Gao Yu was taken aback when he heard Cai Jing's words;

this use of soldiers and horses can be big or small;

if it is big, it is not impossible to give a crime of rebellion......

Gao Yu first glared at Cai Jing fiercely

, and then hurriedly came out and played:

"Your Majesty, what Taishi Cai said is a bit exaggerated

, there were thieves in the city last night, and after Xiao'er heard about it, he didn't have time to report to Weichen, but he just summoned the guards of the family to intercept ......

I didn't think about it...... I didn't think about it...... The child turned out to be ......

Wei Chen was so angry that he sent soldiers and horses to search the gangsters in the city, so that they would not create a great evil ......

in the capital" Cai Jing sneered, turned his head to Gao Yu and asked:

"Ling Lang is really fast! The old man heard that even the patrolling soldiers and horses did not arrive in time;

Also, Gao Taiwei mobilized the crowd last night, can he catch the murderer

?" Gao Yu secretly hated in his heart, his own sons were dead, and you old dog still held on

; he gritted his teeth and hugged his fists, and said:

"That's not true, it must be a thief who doesn't know where to hide?"

When the old man goes down, he may be able to find a little clue......

"Cai Jing stroked his beard and questioned Gao Yu;

I heard Zhao Ji's displeased voice coming:

"Gao Aiqing, there was such a big movement in the capital last night

, what happened? You have to tell the truth...... Hearing

Zhao Ji's words, Cai Jing sighed secretly;

he knew that His Majesty was going to protect Gao Yu again this time, and he

was afraid that he would not be able to ...... him

In fact, these two traitors do not have any conflict of interest,

it's just that Cai Jing is not used to Gao Yu......

He is just a street prank, and he is actually the same as himself, ranking as the third prince

; moreover, his Tai Lieutenant has some rights than his own Tai Shi;

how can Cai Jing, who has climbed up step by step and has been demoted several times, be willing? This Cai Jing

, he is even jealous of his own son, let alone Gao Yu......

When Gao Yu heard the emperor's questioning, he immediately knelt on the ground and wept with a handful of snot and tears

, and he must have described Gao Yanei as a hero, and also said that the losses in the city were ...... to the minimum

Zhao Ji listened, sighed and said:

"Gao Aiqing doesn't have to be sad, since Ling Lang died to guard the Jingshi, I can reward him with a few white silk horses




The ministers saluted again, and after sending him off, they left the hall one after another ......

When Cai Jing walked to Gao Yu's side

, he said with a smile: "Gao Taiwei mourns! This is finally a son, but he was killed by gangsters;

alas...... The old man also feels sorry for you

! But then again, your son is really the number one person in the capital!


After Cai Jing finished speaking, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and left the ...... surrounded by several ministers

Gao Yu looked at Cai Jing's back fiercely, and took a deep

breath; he could only swallow this evil breath now

; Gao Yu knew that whether it was scheming or playing tricks

, he was far from being the opponent of this old dog; he was waiting, as long as he waited for an opportunity, he would bite this old dog to death......

Gao Yu returned to the Taiwei Mansion with a gloomy face, and several Yu Marquis were waiting for him to ...... in fear

Gao Yu walked to the first place and sat down, closed his eyes again, and said in a cold voice:

"Let's talk about it! How is the matter?

The old man doesn't want to be ridiculed by others anymore......

"A few Yu Hou, you look at me, I look at you, and finally pushed out a Yu Hou named Lu Qian; Lu

Qian stepped forward, hugged his fists and said

, "Yu Enxiang, I'll wait...... I'll go out and take a closer look, and

I find ...... found out that the cause of Yanei's death was related

to Lin Chong......" Gao Yu heard this name, leaned on the back of the chair and sat up straight, gritted his teeth and asked

, "What? Is it Lin Chong who escaped back?"

Lu Qian hurriedly clasped his fists again

and said: "Hui Enxiang

, that's not it; it is said that it was a few friends of Lin Chong, they first set Lin Chong's house on fire, and then attracted Yanei to it, and

then ...... Then he killed Yanai and fled out of the city with Lin Chong's family......

" Gao Yu smiled coldly, staring at Lu Qian tightly with a pair of inverted triangular eyes;

"Lu Qian,

the old man heard that you and Lin Chong are friends of Mo Zhi, right


? Enxiang is aware that the villain has eaten the bear's heart and leopard gall, and he does not dare to plot against the ...... of the Yanei

At the beginning, Yanai wanted Lin Niangzi, but it was the villain who gave him advice that made Lin Chong be assigned ......

The reason for this, please also ask Eun Xiangming to check ......

" Gao Yu leaned back on the back of the chair again, closed his eyes again, and said slowly:

"Since you have found out, you can go and avenge the Yanai


! Since you can't find those gangsters, you can take people to Cangzhou, take Lin Chong's head, and pay tribute to Yanei;

as for the other gangsters, you can investigate slowly, as long as you find out, none of them will be left ......behind

" A few Yu Marquis heard this, and quickly bowed down and said:

"We will wait for the ...... of the Xiangjun Order"


After Zhu Biao and the others rushed out of the south gate, Xu Ning shouted angrily:

"Where did the dog thief come from, who dared to commit murder at the foot of the Son ......of Heaven?

chased out for five or six miles in a row, and Xu Ning caught up with Zhu Biao ......and the others who were waiting

Zhu Biao hugged Xu Ning and said: "Thank you Xu Jiaotou this time, if it weren't for Xu Jiaotou to lend a hand, I don't know if I can pick up Lin Niangzi?"

Xu Ning waved his hand shamefully and said

: "Zhu Gongzi is really ashamed;

It's ridiculous that he is still a friend of Brother Lin, and he is not as good as your friendship when you meet in Pingshui......

" At this time, Zhang Jiaotou also walked out of the car, and he bowed deeply to Xu Ning:

" Xu Jiaotou, now that we have escaped from the wolf's den, I am afraid that the Gao Yu dog thief will settle accounts with you

, if so, how can our family feel at ease?"

Xu Ning hugged his fists slightly and smiled:

"Zhang Jiaotou should not worry, Xu is not controlled by his Gao Yu, naturally he is not afraid of this dog thing


;Zhu Biao suddenly pointed behind Xu

Ning and said, "Who is chasing after that?"

Xu Ning listened to Zhu Biao's words, and quickly ......turned around and looked back

Zhu Biao took advantage of this opportunity and stabbed out the silver dragon spear in his hand

, and Xu Ning was caught off guard, and Zhu Biao stabbed ...... arm

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