Zhu Biao is actually telling the truth

; if Li Ying doesn't play some clever tricks, he will definitely not treat Li Ying badly

in the future; not to mention anything else, the Zengtou City he occupies will definitely have a lot of business contacts in the future;

but he Zhu Jia's family will not have a single ...... to do business

In the future, Zengtou City wants to develop and take a step forward,

and it also depends on the ......assistance of Hu Cheng and Li Ying

Zhu Biao talked to his father for a while, then got up and went to the other two houses

; his first stop was Lijiazhuang

; Li Ying and Du Xing

politely welcomed Zhu Biao in; the two exchanged a few words, and Zhu Biao said with a straight face

: "Uncle Li, the little nephew came this time because Zengtou City really can't open the pot;

I want to ask Uncle Li to help me for a ...... or two

" Li Ying smiled heroically and said:

"Where is this nephew, the old man promised to give the virtuous nephew 10,000 silver

, and now it has been prepared for a long time

; if it is not enough, the virtuous nephew will open his own mouth, and the old man will definitely try his best to help......

" Zhu Biao couldn't see the truth of what Li Ying said for a while

, so he could only clasp his fists again and said:

"The little nephew has thanked Uncle Li

; in the future, Zeng Tou City will not be able to do without his uncle's strong assistance;

." In addition, the Zhu family in Dulonggang is still distracted by Zengtou City,

and I will ask my uncle to take care of everything in the future

......" Li Ying looked up to the sky and smiled:

"That's ...... That's ......

The virtuous nephew only needs to develop Zengtou City with peace of mind

; Zhujiazhuang, you don't have to worry, I Dulonggang Sanzhuang naturally has to take care of each other......"

Several people said kind words again for a while, Zhu Biao got up and said goodbye;

Li Ying promised that before dark today, the silver would definitely be sent to Zhujiazhuang ......

When Zhu Biao arrived at Hujiazhuang, it was Hu Taigong and Hu Cheng who received him

; before they could say a few words, Hu Sanniang ran back in a hurry

; Zhu Biao looked at this panting fiancée, and couldn't help but smile a little bitterly;

she was too obsessed with martial arts, right? Every time they met, they were in ......a hurry

Hu Sanniang's eyes when she looked at Zhu Biao were not as full of disdain and ridicule as last time

, she looked Zhu Biao up and down a few times with a pair ......of eyes like autumn water, and there was a faint sense of concern in her eyes

Without waiting for Zhu Biao to speak, Hu Sanniang quickly asked

: "I heard that you have only trained

3,000 centaurs in Zengtou City? Is this enough for the centaurs?

Don't let others beat you up when the time comes......

" Zhu Biao smiled:

"Sanniang doesn't know, now Zengtou City has been completely controlled

, and the 3,000 people and horses trained here, all of them are elite;

." These 3,000 soldiers and horses are more than enough to resist the previous 10,000 horses...... Hu

Sanniang pouted:

"Who believes it? Are you boasting?

or ...... I'll take some people from Hujiazhuang and go to have a look?"

Hu Cheng couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly

; this girl is not subtle at all!

In the past, he looked at Zhu Biao, how did he look at it, how did he look unpleasant;

now it is good, he finds an excuse for himself to make up ......

Zhu Biao opened his mouth and smiled:

"If Sanniang is willing to go, it will be great

; when the time comes, Sanniang can also help lead the soldiers and horses......"

Hu Sanniang listened, and looked at his father with a happy face;

He grabbed his beard with one hand, glared at his daughter fiercely

, and said angrily: "You kid, I really spoiled

you; from today on, my father will not allow you to go out to ride a horse and practice martial arts;

learn to draw red knitting ...... for me

" Hu Sanniang stomped her feet and said: "I don't

......" Hu Taigong glared at the old man: "You dare to ......

". Hu Sanniang stomped his feet again willfully, turned around and went to the back hall

, Hu Taigong gasped a few breaths, and he viciously shouted to Hu Cheng, who was watching the excitement......

Find someone to watch your

little sister, if she goes out of Hujiazhuang for half a step, I will break your dog's legs......"

Hu Cheng couldn't care about being polite to Zhu Biao at this time

; he hurriedly hugged his father and went to the back to find his

little sister; when he took two steps, he seemed to remember something

? If the little sister left Hujiazhuang, you would punish her;

why did you break my dog's leg?

Hu Cheng shook his head, didn't dare to ask more, but walked quickly to the backyard ......

Hu Taigong glanced at Zhu Biao angrily; It's

all this kid, if you don't come, how can the old man be willing to blame his daughter? Hu Taigong stroked his beard lightly

and said: "Virtuous nephew! The old man won't keep you anymore, the 10,000 silver promised to you has already been loaded!

You can just take someone to drive away the carriage ......"

Since this is the case, Zhu Biao hurriedly said politely, got up and walked away ......

On the way back, Zhu Biao suddenly figured out one thing

; the same promised 10,000 taels of silver;

Hujiazhuang had already loaded the car and could transport ...... anytime and anywhere

And Li Jiazhuang has to prepare again, and he can only send ...... in the evening

Although Li Jiazhuang did not repay his debts, after thinking about it carefully, how could he not pretend to forget?

When Zhu Biao returned to

Zhujiazhuang, it was almost dark; a banquet had already been set up in the village;

Luan Tingyu, Su Ding, and others who stayed in Zhujiazhuang gathered together;

everyone had not seen each other for several months, and they were ...... happy to push each other's cups and change lamps

Zhu Chaofeng only drank a few glasses, but he was no longer strong enough to drink, and he withdrew from the table and left ......

After he left, everyone was even more relaxed

; Zhu Hu, who was drinking with a big tongue, patted his chest and promised that he must lay down a territory larger than Zengtou City

; everyone laughed for a while, and said some things in the rivers and lakes

; because Dulonggang is relatively close to Liangshanbo,

he knows about Chao Gai and others going to Liangshan;

Luan Tingyu put down his wine glass and said to Zhu Biao:

" I don't know if San Lang still remembers that Liangshan Wang Lun?

This person was timid and afraid of things, and even gave up Liangshanbo, which he had been operating for many years

; however, Nachao Gai and a few people were also very good

; they even dared to rob Cai Jing's old thief's birthday; it is said that Cai Jing's old thief was furious and ordered Jeju Governor Yin to quickly sweep down Liangshanbo;

Jeju Prefecture Yin sent an observer envoy He Tao, but He Tao not only failed to exterminate Chao Gai and others;

Instead, his ears were cut off and he fled in embarrassment......

"Zhu Biao listened,

and looked at Lin Chong thoughtfully; he really didn't expect that there would be no Lin Chong as a key person

; Chao Gai and the others still went to Liangshan and gained a firm foothold;

Zhu Biao then asked:

"What happened later?

Perhaps the government was afraid of the Liangshan bandits, so they did not continue to send troops to attack them anyway

...... "Actually, they didn't know

it; in the beginning, Gao Yu used soldiers and horses in order to avenge Gao Yanei, and Cai Jing was ruthlessly put on the side

; now that Cai Jing has such a scandalous thing, how can he Gao Yu let it go?

Cai Jing, who is cautious, can only give up this matter in order to guard against Gao Yu;

and it will not ......be too late to find ways to exterminate Liangshan when he has the opportunity

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