The Cursed Ship

Chapter 425 Siege

Chapter 425 Siege

The sixth-level spirit ship of the Asar family has been passed down for more than a thousand years. Naturally, it is equipped with an exclusive cannon, plus a 125 times power bonus. As long as it can hit the vital point, it can theoretically kill the seven-headed sea dragon.

"Slap it in the eyes!" Zheng Yang did not forget to remind.

"It's a bit difficult at such a high speed!" Remo said.

More than 500 meters per second, faster than a small missile, as long as there is a slight bevel, the time difference from aiming to firing is enough to produce a huge ballistic deviation.

Zheng Yang is speechless, won't you reduce your speed or go around to the front when you are close?

Remo couldn't shoot from the front at all, because when he rushed to the scene, the seven-headed sea dragon rolled the spirit ship in front of the main body's head, which became its shield. So Remo went around behind it and shot it in the back of the head.

The special cannon of the sixth-level spirit ship smashed through the powerful defense of the seven-headed sea dragon, and blasted a wound five to six meters wide on the back of its head.

Don't think this kind of power is small, the seven-headed sea dragon is also an existence comparable to the ninth level, with rough skin, thick flesh and hard skull, it is already very impressive to be able to break through the defense and cause such damage from the outside.

However, the exclusive cannon of the spirit boat is nicknamed the three cannons of the spirit, and the output of one cannon is 30%. It can only fire three cannons in a row at most, and it can consume all the full spiritual energy reserves, so Zheng Yang emphasized the need to hit the eyes.

The seven-headed sea dragon is actually very smart, it has learned its lesson, this time it rolled up the spirit boat, buried its body in the water, and then swung the other five long necks to chase and kill the seven fifth-level spirit boats. There is a pair of eyes on each long neck, which does not affect its vision at all, and the impact area is much smaller.

When Zheng Yang saw this scene from a distance, he was a little bit blind. Although the Seven-Headed Sea Dragon was facing him right now, it buried its body in the water, only its long neck and small head were dancing in the sky, and it couldn't attack its weak point at all.

"Use the curse chain to penetrate its eye socket, and then turn into a strange eye to hack it, forcing it out of the sea. Or after igniting the missile, use the spell chain to directly teleport it into its eye socket!"

In order to receive this charging baby, Zheng Yang has gone crazy. He controlled the missile launchers to deploy from the sides of the hull and made small modifications. First of all, he changed the tail of the launcher into an open shape, and then added a lock in each silo to prevent the missile from firing after ignition...

The distance to the seven-headed sea dragon quickly approached within ten nautical miles.

In the eyes of the ghost, the seized spirit boat was almost twisted into twists, and it just kept going.

Zheng Yang estimated that the owner of the spirit ship used the ductility of the extraordinary alloy to actively deform along with the power of the seven-headed sea dragon.

Although the other seven spirit boats were running forward tenaciously, their speed was greatly reduced by the influence of the vortex. If the Seven Headed Sea Dragon hadn't been interrupted by the attack just now and paused twice, they would have been wrapped around the neck of the Seven Headed Sea Dragon.

After more than a minute, Zheng Yang approached the seven-headed sea dragon three miles away. The seven-headed sea dragon paused in its pursuit. It recognized Zheng Yang's boat, and then it thought it had found a way to evade Deep Throat, and regained confidence.

It even abandoned the other spirit ships, and came forward aggressively, intending to take revenge.

"What should I do? It sank in the water, and its neck kept swinging, so it couldn't hit it!" Beren said.

"Wait for it to raise its head, and hit its eye socket at the right opportunity!" After two kilometers away, Zheng Yang still didn't make a turn.

"...Damn it, don't you have to work so hard?" Asar's other captains were sweating profusely. On the seven spirit ships that had just escaped from the vortex, several captains were almost moved to tears, they turned around and turned the bows, ready to fight side by side.

The curse chain was quickly shot out from the bottom of the boat, extending to within a kilometer of the seven-headed sea dragon with perception. It was the first time to get so close, and Zheng Yang directly felt the seven-headed sea dragon.

Its body below the water surface is somewhat like a hippopotamus, about 300 meters in size, and its length cannot be seen from perception.

Its 100-meter-large head has no neck behind it, and grows directly on the body. The body behind the big head grew seven long sub-necks, supporting seven small heads that were 20 meters long.

It's a bit like Zheng Yang sending Sly Eye out with a curse chain. If he has seven strange eyes and uses seven curse chains to transform into the air, he can imitate the movements and postures of the seven-headed sea dragon.

"Including the big head on the body, it obviously has eight songs!"

The two sides approached quickly, and revenge would be imminent. The Seven-Headed Sea Dragon was so excited that its necks shook out afterimages. With its majestic rise, even the dark clouds in the sky became larger, covering a radius of ten nautical miles and rotating, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, creating a doomsday-like scene.

When the actual distance between the two sides was within a thousand meters, the curse chain was finally inserted into the right eye socket of the seven-headed sea dragon. Zheng Yang found that the penetration of the curse chain is still very difficult. Could it be that it has only a few days after losing the eye, and it has formed an epidermal defense layer inside the eye socket?


Eighteen missiles sprayed out their tail flames, but they were fixed by the locks of the launch pads, so they could not fly out.

The next moment, they disappeared at the same time, and were directly sent to the eye sockets of the seven-headed sea dragon through the curse chain.

The resistance in water is high, and the fuel propulsion method of missiles pursues speed. In fact, it is only suitable for air. Even anti-submarine missiles and submarine-launched missiles must use torpedo structures to propel them in sea water. But Zheng Yang didn't need long-distance underwater propulsion at this time. He modified the fuze time, and only needed the initial recoil propulsion to trigger the detonation.

Therefore, the eighteen missiles were sent to the eye sockets of the seven sea dragons by the power of the magic circle, and immediately hit and detonated.

The terrifying explosion even shattered the top of the curse chain, successfully tearing away the new skin defense layer, but it did limited damage to the deeper brain tissue, only causing slight shocks through the thick muscle layer.

This is enough, the seven-headed sea dragon raised its head out of the sea subconsciously, and let out a long roar.

"Slap it in the right eye!" Zheng Yang shouted.

At this time, Lei Mo and the other four spirit boats, who had circled back to the front, seized the opportunity and resolutely aimed at the right eye socket of the seven-headed sea dragon. The eight spirit boats that were rescued were not far behind, and took action one after another.

At the same time, Zheng Yang didn't just yell, he released the lock on the missile launcher, and the second batch of missiles and the psionic cannon and artillery on the bow were ignited and fired indiscriminately.

Numerous attacks hit the same part, and the damage was layered in depth, especially the special cannon and eighteen missiles of the sixth-level spirit ship, which finally pushed the damage to the brain of the seven-headed sea dragon.

The seven-headed sea dragon was frightened, and it once again had the idea of ​​running away, frantically dancing its seven necks and was about to turn around.

It's all over, how could Zheng Yang let it go? The curse chain quickly extended, penetrating through the wound of the seven-headed sea dragon. Without the epidermal defense layer, this time it penetrated directly to its brain.

The next moment, the sly eye transformed into a lightning strike in the brain of the seven-headed sea dragon. With just this blow, the whole body of the Seven Headed Sea Dragon shook violently, losing its power to move.

But it is not dead yet, the vitality of its body is really scary.

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