The Collection of The End

Two thousand and seventy-six, North American Mythical War (26)

New York, Hell's Kitchen.

"I'm telling you, this is outrageous. Captain America is clearly said to be invulnerable to all poisons and bullets."

"Do you think he is the Hulk? According to the setting, Steve is not bulletproof, but being shot is equivalent to a scratch."

"Who would be seriously injured and unconscious due to a scratch?"

"That's just a metaphor, a metaphor!"

On the third floor of the Sea Restaurant, Caroline and Max were sitting in the lounge area and pointing at the room where Captain America was receiving treatment.

Of course, there was only Captain America, and thanks to his timely rescue, Ben Parker was only slightly...well, actually quite frightened, and was taken home and taken care of by Spidey.

In addition, after the three gangsters were subdued by Coulson and Spidey, they were taken away by the SHIELD agents who came later. But strangely, they did not take away Captain America. They arranged for me in the "ward" and The doctor had no opinion.

By the way, Kingpin seemed to think it was me who was injured, so he made quite a fuss and frightened the other gangster families.

"Maybe it's because he didn't bring a shield?" Regarding the questions of the two "roommates", I tried my best to pretend to be a comic-illiterate.

"This seems to be true? That Adamantium alloy shield seems to be able to actively absorb bullets."

"Indeed, jokes about why the enemy doesn't hit Captain America's legs are rampant."

Hmm... Similar jokes are also very common in my world. It seems that the high-dimensional world is almost exactly the same as the low-dimensional world, as Meng Nali guessed, except that it has no content about its own world.

If pushed down according to this theory, the so-called "lowest dimension" should be a world that is wonderful in itself, but without any "creativity" and does not even have bedtime stories. This is simple, and any higher-dimensional world can add If you choose the setting of "a world without a story", you can create one by writing a novel or making a movie.

If you push it backwards, the "highest dimension" - if such a dimension really exists, it must have countless wonderful works, but it itself has no possibility of becoming material for novels, comics, animations, movies and games. It's an extremely monotonous and boring world.

Is it a thankless task to ascend all the way to that kind of world?

Well? Under what circumstances would a world produce so many works without its own story? A matrix that forces everyone to create because of a lack of creativity? 】

‘The setting of The Matrix is ​​a very good story. ’

A world where you compete with each other by creating exciting stories? 】

‘Don’t you think this is more exciting? ’

So what do you say? 】

'should be--

It’s so boring, let’s write a novel.

No fun, just make a movie.

Do you want to see my work?

Not very interested, maybe next time.

This kind of world. ’

Wow, so boring. 】

'However, why that world became like this and whether it will turn around in the future is actually a good story. I can't think of a world that really doesn't qualify as a story at all. ’

"Miss Jin Jing," at this time, the best surgeon in Hell's Kitchen came out of the guest room and said to me with a little doubt: "The bullet in the patient's body has been removed, and the self-healing condition is also very good, but for some reason it still persists. Unconscious."

Do you still need to ask? That's Spider-Man. No matter which version of Spider-Man wants to be born, Uncle Ben must be sacrificed to heaven, just like Batman's parents.

The cost of resisting the initialization of a superhero is that it's already very strong just being unconscious.

Although you just told a hell joke, there are actually settings for Ben Parker to survive and Batman's parents to survive. 】

‘I know about the parallel universes of Spider-Apocalypse and Flashpoint, but how can any big event happen now? ’

Do you have any misunderstandings about your identity? Remember who you took in? 】

‘…Oh yes, that troublesome guy from Ancient One. ’

"As long as you finish your job, doctor," I said, acting like a gangster godfather: "Besides, you shouldn't go around publicizing who the patient you just treated is?"

"Huh? That young man is quite handsome, but..." The surgeon was stunned for a few seconds: "Oh, yes, I went to Queens to drink today, and I didn't treat any gunshot wound patients at all, hahaha."

I don’t know what he misunderstood, but it doesn’t matter.


After sending the doctor and his assistants away, I went to the room next to the consulting room and saw Phil Coulson, who looked regretful and remorseful, and Natasha Romanoff, who looked indifferent.

"Thank you very much for your help, Miss Fisk," Colson said immediately: "We will interrogate the three gangsters and find out the results as soon as possible."

"You're welcome, Steve is my friend too," I sat down across from them and said, "When it happened, I thought SHIELD would immediately rush out with two trucks and pull Steve to the end of New York. Good hospital treatment and cleaning up Hell’s Kitchen.”

"Even SHIELD has no plans to provoke Kingpin," Natasha replied lazily: "We believe that the medical conditions provided by the Fisk family will not be worse than those of major hospitals, and Miss Jinjing I have to come here to feed Steve every day despite my busy schedule, and I don’t want to poison him to death.”

"Of course, and, no comment," I made a trick with my cane: "If you are worried that the Fisk family will take advantage of Captain America, you can ban him from going out after eight o'clock in the evening."

"Pfft." Natasha raised her hand to cover her mouth, her eyes curled up.

"...What are you laughing at?" I stared at this SHIELD agent.

If she dares to say something like "I think of happy things", I will make her look like a mermaid.

"In fact, Director Fury said the same thing before I came," Natasha raised her hand to straighten her hair: "It seems that everyone treats the captain as a child, even if he is over eighty years old."

"Well, as one of the 'parents', my decision is that we will not let Steve leave my restaurant until he is completely healed from his injury and has the ability to protect himself. Maybe you can't understand that in the Fisk family What does it mean to have crimes that were not expected on our territory?" I looked at Natasha: "If the final result of your interrogation of the three robbers is that they just committed impulsive crimes on a temporary basis, I will be very suspicious. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s operational capabilities.”

"Of course, SHIELD can handle any situation..."

Boom! Boom! Bang bang bang bang——

At this time, a golden and red mecha descended from the sky with a BGM, penetrated the glass ceiling of the rest area, landed steadily in front of Caroline and Max, then stood up and launched a large firework around:

"Surprise surprise!]"

"...Except Iron Man." Natasha spread her hands.

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