The Collection of The End

Chapter 749: Conferred God (35)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou.

The emperors of the human race, from Xuanyuan to Yao, Shun, and Yu, all selected sages who had made great contributions to the human race and abdicated them as emperors, so their reputations for virtuous people continued.

However, Xia Qi, the son of Xia Yu, the founding emperor of the Xia Dynasty, completely overturned this tradition.

When Xia Yu died, Nuwa of the Tushan clan also left with her, leaving her legacy to Boyi, the chief of the Dongyi tribe.

Although Boyi is a virtuous man, his tribe is not orthodox in Xuanyuan. After learning about the prosperity of the Xia Dynasty, he migrated from the far east sea, where it is called Dongsheng Shenzhou, because of its reputation. Therefore, he is not trusted by the native tribes of the Xia Dynasty. There are many rumors about him. The wise appear to be pretenders.

Xia Qi disliked Boyi because he was compared with him many times by his parents. After mourning for Yu for three years, he united other tribes who were unwilling to respect Boyi as king and formally attacked Boyi.

Boyi refused to sit still and wait for death. He united those who leaned towards Dongyi and formed the Dongyi Alliance to fight against the Xiaqi tribe.

This war lasted for six years and ended with Xia Qi's victory. Boyi died in the battle. The Dongyi tribe and their supporters were all driven back to Dongsheng Shenzhou, and Qi Sui succeeded to the throne.

After Qi succeeded to the throne, he felt that the war was caused by his father's wrong decision-making and was meaningless, so he ordered the abdication system to be changed to a hereditary system. If the emperor had no direct children, someone else with the surname "Si" would be chosen as the king.

Therefore, the Xia Dynasty started from Yu and Qi, and passed through Taikang, Zhongkang, Yi, Hanzhuo, Shaokang, Zhu, Huai, Mang, Xie, Bujiang, Ji, Xie, Kongjia, Gao and Fa, a total of seventeen generations of emperors. All have the surname "Si".

This move naturally attracted criticism from many who thought they were qualified to be emperor. The Si dynasty encountered three rebellions and four iterations in hundreds of years, but all failed.

At this time, the emperor's name was "Gui", and his capital was located in Zhenxun (zhen xun).

Sigui was tall and strong, with great strength. When he became an adult, he could even tear up jackals with his hands and chase down horses with his feet. He was very bad at managing government affairs. As the emperor, he casually left political affairs to three people named Zhonggu, Guan Longfeng and Zhao Liang. He is a minister who spends his days hunting for fun, but if any tribe disobeys, he will immediately rush back and personally lead his army to suppress it.

After seventeen generations of the Xia Dynasty, the influence of the hereditary system has been deeply rooted. Sigui has been taught since childhood that "the surrounding tribe members are all slaves of the Si family" and "their things belong to the Si family". And he also believed that after defeating a certain tribe, he would often take its men as slaves and its women as maids to work for the Si tribe.

This practice of enslaving others began when Xia Qi defeated Boyi. Most of the prisoners of the Dongyi Alliance who failed to escape back to Dongsheng Divine Continent were used as servants by the Si family. Although this behavior was originally limited to the Dongyi tribe, as time went by There were constant internal disputes in the Xia Dynasty, and it had become a custom for the defeated and captured to become the slaves of the victors.

This situation resulted in surrounding tribes that lacked military force and could only submit tribute to the Xia Dynasty. Even if they had the intention to resist, they did not know how to contact other tribes who were also interested in resisting.

Moreover, there should not be too few tribes who contacted and agreed to resist. Otherwise, the "Shi family", "Minshan family" and "Moxi family" who united to say no to Sigui's tribute request because they were relatively close to each other would "That's what happened - the coalition of the three tribes was defeated by Sigui almost single-handedly. If he hadn't fallen in love with a woman from the Moxi clan, all the people in the three tribes would have become slaves.

But... what kind of woman would make the always tyrannical Sigui let go of the three tribes on the grounds that she "didn't want her people to become slaves"? Could it be compared to the legendary "Nine Heaven Mysteries" who made Xuanyuan chase the sky?

The people who poured the wine talked about it a lot.


Pouring the sauce, outside the Xia Palace.

Yi Yin's request for an audience received the reply, "The king is preparing for the wedding, and will come back another day."

"So, when will the king get married?" Yi Yin asked again.

"Who dares to ask about the king? Let's go quickly.

"The guard waved him away impatiently.

"I'll be back." Yi Yin nodded and turned to leave without getting angry.

He has a square face, thick eyebrows, a slight beard on his upper lip, and wears a Gebu gown. He looks like an ordinary accountant, but in fact he is the "Yin" of the Shang State, because Sigui proposed to the Shang State this year. He asked for too many tributes and was ordered to come to discuss it. Unexpectedly, he didn't even go through the door, and all the prepared excuses were useless.

The Shang Kingdom was a "merchant" country that originated from Shangqiu. Since most of its people traveled around the Xia Dynasty to do business and had no need to use land, the country's border was only seventy miles in radius.

But when it comes to the amount of wealth, they are the best among the large and small tribes and "states" of the Xia Dynasty. As the birthplace and the current de facto capital of the Shang Kingdom, Shangqiu's scale and prosperity are nothing compared to this. It is inferior, but in order to take care of the face of the Xia Dynasty emperor, Shangqiu is still slightly smaller and more shabby than here.

Even if the emperors of the Xia Dynasty in the past were aware of it, they would turn a blind eye for the sake of Shang's tribute and large taxes, but Sigui was not among them. When he went out to quell the chaos and passed by Shangqiu, he said: The tribute for the coming year came up with a ridiculous figure.

Because that is not a number, but the sum of profits made by Shang people after a year of work.

Obviously, this number was not something he said casually, but a minister analyzed the taxes and taught it to the king. This was clear extortion. If the Shang Kingdom did not want to actually hand over this amount of tribute, it would have to send someone. Go and discuss with him an amount acceptable to both parties. As for how much of it will flow into that guy's pocket instead of Sigui, no one will know.

However, King Sigui actually fell in love with a woman from a conquered tribe and wanted to marry her as his queen. This incident obviously disrupted the plans of both parties. It seemed that they could only wait until this incident was over before——

While thinking about it, Yi Yin had already returned to the post house allocated to the envoys of various tribes on the side of the palace. This place used to be bustling with traffic when the Xia Dynasty came from all over the world, but now it is just a large house with few people.

"Wow - that guy down there - get out of the way -"

Yi Yin looked around and saw a woman in orange-yellow palace clothes descending from the sky. No, she seemed to have jumped from the wall of the palace, carrying three or two bulging packages in her hands.


Even if Yi Yin saw the person clearly and made a correct analysis, due to his physical fitness and insufficient reaction, he could not avoid the attack at all, and was directly pressed to the ground by the woman... Why does this situation look familiar?

"Ahhh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you don't want to die -" The woman hurriedly moved away the package that was pressing Yi Yin's head, and then the two looked at each other.

This is a girl with long, slightly blond hair. She has an oval face, extremely fair skin, and bright eyes that are curved as if she is smiling. She looks like...a fox?

"What's your name?" Yi Yin asked an inappropriate question.

"Sister - no, my name is Nuwa!" The girl used the name of the sage empress without any shame, and she didn't feel inappropriate at all.

"I am Yi...zhi (yu)."

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