Hu Sanniang listened to Zhu Biao's praise, lowered her head embarrassedly, and whispered

: "How can people be so powerful

? Besides, girls are not good at dancing knives and sticks after all;

I am now listening to my father's words, and I am learning to draw red embroidery!"

Zhu Biao made a fuss:

"Really? Sanniang is extraordinary, and intelligent, if you learn to embroider again, it is really a strange woman of the first class in the world......

." Zhu Biao's words, and Hu Sanniang was very happy.

Hu Sanniang finished laughing, and then said

: "The establishment of your shipyard is mainly to protect Dulonggang;

logically speaking, you have contributed people, and the money for building this shipyard should be ...... by me Hujiazhuang and Lijiazhuang

" Zhu Biao waved his hand generously and said:

"Sanniang is too much of a life, our three families share weal and woe, how can we share such a detailed share?" Hu Sanniang

was heartbroken for Zhu Biao's generosity.

Hu Cheng listened to the two of them talking and laughing, and saw that his sister wanted to take the initiative to take the money to support Zhu Biao's ......

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

Father, do you see? This is the little padded jacket you hang on your lips every day? Not only did your little padded jacket

leak air, but you also poured ice ballast into it......

Sooner or later, the Hu family will have to be tossed into ...... by your little padded jacket

Zhu Biao, this dog thing, deceived my sister was dizzy.

However, what my sister said seems to have some truth:

he Zhu Biao built this shipyard to protect the entire Dulonggang, and it is reasonable for Hujiazhuang and Lijiazhuang to sit idly by and ignore ......

I have to take out a little bit of this money, otherwise my conscience will not be at ease!

Several people came all the way to the temple of the Dividing Dragon King in Nanwang;

Meng Kang looked at the two crossed rivers in front of him, and couldn't help but clap his hands and say,

"Okay...... This is really an excellent place! This is an excellent

place for sea trials and recruitment

, and besides, this place is remote, and it is sparsely populated, so it will not be easily discovered by Liangshanbo......

" He hugged his fist to Zhu Biao and said:

"Zhu Gongzi, the shipyard is set here;

I will stay here to recruit people first, and as for the follow-up people, please also ask Zhu Gongzi to dispatch."

Zhu Biao also hugged his fists and said

: "Then there is Brother Lao Meng

; first ask Brother Hu and the military advisor to find a local big family and

buy a piece of land; you and I will take a look along the river......

"Hu Cheng didn't hold back after all, he pulled Zhu Biao aside, and asked in a low voice: "It won't

cost a lot of money to buy a piece of land;

It's just that the shipyard is built, and the recruitment of manpower is quite expensive, but it costs a lot ......

You...... Do you have enough money?" Zhu

Biao hurriedly smiled:

"Just a few days ago, I borrowed 20,000 silver from the officials of Chai Daguan in Hebei

; Zeng Tou City tightened his belt and took out 10,000 silver first;

as for the follow-up silver taels, I can't say that I want Brother Hu to help."

Hu Cheng glared at Zhu Biao, and said angrily:

"Hmph...... You really counted me and Li Jiazhuang into ......


I go back, I will go to Lijiazhuang to discuss, and each family will come up with some silver money......

" Zhu Biao hurriedly waved his hand and said

: "Brother Hu is slow, if you need silver taels in the future, just borrow it from your Hu family, don't be involved with the Li family!"

Hu Cheng was stunned when he heard this, and he asked puzzledly:

"Why?" One day, if you get rid of the Liangshan thief, won't his Li family also benefit?

Why don't you let his family pay the silver taels?"

Zhu Biao smiled:

"Brother Hu doesn't know, this Liangshan thief is just a small ringworm and a small scabies.

After our shipyard built the ship, we just dealt with Liangshan casually.

My real goal is the trade routes in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, and

even the overseas trade routes......

Those Persian merchants in the capital (collectively referred to as Yangmaozi), Brother Hu should know, right?

They have come to our Great Song Dynasty step by step

, and if we can have a water caravan, both in terms of route and security, it will be several times larger than them......

If we have a monopoly on all the water trade routes......

The benefits can be imagined

" Hu Cheng was painted by

Zhu Biao, and was stunned for a moment; he immediately had a hot head, patted his chest and promised

: "Brother Zhu rest assured, you can take care of yourself, if there is a shortage of silver, I

will ......bear it with all my might" Zhu Biao gave a thumbs up, squinted and smiled:

"Okay, Brother Hu is neat, these trade routes will be opened in the future, but it is inseparable from Brother Hu's overall situation......

Hu Cheng listened, nodded vigorously and said

, "I wish my brother rest assured, Hu will definitely help when the time comes."

After he finished speaking, he went with Li Zhu to find a local big family and buy ...... land

After a few people stayed in Nanwang for a few days, when everything was done, Zhu Biao and the others should also return.

This time, Meng Kang was left here first, and then Zhu Biao was going to send Tang Bin, Deng Fei, and Wen Zhongrong ...... a few of them

, the best of the second-rate masters, to guard a shipyard

Meng Kang proposed that the shipyard should first acquire some old ships in the early stage, as long as they can be repaired and repaired, and

after the Liangshan berth is removed, it will not be ......too late to slowly build large ships

This trip to Nanwang was very happy for several people, and

Zhu Biao's start of developing the shipyard was the first step to the world.

Hu Cheng was bewildered by the prospect depicted by Zhu Biao, and was bent on making a big ......

In Meng Kang's bones, he still didn't want to lose his family heirloom craftsmanship, and

now that Zhu Biao had given him everything, he was naturally grateful......

And Hu Sanniang's happiness is even simpler

, she can be with Zhu Biao for so long, which is the thing she is most happy about......

On the way back, Hu Cheng waved his big hand

and said: "Zhu Gongzi, Li Junshi, I heard that there is a Taibai Building in Jeju City, and

it is said that this Taibai Building was the place where Li Bai was drunk back then.

There is an exclusive Taebaek Seonji brew in the building, and

since we are passing through Jeju, we can't miss the ......

Walk...... Hu Mou

is the east, please go and taste a ...... or two" Li Zhu listened, his eyes lit up, and he grinned

: "Then the old man will thank Brother Hu

first, the old man has long heard of the Taibai Immortal Brew; but he didn't have the opportunity to taste it;

this time I can drink a few sips, which is enough to comfort my life......"

Hu Cheng looked up to the sky and smiled:

"Li Junshi is really polite;

When he went back, he decided to send a few more altars to the military division. A

few people laughed and made a detour to the ...... in Jeju City

Because of arriving in a strange city, Hu Sanniang had a lot of sex, walked here, looked there,

Zhu Biao and the three could only accompany Hu Sanniang to hang out, and finally under the guidance of the locals, they arrived at Taibai Tower.

Taibai Building is four floors high, and there is a small guy at the door who is nodding and ushering in.

One of the servants saw Zhu Biao and a few people coming slowly, and hurriedly walked a few steps to greet

them, and said with a smile on his face:

"A few masters, it seems that this is the first time to come to my Jeju City, right?

There are real-time snacks and even better delicacies on this Taebaek Building;

the most famous is the immortal liquor that has been passed down for hundreds of years, I wonder how many masters want to taste it?"

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