He hugged Luan Tingyu in front of him and said, "Teacher Luan, the tenants in our Zhujiazhuang are only one or two thousand, how can we train so many people?"

Luan Tingyu smiled slightly and said:

"San Lang has really changed his temperament, you used to think that there were too few soldiers and horses, but now you are too ......


As you know, our Dulonggang is a three-independent territory, and

Zhu Taigong stipulates that all the tenants of my Zhujiazhuang, from 40 to 15 years old, must find time to train ......

There are also Hujiazhuang and Lijiazhuang on the left and right, who rest with us,

and the people of our three families together also have one or two thousand young and strong ...... capable of fighting

We have so many soldiers and horses in Sanzhuang, even the government doesn't dare to look at us squarely

, and the other bandits and bandits have to take a detour......

" Zhu Biao heard this, and hurriedly asked

: "Teacher Luan, which is the closest bandit to my Dulonggang?" Luan Tingyu smiled and said:

"The closest bandit to my Dulonggang

is naturally Liang......shan a hundred miles away."

Zhu Biao's heart tightened, and he asked again

: "How many soldiers and horses are there in Liangshanbo, have they ever offended us?"

Luan Tingyu smiled contemptuously:

"Then there are only two or three big cats and kittens in Liangshanbo,

and Wang Lun is the leader, and there seem to be three leaders below;

I don't have time to inquire about the names of these three leaders;

they are said to have gathered one or two thousand minions ......

." Hum...... As for offending me Dulonggang

, even if we open the gate and give him ten more dares, they won't dare to attack half a step......"

Zhu Biao nodded slightly when he heard

this; it seems that Chao Gai and the others have not yet

gone up the mountain; otherwise, Wang Lun would have been caught up in the fire;

I just don't know if Lin Chong has gone to Liangshan?

Lin Chong can be regarded as a good man

Although his personality is a little weak, if he is cultivated, he will definitely be a general......

When Zhu Biao was thinking nonsense, Luan Tingyu shouted several times in a row: "San Lang, San Lang ......

" Zhu Biao woke up like a dream, and hurriedly hugged his fist and said

: "What do you command?" Luan Tingyu smiled and said: "

How do you train today? Or is it a competition?"

Zhu Biao knew what Luan Tingyu meant, and the three of them often divided these Zhuang guests into three waves;

Then one person led a wave and confronted each other

; he sometimes took the opportunity to teach the eldest brother and the second brother a lesson

; Luan Tingyu asked this today, and he also knew that Zhu Biao was small-minded;

his two elder brothers said that he was going to die, and with Zhu Biao's temperament, he had to take revenge and come back today, and he had to ...... it

backUnexpectedly, Zhu Biao shook

his head and said: "Then there is no need, how about I practice

with the teacher today?" There are just a few marksmanship that have not yet been mastered, so I would like to ask the head for some advice...... Luan

Tingyu listened, raised his head and smiled:

"Okay, I will accompany San Lang on a few ......tricks today

." As for these Zhuang Ke, let Da Lang and Erlang take them to train!" After

listening to Luan Tingyu's instructions, Zhu Long and Zhu Hu hugged their fists and took Zhuang Ke to train ...... separately

In another battlefield, Zhu Biao and Luan Tingyu each reined in their horses and confronted each other ......

Zhu Biao clenched a silver dragon spear in both hands, the barrel of the gun was protected in front of his chest, and

the tip of the spear pointed obliquely at the sky, staring at Luan Tingyu's right hand ...... with full attention

Luan Tingyu held an iron gun in one hand, and the tip of the gun was pointed at the ground ......

Although he is known as the head of the iron rod, he does not use an

iron rod, and the iron rod here describes his character, and he would rather bend than bend ......

Zhu Biao swung the silver dragon spear in his hand slightly, and said to Luan Tingyu: "Please teach the teacher...... After

speaking, he kicked and sat down and quickly rushed away...

When he was about to arrive, Zhu Biao stabbed the silver dragon spear in his hand out of ......

Luan Tingyu couldn't help but nod secretly when he saw this lightning-fast shot

, the corner of his mouth smiled slightly, he clenched the handle of the gun with one hand, and just flicked it outward, and picked off Zhu Biao's sharp ......

Zhu Biao shouted again, and the silver dragon in his hand was not returned

, but with the strength of being swept away by Luan Tingyu, he drew half a circle in mid-air, and stabbed ...... under Luan Tingyu's ribs with a tilt of his body.

Luan Tingyu was still holding the gun with one hand, his body was sideways, dodging Zhu Biao's shot

, and at the same time, the iron gun in his hand was blocked one by one, and Zhu Biao's blow was ...... again

Zhu Biao was not discouraged, and used the silver dragon spear in his hand as a stick, and drew it again; this time, even Luan Tingyu did not dare to slack off, and quickly held the gun with both hands and erected it on the side of his body;

with the sound of "......", Zhu Biao's silver dragon spear was bounced off again......

"The teacher is so powerful!" Zhu Biao exclaimed sincerely

, he was evaluated by many people in later generations, Luan Tingyu's martial arts were definitely above Qin Ming and others, and he

should be about ...... with Lin Chong's top masters

Now it seems that it definitely lives up to its name......

Luan Tingyu blocked Zhu Biao's three moves in a row, and he opened his mouth and smiled:

"San Lang, come...... Take me too!" As

soon as he finished speaking, he quickly ran towards Zhu Biao with a shot......

The hard collision just now made Zhu Biao's arm still faintly numb

; in the face of Luan Tingyu's sudden shot, he had no time to resist it; in a hurry, he twisted his waist and hit his body horizontally;

at the same time, he put the silver dragon spear on his chest and held Luan Tingyu's iron spear ......

Luan Tingyu's move didn't do his best, it was a stabbing hole;


Luan Tingyu chuckled, withdrew the iron spear, and waited for Zhu Biao to straighten his body and attack him again.

"San Lang is going to be optimistic......"

Luan Tingyu reminded loudly, but he was not slow to move; the iron spear in his hand stabbed out seven or

eight moves in the blink of an eye; these seven or eight moves were all attacked in different directions

; Zhu Biao could only grit his teeth, round the silver dragon spear in his hand, and dance in front of him impenetrable;

used to resist Luan Tingyu's mysterious attack ......

I could only hear the chaotic sound of "Ping Pong ......", and

Zhu Biao barely accepted Luan Tingyu's attack ......

The competition between the two attracted Zhu Long and Zhu Hu, who were training Zhuang Ke on the side

, and they couldn't help but be dumbfounded when they saw this attack; if the

teacher attacked him like this, I am afraid that he would have fallen off his horse and ......

Luan Tingyu was also a little surprised to see that Zhu Biao actually took his seven or eight moves;

you know, this is his most aggressive attack;

he didn't expect Zhu Biao to be just a little embarrassed, so he took all ......

"Not bad," he said, "Yes...... Not bad...... Come again!"

After finishing speaking, the iron gun in his hand attacked Zhu Biao again......

At this time, Zhu Biao's mind was clear, and he had long since lost his panic at the beginning, and

now he seemed to have forgotten all the ......

At this time, Zhu Long, Zhu Hu, and other Zhuang guests all surrounded ......

At this time, whether it was Zhu Long and the others who were watching the battle, or Luan Tingyu who was in the battle,

they could feel the ...... of battle intent permeating Zhu Biao's body

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