The Collection of The End

Chapter 298 Passage and Past

My name is Akatosh,

There seems to be a bit of a problem with time and space in this place.

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 20th, 18:00——

Mercer Frey is a Breton native. Although he can't tell from the outside, he actually has one-third of the high elf blood. If he is the bard's half-elf father and The stories between the mothers who were born in a brighton merchant family were written and written, probably filling a large bookcase.

Mercer most often used the identity of a bard when he went out, and he was able to sing two verses quite beautifully. He was influenced by his father, and his shrewd mind and keen eyesight naturally came from his mother's teachings.

Due to his blood, his lifespan is several times longer than that of a pure-blooded human, and his appearance is relatively slower to age. Therefore, when he joined the Thieves Guild of Skyrim Province, no matter whether it was the mentor introduced or other guild masters, he could not have imagined that this brought The young man with a green face came here with the purpose of stealing the power of the demon god from the very beginning.


"Zha!" Moser turned around abruptly, and stabbed a translucent "Nightingale" ghost fiercely with the long sword in his hand. The ghost struggled a little, turned into a fragile ice sculpture, and then shattered into pieces, although it should have been It presents a light blue color that symbolizes the power of the soul, but because it is in the "Twilight Passage" (Ebonmere) at the moment, it can only see paleness from it.

"Ah...he, is it dead?" Behind Moser, the imperial princess kidnapped asked. Although she looked quite panicked, she still tried her best to keep a short distance from him—— before coming in like this Those words are still useful.

"Not dead, but it won't appear for the time being." Moser replied casually, and continued on the original path.

Although seemingly destroyed and disappeared, Mercer knew very well that these former "Nightingales" only need to wait for a while before they can be reborn in "Ebony Swamp", the annihilation field of [Nocturnal], and continue to muddle along Guard this "Twilight Passage" carefully.

As the name suggests, "Twilight Passage" is a road that can directly reach Nocturnal's domain [Eternal Dusk]. Although it looks like a strange stone tomb with only black and white colors, it did not have a fixed shape originally.

This "passage" is full of torches, magic stone lamps, even blazing bonfires and smoldering fire ponds. Logically speaking, it should be illuminated like noon, but all the light sources are suppressed by the thick darkness. Within the range, it is completely impossible to illuminate farther, so in this stone tomb, a wonderful situation is formed where light and shadow are separated out of thin air without any shelter.

To become a nightingale, you have to avoid various traps and reach the [Nocturnal] altar at the end under the interference of these lights and shadows, and choose the three powers of "new moon", "half moon" or "full moon" one.

And the "skull key" that can open all the locks in the world was originally inserted on the altar. After the first person who arrives turns it, the trial will end and the winner will be rewarded, and everyone except the winner will After being sent out, if the Mr. Champion is lucky, he may also see the real body of Ms. [Nocturnal].

Crack! Moser swung his sword again, this time it was the "Nightingale Sword" surrounded by black mist, and the hit Nightingale ghost let out a silent scream and disappeared in midair.

The left hand is the "Chillrend" with the power of ice, and the right hand is the "Nightingale Sword" surrounded by shadows. This is the standard configuration of Mercer in battle. The mysterious sword technique plus the mixed damage of ice and shadow , can always make people hard to defend, although Nocturnal did not take back the sword and his ability to "change himself" for some purpose, but Mercer would not be more grateful to him for this-in his After my mother was deceived by a demon god.


Mercer lived a long life with only one-third of the elven blood,

Then his father, who is a half-elf, is naturally more difficult to age. Shortly after giving birth to Mercer, his mother noticed the longevity problem in this relationship. This problem is not without precedent in the world of Nirn, and most of them are The party with a shorter lifespan dies first, and the other half who is left either finally walks out of the relationship and pursues happiness again, or dies alone, and death in love rarely happens.

Mercer's mother judged with the shrewdness of a Brighton merchant that her lover would stay with her to death, but with his romance as a bard, she would soon be forgotten, at best The story is compiled into songs and sung, and it is impossible for her as a human to occupy the entire life of a half-elf with a lifespan of nearly a thousand years.

If human beings want to become a long-lived species, generally speaking, there are only two ways to transform into werewolves or vampires. If they have mastered the magical power, they can also try to transform into a harpy witch. Obviously, Mercer's mother is just an ordinary human being with no magical power. Nor do I want to become those two deeply flawed inhuman races.

As for what method she finally chose to achieve her goal, Moser and his father had no way of knowing, because she disappeared without warning on a certain day, leaving no traces, only the time before she disappeared. It seems that I am in a good mood as if my wish has been achieved.

Then, as she always said, Mercer's father left her behind in a blink of an eye. After confirming that Mercer could stand on his own, he continued to be his bard, and now he wandered to Tamari without knowing it. Which corner of the Seoul continent.

If Moser's mother made a deal with the Demon God on the condition that he never forget himself, then it was undoubtedly a success. In the absence of accurate information on his wife's life and death, the bard has never been able to find out for so many years. It has become a legend in the world of bards to start a new relationship and refuse to approach any woman who admires him.



Moser dragged the "princess" through the shadows, avoiding many nightingale ghosts who came out to attack, and finally passed through this winding path intertwined with light and shadow. Those ghosts retreated hesitantly and gradually disappeared.

This is the sad soul under the control of the demon god. It has no self, and even life and death are controlled, and its actions are all based on the other party's thoughts.

Stealing [Skull Key] and [Star of Azura], looking for an imperial princess with the characteristic of "Killing God", although this series of actions seems to be to deal with [Nocturnal], but in fact it is only Mercer. Using life as an experiment——a test of whether a mortal can make a demon god fall.

Since it is impossible to confirm which demon god deceived the mother and took her away, wouldn't it be good to just kill all the demon gods? There are only sixteen in total, not too many, is it?

The "Skeleton Key" can open and close this passage from the realm of annihilation to the present world. During the years he took the key, [Nocturnal] could neither interfere with the present world nor be affected by the beliefs of the present world. If If it is not bad, he can at most use his free faith to condense an incarnation of low strength, the kind that will dissipate as long as he uses a little divine power, it is impossible to prevent him from reaching the end of the passage.


"By the way, how do you get through this place? You rushed in without thinking about it at all, neither light nor shadow will work."

Parasos frowned and looked at the old corridor in front of him. This long stone natural cave was completely closed and had no lighting, but there were mottled lights and shadows interlacing in the air very strangely. Parasos thought for a while, He took out a glove and stretched it out towards the shadows.

In just a split second, the part of the leather glove that was illuminated by the light turned black as if it had been scorched by fire and began to smoke, while small holes appeared in the part that was shrouded in darkness as if it had encountered something corrosive. .

"Could it be that they didn't pass by here?" Parasos quickly threw away the scrapped gloves and tried to observe the ground, but the stone surface was rough without dust, and it was impossible to make a judgment at all.

Not long ago, he, the princess, and Xiao Fan chased Mercer Frey to the entrance of the "Twilight Temple", and watched the other party open a door of light, and took Eddie directly into it, and then the door of light began to shrink rapidly, completely Before he had time to think about it, he rushed in immediately.

The result is this dilemma.

"Hey, what we guessed before might be the truth." Xiaofan looked at it for a while, picked up "Dawn Breaker" and waved it forward tentatively. As the long sword passed, shadows seemed to be alive to the other side. retreat.

"...Well, light and shadow?" Emir murmured to himself, and also took out the ebony dagger and waved it towards the other side where Xiaofan was standing. This time, it was the light that was driven away.

After the two girls brandished their weapons for a while, the corridor has completely changed, with black and white on the left and right, and a narrow gray band of light in the middle.

"This... alright." Parasos watched the princess and Xiaofan walking on the path of shadow and light without any signs of being attacked, so he sighed and stepped on the narrow path of light .


"By the way, what are we going to do now?"

After the white light faded, a group of seven people who were originally in the Nightingale Hall found themselves in a strange and large cave. The cave was very dim, and in front of them was a giant statue of Ms. Nocturnal. Each is lit by a torch, and in front of the statue is a simple altar with the words "Sacrifice to the Lady's Favorite Things" embossed on its front.

"Lady's favorite thing?" Sylvia was the first to respond, "Is it... money?"

She took out a few gold coins and threw them on the altar, but the altar remained silent.

"Maybe it's glory, loyalty, or strength?" Gallus frowned, took out the dagger he was carrying and put it on the altar, but there was no response either.

"Favorite..." Ilya rolled her eyes, and suddenly raised her hand and threw two ice blades to extinguish the torch. The only illumination they provided disappeared instantly with a faint light.

Boom boom boom—before someone questioned Illya's approach, the statue of the lady shimmered and began to rotate on the spot, and the ground around it began to sink in a spiral shape as it rotated, forming a ring ladder.

"Hey hey~ (Hearts)" Cicero's voice seemed rather strange in the darkness: "It seems that 'Lady of the Night' likes 'darkness' the most."

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