Kaiyuan Road is located in the old town of Chuzhou, and this road is basically full of dilapidated residential buildings, and there are almost no new high-rise buildings in sight.

Plus it's an old town, so no rich person will come here.

"Kaiyuan Road has arrived. "

The taxi driver hit the brakes.

Zhou Beina turned her head and stared at Lin Tian coldly, "What, you still want to continue to sit?"

"I didn't expect it to be quite comfortable in a taxi." Lin Tian leaned back, "Secretary Zhou, I still want to sit for a while, you won't drive me down, right?"

Zhou Beina breathed for a while, leaned forward, and pointed to a mottled and dilapidated street in front of

her, "Master, just stop there!"

"Coincidentally, I'm going to get off there too."

As soon as Lin Tian's words came out, Zhou Beina turned her head abruptly and stared at Lin Tian through gritted teeth, "Mr. Lin, did I provoke you?!"

"No, I'm just dropping by, don't be so excited."

Hearing this, Zhou Beina didn't say anything more, but her chest rose and fell, obviously angry.

Waiting for the taxi to stop, Zhou Beina threw down a hundred-yuan bill, pushed the car door and walked down as soon as possible, turning her head to look at Lin Tian, "Our well water doesn't interfere with river water, don't follow me, okay!" Looking at Zhou Beina's

distant back,

Lin Tian picked up her bag and checked it in his hand.

This guy is in too much of a hurry, what the hell is going on?


"Little girl, have you memorized what my brother just said?!"

A flat-headed man in a tight tank top with a messy tattoo on his arm stares at a woman viciously.

The woman looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, her hair was dyed colorfully, her ears were full of studs, and even the wings of her nose were wearing a stud on her nose.

Although he was wearing clothes, he was dirty, his face was very pale, and his eyes were full of horror.

Facing the fierce and vicious flat-headed man, the woman nodded again and again in panic, "Remember...... Remembered.

"Do you really remember?" the flat-headed man grabbed the woman's hair suddenly, "Repeat it to my brother, if you say a wrong word, then brother will cut a knife in your face!" The

woman hurriedly said tremblingly, "Brother Long, I really remember, you just said that when my sister comes, let me tell her, saying that you have a crush on her, as long as she is willing to be your woman, you don't want the money I owe......

." "Good. The flat-headed man, that is, Brother Long, reached out and pinched the woman's face, "Actually, if you want to have your sister's appearance, Lao Tzu would have slept with you a long time ago." "

But it's a pity that you don't have your sister's appearance, and you're as thin as a bamboo pole, and you are still panicked

when you sleep!" As soon as Brother Long said this, more than a dozen younger brothers in the room laughed.

"Brother Long, I don't like you to be panicked, it's better to let me be cool

first!" "

Fuck you, if you want to be cool, I'll be cool first

!" "Brother Long......" "Okay, shut up the fuck for Lao Tzu!" Brother Long snorted impatiently, "This little girl is not yet an adult, let's come out to talk about principles and have a bottom line!"

"Don't be like a brute, you can't walk the road when you see a woman, we still have to go a long way on this road, so you must take care of your lower body!" The

little brothers immediately patted their ass, but everyone had a hidden disgust in their eyes.

At this time, a bald horse boy said with a smile, "Brother Long, if this little girl's sister becomes our sister-in-law, then we will have to call this little sister and eldest sister big in the future?"

"What are you talking about!"

Brother Long slapped his backhand on the head of the talking horse boy, "This little girl doesn't learn well at a young age, and she loves to gamble and play wild, which makes her sister break her heart."

"If this thing is done, you can watch her in the future, if you go to our field to play, just let her play a few less, and don't lend her money, take care of her."

"In case this little girl offends the nobles, Lao Tzu will not be able to eat and walk around!" Brother

Long said and kicked the woman again, "Little girl, for your sister's sake, Lao Tzu and his brothers will cover you in the future."

"But don't think you're the eldest sister, let the rules be, don't let Lao Tzu wipe your ass!" The

woman hurriedly nodded in fear, "Brother Long's lesson is that I remembered ......"

At this moment, a violent slamming of the door suddenly sounded.

"Mengyan! Mengyan, are you inside?!" The

woman suddenly howled and cried loudly, "Sister, I'm here, come and save me......

" Brother Long smiled evilly, "

The Lord is here, Ah Huang, go open the door!"

A thug opened the door, and a shadow suddenly rushed in, it was Zhou Beina.

When she saw her sister hiding in the corner, Zhou Beina suddenly ran over with a distressed face and hugged Zhou Mengyan in her arms.

"Mengyan, they didn't do anything to you, don't worry, my sister is here, you're safe, it's okay......"

Brother Long waved his hand at this time, and the thugs immediately blocked the door and window.

"I ...... I'm fine. Zhou Mengyan glanced at Brother Long with some fear, "I'...... I'm fine here, they didn't treat me like anything, especially Brother Long...... Yes, Brother Long, he is very good to me......"

Looking at Zhou Mengyan with a bruised face, Zhou Beina knew that she was lying, and immediately turned her head and stared at Brother Long resentfully.

"Don't go too far, even if my sister owes you money

, I said I would pay it back, why do you treat my sister like this?!" Brother Long was not annoyed, his eyes wandered back and forth on Zhou Beina's bumpy and delicate body, "Miss Zhou, you said to pay back, but I didn't even see a dime......" "

I have already made up 200,000 yuan, I can take it to you now, don't touch my sister!"

Zhou Beina said, subconsciously wanting to take out the bank card, only to find that her bag was missing, and it should have fallen on the taxi.

At this moment, Zhou Beina suddenly panicked.

Looking at Zhou Beina's flustered appearance, Brother Long shook his head playfully, "Miss Zhou, why are you the same as your sister, and you have learned to deceive people

with your mouth?"

"But it doesn't matter, I like your mouth, but I don't like you to lie to me with your mouth, I prefer you to kiss me with your mouth!"

After speaking, he laughed unscrupulously again.

As soon as he said this, the gangsters present immediately burst into laughter.

Zhou Beina gritted her teeth angrily, and at the same time, she couldn't wait to find Lin Tian immediately and give him a big mouth.

If it weren't for this guy's entanglement, how could he have left his bag in the taxi!

"Bena, for your sake, I've done my best enough to treat your sister, and I didn't touch her without touching her, let alone abusing her.

After Brother Long finished speaking, the words changed, "Little girl, aren't you going to say something?

!" Zhou Mengyan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly cried, "Sister, Brother Long has taken a fancy to you and wants you to be his woman, this is a great blessing, and it is your honor!"

If you are willing to agree to become Brother Long's woman, the money I owe him will be written off, and in the future, Brother Long will cover me with his brothers to protect me from being bullied by others......"

A crisp slap suddenly sounded.

Zhou Beina was trembling with anger, her pretty face was blue, and she stared at Zhou Mengyan with grief and indignation, "You...... Do you know what you're talking about?!"

"You actually pushed your sister into the fire pit, Zhou Mengyan, you disappointed me so much!"

If you don't agree to Brother Long's conditions, he won't let me go, even if you can save me for a while today, can you save me for the rest of my life?!"

"Promise Brother Long, how good it is to be his woman, if I wasn't as good as you, I would have been Brother Long's woman a long time ago......"


Zhou Beina slapped Zhou Mengyan in the face again angrily, and her delicate body was trembling.

"Zhou Mengyan, how can you say such shameless bastard words, you ...... You're hopeless!".

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