The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 101 On the train (please subscribe!)

"Get down!" Harry shouted to Ron. "We need to fly lower to see the train!"

"I know the direction. I once rode a thunderbird across the Pacific. My sense of direction is the best. Let me show you the way!" Lockhart shook off the shock that the clouds had just brought to him and hurriedly Showing off his presence, "We should fly in that direction!"

"I see it! It's right in front, over there!" Harry shouted, pointing to the Hogwarts Express train below them. The direction of the train was at a 90° angle to the direction Lockhart was pointing.

Lockhart: ...

"Actually, this direction is the shortest straight-line distance." He said weakly, but at this time, Hedwig, who was just sitting in the back seat with Harry and Ron, suddenly learned human language.

In fact, the reason for their decline is not only the view, but also the temperature. It is a sunny day in London today, but the maximum temperature is only a pitiful 18°C. As we all know, in the troposphere, the temperature of the atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude. For every 100 meters of elevation, the temperature drops by 0.6°C. The Ford car just flew up to a thousand meters in the air, and the surrounding temperature was nearly 6°C lower than the ground, which means it was only 12°C.

The temperature is still a bit cold. What's more, this Ford sedan obviously didn't consider the issue of insulation.

So they flew the car lower. The three Harrys seemed to have embarked on a dreamlike journey: the sun was shining brightly all around, they were walking between white clouds, and under their feet were the boundless wilderness and the train...

What a poetic journey! Even better was the discovery of a packet of toffee under the dashboard - thankfully, it wasn't one of Fred's pranks.

Soon, though, the joy of car travel wears off. There was no drinking water in the car, toffee made them thirsty, and the mechanical lifting and lowering of the car made them a little tired...

Lockhart stopped talking. But something suddenly occurred to him.

"I know a wonderful spell!" He took out his magic wand, "Watch it, the water is as clear as a spring!"

Theoretically, there should be a stream of cool spring water gushing out from the tip of Lockhart's stick to moisten the thirsty throats of the three of them, but the water gushing out of the tip of Lockhart's stick stinks! It has a strong smell of protein fermentation.

"HOLY SHIT!" Harry and Ron's mentality exploded: now the car was like opening a package of spoiled chicken breasts, with a lingering stench.

Harry couldn't help but think about the train below: the aunt on the train must be selling iced pumpkin juice.

"Two glasses of iced pumpkin juice and one glass of cold chocolate, thank you!" Tom stopped the passing grandma and came back with a few drinks and snacks.

There were two beautiful girls sitting in the carriage: Hermione, who was wearing a white shirt and a gray vest, and Peggy Grossman, who was dressed up in a red dress.

The two of them met Grossman and his daughter at the station. As seniors, they naturally helped them find the entrance to the station, and then they naturally sat in a box.

"Thank you, senior," Peggy showed a sweet smile, "Senior, how do you know that chocolate is my favorite?"

Hermione, who was sitting opposite her, was sipping pumpkin juice and glanced up at her without trace.

"Mr. Grossman told me." Tom put the snacks on the small table, "Here, you must try the special snacks from the magical world."

Peggy opened a box of chocolate frogs. The magic frog inside felt the free air, so it pushed hard and jumped out of the box, but before it could "swim into the sea", Peggy grabbed its hind legs. .

She held the chocolate frog's hind legs so that it was at eye level with her, and watched as the chocolate frog struggled.

"It's a bit disgusting." Then she put the chocolate frog into her mouth, "But chocolate is chocolate, and it still tastes just as delicious."

The crisp sound of chocolate echoed in the box, and Tom even saw the chocolate frog's little leg hanging from the corner of his mouth twitching, only to be rolled into his mouth by a pink little tongue. Soon, the chocolate frog disappeared completely.

It was obviously just a snack, but it made Peggy feel like she was devouring a living thing.

"Oh, are there any cards here?" Peggy picked up the card from the chocolate frog box, "Morgana?"

She looked at the introduction above: "A powerful dark wizard, a witch from King Arthur's era? She looks very powerful."

Morgana is the Queen of Elysium and holds the apple branch, the Celtic symbol of peace and fertility. She is a beautiful and knowledgeable woman, but this fairy is also the goddess of winter, the goddess of darkness and death. She is both a noble lady and a slut, an evil witch queen and a beautiful fairy. She has two completely different images: one is a beautiful young girl, the other is an old woman. Regardless of her identity, she is usually the embodiment of evil and a skilled healer.

Tom also opened a box of chocolate frogs and got a character card, "Merlin?"

Merlin was a wizard from King Arthur's time and the most famous wizard in history. People called him the "Wizard Prince". His status in the magical world is almost equivalent to that of God in the non-magical world. Merlin has powerful magic and is full of wisdom, can predict the future, and is proficient in transformation. He was born from the union of a nightmare and a mortal woman, and this bloodline gave Merlin inherited supernatural powers and skills.

Merlin can shapeshift into various animals and talk to them - he can even turn into a virus, which is how he defeated the witch Lady Mim. Legend has it that Merlin guided King Arthur to obtain the Holy Sword and unify England.

The welcome letter from Slytherin House said that Merlin had studied in Slytherin House at Hogwarts. Tom felt that this was basically a fabrication. He remembered that Merlin and King Arthur were active together in the fifth century AD, and Hogwarts. Watts was founded after the tenth century, a span of five hundred years. Even if Merlin was still alive at that time, Salazar Slytherin would not be qualified to be his teacher - and vice versa.

The three of them then ate and drank. Tom bought snacks and drinks, Hermione took out the box lunch made by her mother, and Peggy was exaggerating. His father prepared a large box of sushi, sashimi and the like for her—— According to him, the food was already cold when it was served on the train. Among various cuisines, Japanese food is more suitable to be eaten cold. Peggy had no problem with sharing these things with Tom and Hermione, because the Japanese food was not made by her father, but was ordered from a Japanese food store. Pure krypton gold, no sincerity.

During this period, Tom also answered several questions for Peggy.

But suddenly, a shadow passed outside the window, attracting the attention of the three people.

"Is that... a car?" Hermione asked uncertainly.

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