxx" and the like.

Many Suns, Liszt does not know, can only rely on guessing: "This, two, three, four, five, six books, seems to be a book about transfiguration, is the son of the sun can become a bear, an eagle, Leopards and the like?"

He took out one of the books "xxx turned into **** bear x", the books were well preserved, and there were no signs of decay.

The cover is soft and delicate, the touch is like a kind of leaves, and the paper inside is very thin and light, similar to the paper he found in the bottle from the letter. On the first page, I painted beautifully colored pictures. If it weren't for the traces of lines, Liszt almost thought it was a photo.

In the picture is a huge bear with brown fur and large cavities.

Continue to turn pages, followed by a dense sun, and at first glance, Liszt found himself in the sun from the Diary of Philip Sun, simply not enough to support him to read the contents. Indeed, there are several Suns who know him, but they don’t understand it at all.

"Dizziness, change the next one."

The next one is "xxx turned xxxx", the first color picture, painted a dolphin, so the title of this book should be "xxx turned **** dolphin x". Next, a tree painted in color, a tree that can walk, so this book is called "xxx turned into **** tree x".

Next one, the color picture is a chubby big bird, it seems that it will not fly, standing and walking. Liszt has never seen it, and can't be sure what it is. Even the species that can be compared can't be found. It is a penguin-like gesture, but it is like a bloated owl.

"Just call it a beast, anyway, it is a translation of the name, it does not matter accurately and inaccurate."

So this book, called "xxx turned into **** beast x", at this point, you can know that the sun's son's transformation of magic, including into bears, leopards, hawks, dolphins, trees, beasts six.

"The magic that can be transformed, which reminds me of the profession of 'Druid'. It seems that in the notes left by Curtis's truth, Druid is mentioned, and it is with the magician, the lich, the alchemy. The warlocks are juxtaposed together, perhaps the three suns in front of the title are the meaning of 'druid'?"

"Druid turned into **** bear x?"

The rest of the sun in the title, can not guess, he quickly put down the book and continue to read. But the next book, a lot of titles in a sun, he does not know, let alone guess what to mean.


The penultimate box is still a book.

This made Liszt a bit tangled. He likes to read books, but the Sun text belongs to a foreign language book. He cannot understand it with his vocabulary.

He is not an archaeologist. He can spend a lot of time studying these books, summarizing them and determining the meaning of each sun.

and so.

The effects of these books on him, like those of the potion seeds, seem to be very valuable, but they are not used.

"There is only the last box, don't tell me that this box is still a potion seed or a book." Liszt uneasily opened the last box.


The contents of the box are in sight.

Not a potion seed, nor a sun book.

It is a scepter that breaks into two pieces, a golden scepter, a piece of metal round stick engraved with a dense pattern, and a piece of decoration that resembles the sun's radiant light. The sun is shining in the center, inlaid with a huge golden gemstone.

Even in the gem space, it is impossible to look directly at the naked eye, still giving him the illusion of "bright eyes".

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