The Collection of The End

Chapter 747 Conferred God (33)

——Feng Shen——

The bottom of the East China Sea.

The "Four Evils" or the Four Holy Mothers are secretly hiding in the undersea city of the Xing Clan, watching where Xing Tian is.

Although this city is twisted and weird, there are still many residents there - albeit fish-men with even weirder shapes.

Many panicked fishmen were passing by them, but they didn't notice them at all. They will also take detours when they approach unintentionally. Even if some fishmen get too close due to accidents, they will immediately stay away due to more accidents.

Logically speaking, they successfully ambush the Taoist guide and should take the opportunity to escape. However, Yuan Hong asked them to stay and "wait and see what happens and act according to the opportunity."

Even though he didn't understand what this meant at first, with the appearance of the two saints, Yuan Hong's arrangement became far-sighted.

Their act of inserting the lead into Xingtian's mouth might be able to hide it from Zhunti who came after hearing the news, but it was almost impossible to avoid the saint's eyes.

No matter how decisively he walked or how far he left the scene of the incident, the saint could still deduce who had done such a thing based on the traces left at the scene.

On the contrary, Zhu Zizhen and Yang Xian were dealing with the fish-men during the entire operation, and did not participate in the direct action against the Half-Step Saint at all, so they would hardly be detected.

According to Our Lady of Golden Light, the only way to avoid the calculation is to hide in this chaotic city that cannot be calculated at all.

The magical power of "calculating with your fingers" represents the analysis of sufficiently accurate and large amounts of information, followed by reasonable and orderly inferences, while demonization, demons, and even this demonic city represent extreme recklessness. Order and chaos, even if any saint could know all the conditions of this underwater city at this moment, his calculation of the situation at the next moment must be wrong.

And this way...

"I don't understand. Can you explain it in more detail?" Our Lady of Turtle Spirit interrupted the explanation of Our Lady of Golden Light, and then pointed to the side.

Our Lady of Wudang was playing with a dagger in boredom and looking at the sky, while Our Lady of Fire Spirit hung on the shoulders of Our Lady of Turtle Spirit and began to doze off after making sure that the fishmen could not eat them.

"To explain it simply, suppose there is a field in this city, and its owner planted potatoes, radishes, and wheat in three years. Then what do you think he will plant in the fourth year?" Jin Guang asked Guiling.

"Uh, beets?" Turtle Spirit tried to guess.

"Look, you are still limited to the orderly and regular answer of 'He will definitely plant something, and what he plants is still something that can be planted.'" Jin Guang pointed to the other two little girls: "Can you tell me?"

"What are you growing? Is it edible? Is it delicious? How to eat it?"

"No birth mother, empty hometown~"

Huoling and Wudang each gave strange answers.

"Look, they even ignored the basic order of 'answering questions'. This is called chaos." Jin Guang nodded and said, his silver hair bouncing.

Isn't this normal for the two of them? Guiling raised her eyebrows, but she probably understood what Jin Guang wanted to express.

That is to say, demonized objects will not behave in a way that is common sense, inferable, and calculated based on the existing and understandable order. Therefore, even if a saint sees this city and knows that there are clues in it, he will ignore it. .

But here comes the question, what are the attributes of the four murderers who can perfectly hide in this chaotic city?

No, I'm not the Four Evils... Guiling knocked on her head. She often felt out of place with them because she wasn't chaotic enough.


"It's brother——" When "Fuxi" brought a colorful vehicle to the bottom of the sea, he was immediately recognized by the girls, and then they fell into multiple entanglements.

First of all, this "Fuxi" is only about one-third of the original size.

It doesn't mean the size, but something more mysterious and inexplicable, and his name is Zhao Gongming now.

Secondly, he seemed to have recognized many sisters in the heaven, and used this to start a conversation with the shining golden sister.

Finally, he is now the same as the beautiful sister named Jin Ling Holy Mother. He is the embodiment of order and behaves in a very orderly manner, which makes the girls here who just boast of chaos dare not approach her.

"How about... let's go over together and call brother?"

"Hmph, if you dare to deny it, I'll beat him."

"If we pretend to be pitiful, that glittering sister might also turn to us."

"I want to eat those beads-"

After the discussion, the four little girls prepared to quietly leave the undersea city to meet Zhao Gongming. No matter what, they would attack Jie Yin just to vent his anger on "Fuxi", and Taoist Jie Yin was right there in Xing Tian's belly. Here, it is also very convenient to ask for credit.

Unexpectedly, before they could get out of the city, three giant colorful birds and beasts fell from the sky, broke through the sea, and then transformed into three people with different looks. Judging from the length of their hair, they were two women and one man.

"——Don't you see Brother [Negative Xi] over there?" The last young man's voice came from far away.

"Oops, brother is going to have a new sister again."

"If you can't catch up, the order will be pushed back!"

"Hurry up!"

The girls instantly put aside their previous worries and rushed straight in that direction.

The moment they left the underwater city, they felt a few eyes directed at them, but they didn't intend to pay attention to them at all. They just tried their best to speed up and rushed to Zhao Gongming before the three newcomers.


"elder brother."

"elder brother!"

Before the one with the appearance of the girl among the three bird spirits opened her mouth, the Fire Spirit Madonna and the Incompetent Madonna interrupted her with shouts.

On the contrary, the Holy Mother of Golden Light, who was the most instigating, did not speak. When Turtle Spirit looked over, she even gestured "Shhhhhhhhhhh".

"Oh? Taotie? Taotie? Qiongqi? You-" Zhao Gongming looked quite surprised, which made the girls' attitude soften a little.

"We won't call those names anymore, they don't sound good." This time, Our Lady of Golden Light took over the topic: "Based on the name of Our Lady of Turtle Spirit, I changed it to 'Our Lady of Golden Light'."

"My name is 'Our Lady of Fire Spirit', roar!"

"I am now the 'Mother of None'. Brother, please be careful not to call me by the wrong name, otherwise... hum."

The Turtle Spirit Mother, who didn't need to change her name, turned her head as if she was aware of it, and happened to see the glittering golden sister named "Golden Spirit Mother", who was too beautiful to look like a real person, with an expression of surprise.

Could it be that Yuan Hong asked us to change our names to build a better relationship with her by using similar names? Even make her like us? But what's the use?

As soon as she changed her mind, the golden sister raised her hand to smash the compartment of the car she was riding in for unknown reasons.

...It should be useless, right?

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