"Boy, if it weren't for my proposal, you wouldn't be qualified to come here again!"

Chu Yanghu stared at Lin Tian with an angry face, this kid taunted him in a roundabout way as soon as he came, he was simply slapping him in the face in public, he couldn't bear it.

"Doctor Chu, you ...... What's wrong with you?" Wei

Bingrui was a little puzzled, if it wasn't for Chu Yanghu's suggestion, they wouldn't have specifically invited Lin Tian.

It's just that now that Lin Tian is here, how can Chu Yanghu react so excitedly?"

"Miss Wei, Doctor Chu is blaming me for questioning him.

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"But I would like to ask Doctor Chu, if you weren't helpless and had the mentality of a dead horse being a live horse doctor, how would you suggest that they bring me in?"

"Besides, I said before that the thirteen needles of soothing qi can only temporarily make Old Man Wei get better, and with Old Man Wei's current situation, using thirteen needles to acupuncture Old Man Wei will only aggravate his condition. "

But it seems that Doctor Chu probably didn't take my words seriously at all, otherwise Old Man Wei's condition would not have become so serious!"

Chu Yanghu's breath stagnated

, "Boy, you ......" "What are you, what's wrong with you?" Lin Tian frowned, "

Your medical skills are good, but your Chinese medicine skills are broad and profound, as vast as a sea of smoke, don't be so self-righteous, you must know that there are people outside the world, and there are heavens outside the sky!"

Lin Tian's impression of Chu Yanghu was not bad, but in his opinion, he was just a guy who relied on the old and sold the old.

"Presumptuous, you have only studied Chinese medicine for a few days, and you dare to talk to the old man like this!" Chu

Yanghu trembled with anger, and regretted very much that he asked Wei Bingrui and them to find Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was not annoyed, and smiled faintly, "Divine Doctor Chu should be most proud of this thirteen needles of qi soothing, but in my opinion, you haven't learned the last three of these thirteen needles of qi soothing at all."

Lin Tian raised his eyes and glanced at Chu Yanghu.

"To be exact, you don't have a thorough understanding of these last three stitches, but these last three stitches are precisely the essence of the thirteen stitches of Qi soothing.

Hearing this, Chu Yanghu was stunned for a moment, "Boy, do you know what you're talking about?" You dare to question ......" "

I'm not questioning you, but I'm explaining the facts."

Lin Tian shook his head and interrupted what Chu Yanghu was about to say.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have only learned the first ten needles of the thirteen needles of Qi soothing, and although the last three needles can be learned, they are not learned, but they have been learned by yourself, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yanghu's body trembled suddenly, and he looked at Lin Tian with a face full of disbelief, "How do you know?!"

"Because I know more about the thirteen needles than you!".

Suddenly, Chu Yanghu was stunned on the spot, and after coming back to his senses, he laughed angrily, "Don't be ashamed to speak, and ...... thirteen needles of qi

relief" "

I'm here to save people, not to listen to your nonsense."

Lin Tian didn't bother to argue with Chu Yanghu anymore, and waved his hand casually.

"Miss Wei, next I want to help your grandfather heal, don't let anyone disturb you during the period, otherwise the immortals will not be able to save Old Man Wei!"

Wei Bingrui nodded hurriedly, "Mr. Lin, don't worry, no one will disturb you." The

words fell, and he glanced at Chu Yanghu intentionally or unintentionally.

Chu Yanghu's lungs were about to explode in anger, and he snorted coldly, "Pretend

!" "Boy, I'll see how you end up then!"

Lin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to it, walked to the side of the bed and grabbed Old Man Wei's left wrist, and flicked his three fingers gently.

"The pulse seems to be steady and powerful, without any distraction, but it is a sign of yin and yang decay.

"It's like the midday sun, which seems to be the most violent, but in fact it is already weak. "

If you forcibly give acupuncture to Old Man Wei with immature thirteen needles to relieve qi, it will only accelerate the exhaustion of what little vitality he already has left, and the truth that things must be reversed, Doctor Chu won't not know it, right?"

Without waiting for Chu Yanghu to respond, Lin Tian spoke again, "Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the five elements of yin and yang, and the two qi of yin and yang are sympathetic,

and all things are born.

"And all things themselves contain opposites, so that they rub against each other, forming a movement of bending and stretching back and forth.

"Therefore, when the movement of a certain side reaches the extreme, it will change to the opposite side, and all things will decline at the extreme, and the moving pole will be quiet, and when the moon is full, it will be lost, and when the water is full, it will overflow, all of which are the same truth.

Lin Tian said, and the words changed, "The last three of the thirteen needles of soothing qi have the effect of rejuvenating, and Old Man Wei's illness is caused by the decay of qi and blood.

"But the old man has been taking all kinds of natural treasures that nourish blood and qi all year round, which can be said to be forcibly renewing his life, but he has reached the limit, and he will naturally weaken if he replenishes it to the extreme. "

This is also the reason why Old Man Wei's pulse is steady and powerful, but his face is sallow and withered.

"Because the tonic that remains in Old Man Wei's body is still working, ensuring his pulse and breathing.

"But the qi and blood have decayed and depleted, and they can't infuse the medicinal power all over the body, so they will sometimes be awake and sometimes comatose.

Speaking of this, Lin Tian took out a needle bag and took out three one-and-a-half-inch silver needles.

"The last three of the thirteen needles are qi soothing, blood dissipation, and blood activation. As the

words fell, Lin Tian shook his wrist, and suddenly pricked a silver needle three inches below Old Man Wei's umbilicus, and then pulled out the silver needle and stabbed it again.

After repeating to the thirteenth time, Lin Tian suddenly slapped his palm on the end of the silver needle.

But just when the silver needle was about to submerge into the lower layer of Old Man Wei's skin, Lin Tian clamped his fingers and quickly pulled out the silver needle.

"This is where the dantian is located, and it is also the location of the Guan Yuan acupoint, which has a series of effects such as promoting digestion, correcting endocrine disorders, and anti-aging in the middle of the human body.

"The technique of using the last three needles and the first needle of the thirteen needles can be used for the purpose of breathing qi. With that

, Lin Tian turned around and came to the end of the bed, and the second silver needle in his hand was precisely pierced on the Yongquan point on the sole of Old Man Wei's feet.

"The lower needle Yongquan acupoint can treat a series of symptoms such as mental weakness and loss of energy, but with the technique of the last three needles and the second needle, it can be used as the ability to turn blood. The

voice was still echoing in the air, and Lin Tian suddenly flicked his fingers at the end of the silver needle.

Suddenly, the silver needle trembled, and the frequency became higher and higher.

When the silver needle stopped trembling, Lin Tian stabbed the silver needle downward for another point, and flicked the tail of the silver needle again.

This set of actions was repeated thirteen times, and Lin Tian stopped at this time, and then pulled out the silver needle.

A stream of black and smelly blood shot out from the spring point on the sole of Old Man Wei's foot along the eye of the needle.

Everyone at the scene looked stunned, and they all held their breath and stared at Lin Tian intently.

Especially Chu Yanghu, the whole person seemed to have been electrocuted, trembling all over, excited and shocked.

But he bit his lip hard, not allowing himself to make the slightest sound, his eyes widened, and he stared at Lin Tian deadly, for fear of missing any fatal details.

The next moment, Lin Tian came to the bedside, grabbed Old Man Wei's arm, and pierced the silver needle into the apex of his armpit.

"This is a very important acupuncture point on the pericardial meridian, called the Jiquan acupoint, the extreme is a high place, the spring is the spring water, which is the source of the heart's blood supply to the whole body.

While speaking, Lin Tian held the silver needle between his two fingers and continued to penetrate into the shallow, and at the same time, his index finger kept flicking the tail of the silver needle.

"Here, the third needle can be used to carry blood.

After repeating it thirteen times, Lin Tian put away all the silver needles and looked up at Chu Yanghu with a sluggish expression.

"Doctor Chu, can you learn?" Chu

Yanghu's Adam's apple slid twice with difficulty, his expression gradually became excited, and he exclaimed in a trembling voice, "Thirteen needles of Qi soothing, this is the real Thirteen Needles of Qi Soothing!".

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