The Death Knell

Chapter 199 Changes

Neptune Namor is this young man's name.

He is a hybrid of Atlanteans and humans, which gives his skin a slightly bluish color, because Atlanteans all have light blue skin, like some kind of aquatic animal.

But he also inherited part of it, namely his elf-like pointed ears.

His father was originally the captain of an ocean-going cargo ship and accidentally rescued the Queen of Atlantis, Namor's mother, who was trapped in a fishing net.

They fell in love and later had Namor.

But the Atlanteans soon found their queen, believing that humans had kidnapped her, and killed Namor's father.

The Queen had no way to explain that her identity prevented him from telling the truth about falling in love with humans. She could only take Namor back to Atlantis and let him live there.

But because of Namor's unique skin color, he has been discriminated against since he was a child. He blames everything on his human father. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have such a skin color.

Maybe it’s because the pressure in the deep sea is relatively high, and Atlantis will never see the light of day.

Everything around him made him very paranoid. He hated all humans and regarded himself completely as an Atlantean. After his mother died, he had to use violence to inherit the throne. This dark reality made him even more paranoid.


In fact, this is because of his bloodline. If he stays in the water or on land for a long time, it will make him crazy. But he doesn't know this yet. He has been living underwater for decades.

If you compare him with Arthur next door, although they are both Sea Kings, they have many differences in abilities.

Arthur's strength is 1,500 times that of ordinary humans. He has super defense and is invulnerable. He has a set of sophisticated armor and several followers. He has an impartial attitude towards humans and undersea people.

Sometimes when people were in trouble, Arthur would give them fish to eat.

But just like the Sea Queen that Su Ming had dealt with before, he was too impulsive and his lack of brains was his biggest weakness.

The upper limit of Namor's strength is about 250 tons. Most of the time, he is shirtless or wears a leather vest. He will use a trident or a long sword, but most of the time he fights with bare hands.

He has no followers and doesn't like land people. He can control marine life and tsunamis directly through his thoughts. Most of the time he is crazy. Before defeating him, he has no sense at all. He is a madman full of power. The key is that he can fly.

He has a pair of small wings on his ankles, similar to pigeon wings, which allow him to fly at a speed of about 65 miles per hour.

It's not very fast, but it can fly, which is a very unfriendly ability for Deathstroke.

If it were the story in the comics, Namor would have misunderstood that the people who killed his people were Americans, so he came to New York to launch a flood to retaliate, and finally turned enemies into friends to save the world.

But now things are hard to tell, because the story time does not match up, many things are specious, and there are too many forces involved, so the complexity must be even higher.

Su Ming has ordered all factories and offices under the company to be prepared for flood prevention. Once a tsunami occurs, evacuation measures must be strictly implemented according to the plan.

But he could not confirm exactly when the tsunami would occur, or even whether it would occur.


A German Z-class destroyer was sailing on the Atlantic Ocean. They approached the Bermuda waters in a violent storm.

This is a very famous mysterious sea area, and recent intelligence has confirmed that there are signs of Atlanteans appearing nearby.

The naval flag of the Third Reich was hoisted on the ship, and dark waves rose high and stained the red and black-and-white cloth.

At high altitudes, lookouts were always on guard for possible U.S. warships, while sailors on the quarter deck were struggling to load improved depth charges onto the catapults.

As the ship arrived at the designated position, huge bombs were thrown into the water one after another. White water columns that were tens of meters high appeared one by one on the deep blue sea. In the water columns, there was also a blue electric light.

The bombing lasted for nearly half an hour. They dropped all the bombs they carried, and then the captain ordered to lower the trawl net and return to the waters they had just sailed through.

"It's disgusting. Are we doing this right? I mean, they seem to be civilians."

In the beginning, it was indeed a combination of warships and fishing boats, but this place is very close to the mainland of the United States. Once the fishing boats are discovered, it will be difficult to escape. Later, Mustache specially modified a group of destroyers to do this job.

As the fishing net gradually broke away from the water under the guidance of the robotic arm, the rushing water rushed back to the sea, and the soldiers operating the machine also took the opportunity to whisper to their comrades.

They joined the Imperial Navy to defeat the British and avenge the High Seas Fleet, but the Führer sent them to do the massacre.

The fishing net was getting higher and higher. He looked at the blue corpses in the net. The gender of the relatively complete ones could be distinguished. The facial features of those blue-skinned women were no different from those of humans. They even wore shells on their necks and earlobes. The small jewelry made is lying quietly among the fish that are picked up together.

Except for their skin color, they are just common people like their wives at home.

The sergeant next to him patted him: "Keep your voice down, if the Gestapo hears it, we will be doomed."

"Don't worry, sir, those few people won't come to the deck in such big wind, waves and rain." Although the young man said this, he still looked at the entrance to the bottom cabin carefully: "And I don't think they are the Gestapo. , but Hydra..."

The sergeant took over the next work, carried these corpses out, put them in the warehouse, and kept them frozen like fish: "Okay, no matter what these corpses are, our scientists need them, and we are soldiers and obey orders. "

The boat rocked violently, and the two tried their best to steady their steps. The sea seemed to be angry, and the dark sky seemed to crush everything.

"Yes! But these depth charges are really powerful. I saw them emitting blue light in the ammunition depot last night. Will this be popular in the fleet in the future?"

"Maybe these blue-skinned people are the source of the blue light, but we don't need to think so much, Germany is above all else."

"German High...Wait, God, what is that?!"

Amidst the horrified shouts of the young people, they saw a huge wave tens of meters high rising from the bow of the ship, and on top of it, a shirtless man was riding on the wave and swooping towards them. .

The sea water and waves held him up like a dark blue horse. This scene full of destruction made everyone stop breathing.

Although the distance was far away, and the rain and waves blocked the view, even so, it seemed that the man's face was filled with anger and madness, and his eyes were fixed on the ship.

The huge wave almost overturned the destroyer, but the German military industry guarantees quality. However, the loud noise that followed caused many people to run onto the deck and look at the scene in front of them in shock.

The loud noise was the black-haired young man jumping onto their boat.

Water was dripping on his face, but he couldn't tell whether it was rain, sea water or tears. He stood steadily at the front of the deck. He didn't even care about other people's reactions, but rushed to the freezing tank to see The blue-skinned people inside.

Dead, all dead, almost all of them died with their eyes closed, their twisted limbs describing their pain in life.

"So many..." he murmured in a trembling voice, breathing heavily, and then he turned his eyes to the people on the ship: "Humans! You are all going to die!!!"

"Shoot!" Seeing the other party's inhuman behavior, only the older captain calmed down quickly.

Countless bullets hit this man's naked body, but he was unscathed. All the bullets fell directly to the ground. He raised his fist and rushed towards the people quickly.

"It won't work, Captain!"

"Use anti-aircraft guns!"

"The shell was deflected!"

The sailors used various weapons on the ship, even harpoons and rocket launchers, but all attacks were completely ineffective.

These indiscriminate bombardments had no other effect except scorching the deck, and the young man continued to charge.

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!!!"

Namor vented his anger, tearing the humans in his way into pieces or throwing them into the sea. He had gathered a lot of sharks around, just waiting for a feast.

These humans are too weak, how dare they take the initiative to challenge the majesty of Atlantis?

Namor was extremely powerful and invulnerable, so he launched a counter-massacre against these people.

Instead of flying, he chose to slowly torture these people with his bare hands, letting them feel the pain of being squeezed by the sea water before death.

Slowly, miserably.

Until a group of people wearing black fur coats blocked him from enjoying himself, he originally wanted to rush forward, but a strange weapon in the hands of these people helped him give up the idea.

"HYDRA, fire."

The leading officer in the black leather jacket ordered calmly. He put his hands behind his back, stood on the deck with his head held high, and looked at Namor not far away with an expressionless expression.

His voice didn't spread far in the rain, but the next second, everything around him was surrounded by blue light.

The dark sky, the scorched deck, and the frightened faces of the sailors all seemed to turn blue in an instant.

The beams of light accurately hit Namor's upper body, sending him flying like a rubber ball and sliding a large distance on the rain-filled deck.

"Damn humans!"

Namor struggled, his chest was scorched black, and his skin and flesh cracked like a trench, exposing the bones inside.

This terrible weapon hurt him, and for the first time he felt his own weakness and pain. This made him angrier, but he could barely move.

The anger in his heart cannot affect the real world, and without preparation, he cannot immediately launch huge waves or giant sea creatures.

The leading officer moved his chin, sighed indifferently, and raised a hand wearing a blue leather glove.

"Get close and fire, I'm going to live."

The men in black leather jackets were carrying equipment that looked like milk cans and were approaching Namor while shooting. He tried his best to dodge, but was soon surrounded.

Intense shots hit Namor's head, and more than ten blows from different directions caused his head to be almost torn off from his neck. Finally, he fainted with bloody features.

"Send it to the cryogenic chamber below. This sample is very valuable." The blond officer wiped the rain off his face and rubbed the back of his blue glove on his cheek, but soon there was a crazy look in his blue eyes. The light gradually extinguished and calm returned.

Like the sea all around.

Originally, they were a team sent to New York to secretly capture the Torch Man. They planned to take a boat to the offshore sea and then transfer to a submarine to land in the United States, but seems that they can complete the mission with this prey.

The Torchbearer triggered the craze for synthetic humans, and Germany thought of using Atlanteans. Now they have caught a hybrid that looks good. This is the finished product. The mission is accomplished. Maybe even the process of scientists' experiments is saved.

"Captain, prepare to return home. I will ask the head of state to take credit for you." The blond man smiled at the captain, looking full of aristocratic bearing.

"Thank you Major General for your appreciation." The captain touched his gray beard and wiped the rain off his face. There were still water drops on his beard.

He politely thanked him first, and then shouted loudly for the sailors to tie up Namor and help the black leather coats deal with it, while he returned to the bridge to give orders.

Although the blond man was a member of Hydra, his military rank was higher than that of the captain, and he also had a secret warrant from the headquarters. He was the highest commander of the operation.

"No need to thank you, we all serve the head of state."

The blond man turned around with a smile, and his men opened the hatch for him, and he slowly walked towards the lower cabin.

He stood inside the door and smiled at the dark unknown. Then he put his index and middle fingers on the stair railing, like a little blue man walking, and let it walk down with him.

He smiled like a child, and when the little finger man couldn't keep up with him, he would stop and wait very patiently.

There was a change in his actions, and he needed to contact the country, but this was not an urgent matter, was it?

The Führer actually didn't want Hydra to know about this matter. Originally, this was the task that Little Glasses was responsible for, but within the National Socialist Party, is there anything that can escape Hydra's infiltration?

As long as some benefits are exchanged, such as the use quota of x compound, Hydra can easily enter the synthetic human plan.

The blond man returned to his cabin, took off his black fur coat and military cap stained by seawater, straightened his appearance, and then sat upright in front of the telegraph machine.

They have a telegraph machine that does not require typing. Just speak, and the voice can be converted into cipher text and sent back to the country.

He cleared his throat, pressed the switch of the secret message machine with his slender fingers wearing blue gloves, and began to tell the message. Of course, as a qualified imperial noble, the greeting at the end was also essential.

With a pure smile on his face, he gently closed his eyes and said that glorious name.

"Long live Hydra."

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