The Collection of The End

Chapter 487 The Biography of Dong Zhuo (7)

——A.D. 179——

In the seventh year of Xiping, the Luoyang plague was completely eliminated. After commending those who made outstanding contributions during the plague, the relevant emergency measures were also lifted. Many civil and military officials were also dispatched to deal with serious or minor emergencies collected from various places. .

The big man roared and roared again at the temporarily stalled "machine", intending to crush any bugs that dared to come out to cause trouble when it was "down", but it always felt like it was not working well...

Liangzhou, the seat of Fufeng County.

Dong Zhuo was sitting in the viewing pavilion in the garden, looking at the pond and the sparsely blooming flowers around it. This mansion was specially arranged by the Fufeng County Sheriff for him, a "well-known ranger commander". Of course, the three people stationed in the suburbs Wan Dajun was the reason why he was so polite. If there was a disagreement, Dong Zhuo didn't have to do anything. As long as he took the troops and left, Fufeng County, which had less than 10,000 defenders, would be crushed by the rebels without hesitation.

Even if Zhang and Han Sui were able to gather a large number of rebels and coerce the original governors and magistrates to do things for them along the way, this level has reached the limit now. If they want to continue to advance eastward and invade Chang'an, they can only rely on those They rebelled against the Qiang and completely lost control of the situation.

Therefore, if the guess is correct, these rebels planned to defeat Fufeng in one fell swoop, control Meiyang, the former Han emperor's mausoleum, and then negotiate with the court. However, it was a pity that Dong Zhuo and Dong Zhongying took advantage of this point and arrived at Fufeng County to set up defenses. It will definitely make the other party feel like they have something stuck in their throat.

These 30,000 troops are "country warriors" recruited directly from the villages, bypassing various counties and counties. They can be said to hate the invasion of barbarians. The various weird alien symbols and decorations on the rebel Qiang are the best. Something to boost morale.

In terms of quantity, it is just stuck at the limit of the number of "private soldiers" that the imperial court can accept. The number of private soldiers in the hands of ordinary wealthy families is basically this number.

According to Dong Zhuo's original expectation, the 30,000 men were divided into three groups: cavalry, infantry, and archers, commanded by Lu Bu, Hua Xiong, and himself respectively. However, Lu Bu recruited nearly a thousand troops during the recruitment process. The Bingzhou veterans planned to use them as the core to build a type of heavy infantry called the "trap camp". In the end, they had to fill up 10,000 people for Lu Bu and let him lead this infantry team.

Although Niu Fu and Hua Xiong were eager to command the cavalry, Dong Zhuo always felt that the two of them were likely to be killed as soon as they came out of the battle, so he asked them to lead the archers instead, and he personally led the cavalry.

The current situation is that the rebels are short of manpower and do not dare to fight, and they do not have the confidence to fight. Although Dong Zhuo's troops are confident, they are not in a hurry to fight. Both sides are waiting for some kind of "change" outside of the battle situation.

For example...


"Oh, my aunt, you can't eat that..." "Slow down, miss, please slow down!"

Dong Zhuo's thoughts were slightly interrupted by the exclamations of servants and maids outside the garden, but before he could get angry, a smile appeared on his face.

As expected of my granddaughter Dong Zhuo, even "Wushuang" awakened so early. Dong Zhuo thought about this more than once. As for the fact that he himself does not have Wushuang, is it important?

At first, everyone thought that the little girl Dong Bai was a funny "unparalleled" person with "endless appetite" or "powerful digestion". Plus, she was Dong Zhuo's granddaughter. Who dared to propose feeding her various kinds of things for experimentation? ?

Until this time when she was rushing from Bingzhou to Liangzhou, she was not paying attention because of the chaos along the way, which allowed her to show the true power of that "unparalleled".

Because all the generals were sent out to recruit soldiers, Dong Zhuo, Li Ru and a group of civil servants only took a few rangers with them, dressed as merchants and walking along the official road. As a result, they were targeted by a group of barbarians and horse thieves who came from nowhere. .

With Dong Zhuo's force, he is naturally not afraid of some horse thieves, but those accompanying the rangers do not dare to let this "ranger commander" take action seriously, otherwise they will become the laughing stock of other rangers in a few years.

As a result, the desperate look of the rangers made the horse thieves think that Dong Zhuo was some kind of rich man or high-ranking official, and a small group of elite horse thieves broke away from them and came straight towards the car battle of Dong Zhuo's family.

Dong Zhuo sighed and was about to pull up the red "Shura" next to him to fight the enemy. Dong Bai, who was sitting next to him and taking some fruit from the small table, turned his head and just opened his mouth and said "Ah Wu", and the carriage started. Half of the carriage was missing. Also missing were the dozens of charging horse thieves facing this half of the carriage, leaving only a dent in the place that looked like it had been bitten by some giant monster.

The remaining horse thieves shouted, turned around and fled.

"..." At that time, even with Dong Zhuo's extensive knowledge, he couldn't help but be speechless and looked at his granddaughter who was chewing something in shock.

"Wu Gu..." Dong Bai chewed a few more times, slightly frowning his thin eyebrows: "You can't eat it."

She opened her mouth, and with a crash, the disappearing horse thieves rolled and were sprayed out, but none of the horses they were riding on appeared again.

Dong Zhuo, who was very close, could see clearly this time. The moment his granddaughter opened her mouth, there was a deep darkness in her mouth, a darkness that could not even let light shine through. And when those horse thieves were "vomited" out, the original exquisite shells were The teeth and uvula reappear there.

"My lord! Are you okay! My lord?" The voice of the ranger who came to support awakened Dong Zhuo. He quickly told Dong Bai, "If you do this again, you must ask grandpa," and then got out of the car to give orders.

"Lock up all these horse thieves, gag them, and interrogate them again in the next county! Now, clean up the scene and leave as soon as possible!"

The results of the interrogation were similar. They all claimed that their eyes suddenly went dark, and they felt like they were in a darkness where they could be killed at any time. Then they heard an indistinguishable voice saying "You can't eat", and then they reappeared outside, spinning in circles. No one mentioned "mouth" or "little girl", but Dong Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief and then issued a hush order.

Therefore, these servants and maids who were not accompanying them at that time had no idea how close they were to death, Dong Zhuo thought as he looked at the maid who once again took a flower from Dong Bai's hand from a distance.


"My lord, news came from Wenhe and Luoyang at the same time." Li Ru, wearing a dark broad robe and a high crown that is common among staff, walked into the viewing pavilion holding several volumes of silk books: "Wenhe's news is very simple, just ' Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

"Wen You, why don't you try harder? I didn't realize that A Bai and Ling Qi are so old." Dong Zhuo nodded and looked at Dong Bai and Lu Ling Qi who were playing closely together: "If not, it's okay to take a concubine. "

Taking a concubine? Just kidding, sisters Dong Yi and Dong Yuan have such a good relationship, what if she goes to complain and Lu Bu comes directly to her door? No one was his enemy in the early days, but it has become more and more terrifying after the formation of the "trapped camp" recently.

Li Ru smiled awkwardly and changed the topic: "In addition, news came from the court that Huangfu Song was appointed as the general for the Western Conquest and led one hundred thousand knights from Three Rivers to come to quell the rebellion."

"Hmph... Knights of Three Rivers, do those young masters know how to fight?" Dong Zhuo said dissatisfied.

Sanhe refers to the three places of Hedong, Hanoi and Henan. It is different from the producing areas of good horses such as Liangzhou and Bingzhou. Although there are many plains in Sanhe, there are no good horses. What you usually see are pack horses and pack horses. Therefore, There are no good riders either.

The knights trained in these places all come from aristocratic families. They buy good horses from Liangzhou, ask blacksmiths to make excellent horse armor, wear fine armor themselves, and finally bring along a group of servants and private servants with relatively low-level equipment. Soldiers, a group of cavalry were running on the road shining brightly, and as the shining one, of course they looked very impressive.

As for the combat effectiveness of this kind of "knights"... it depends on how desperate the "secondary knights of three rivers" who are ordered to protect their young masters are, because if those young masters die, they will not be able to avoid heavy punishment even if they can escape, so , the correct way to use these "Three Rivers Knights" is to throw them wherever there is danger. If those young masters are allowed to stay safely in the rear, the servant guards and private soldiers who have lost their motivation will have no fighting power at all.

"So, is there an appointment for 'General Zhenxi'?" Dong Zhuo asked again.

Generally speaking, when quelling border troubles, General Zheng and General Zhen will be appointed at the same time. General Zheng can return to the court after the battle, while General Zhen will stay in the local area and become the chief, so he is usually a civilian. A general is more like a supervisor.

"There was an appointment, but Zhang Wen, the current captain of the school, was also appointed. However, he only went with the army and was not allocated any troops." Li Ru responded: "This approach makes my son-in-law confused."

It is said that Zhang Wen has a close relationship with Zhang Rang, one of the ten permanent servants. Otherwise, he would not have held the important position of Sili Xiaowei. He also served as the general of Zhenxi and there was no one under him. This means that he would If he goes back, will he let Huangfu Song guard him? That's overkill.

"Oh, it's not that you don't understand Wen You, it's just that you refuse to say it," Dong Zhuo said with a smile: "This is obviously the court, no, it is clearly a hint given to me by Zhang Rang, asking me to work harder and give the credit to this person." Zhang Wen, in exchange for the appointment of 'General Zhenxi' or 'Provincial Governor of Liangzhou'."

"This subordinate is just a staff member, so naturally he is not qualified to make such decisions for the Lord." Li Ru changed his title.

Although it was a simple acceptance or rejection, it was also related to Dong Zhuo's face, his relationship with the court, his relationship with Huangfu Song, his popularity in Liangzhou, and even the opinions of the people in the world. Li Ru could not make any suggestions, and even some No matter what your preference is, this is exactly "something that only the Lord can decide."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter. What I want right now is absolute control over Liangzhou. If those guys want anything else, just take it. One day..." Dong Zhuo looked in the direction of Luoyang and seemed to really see a round of The setting sun: "If you take what's mine, give it back to me; if you eat mine, give it to me and spit it out."

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