The Collection of The End

Two thousand and seventy-four, North American Mythical War (24)

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Mom lives here?"

After Atlanna messed around a few more times, the voices of men and boys came from the first floor.

The mermaid princess rushed out of the entertainment room without even having time to collect the money.

"Okay, here's the trick," Caroline happily messed up the mahjong tiles: "The following is the protagonist of "Guarding the Lighthouse and Picking Up the Mermaid Princess."

"Calculating the time, Cobot should have brought the father and son back from Cien Port," Max nodded: "But what does it mean to send them directly here? We are a restaurant, not a hotel."

"Because you want to avoid being discovered by Atlantean scouts?" Jin Jing stood up: "Although the Atlanteans look down on humans, they will definitely monitor the queen's human husband and confirm that they are not chasing Gotham. It’s not impossible to stay here with us first.”

"You are the boss, you have the final say, Miss Jingjing Lando Bai, pfft." Halfway through, Caroline burst out laughing.

"Who do you think that outrageous background is because of?" Jin Jing shook her head, opened the door and walked out of the entertainment room: "As the host, I have to go see them."

"Hahahaha——" There was laughter from behind.

Jin Jing didn't bother to talk to them and walked straight down the stairs to the lobby.

Atlanna and her husband were holding each other's arms and saying something, while a little blond boy who looked only seven or eight years old was standing nearby, looking at this and that, as if wondering whether his parents were just I haven't seen any big change in attitude in just ten days.

"Well, cough." In order to prevent the family of three from whispering, Jin Jing deliberately cleared her throat before walking in.

"Thomas, this is Miss Bai who saved me," Atlanna let go of her hand and introduced: "Miss Bai, this is my husband Thomas Curry."

"Thank you very much for your help to my wife." The man pressed his hand on his chest and bowed.

Thomas Curry is a man who looks very "likeable". He is tall and strong, wearing a brown shirt and jeans. He has wheat-colored skin, brown hair, blue eyes, raised eyebrows, and eye lines. He has a downward curve, a smile at the corner of his mouth, and well-developed apple muscles. Even when communicating with others without any expression, people feel that he is always smiling and very friendly.

"I must say, Mr. Curry, after I heard about what happened between you and Atlanna, I had a very bad impression of you." While he was lowering his head, Jin Jing winked at Atlanna to tell her not to interrupt. , and then continued: "Do you think you are the protagonist in a fairy tale? Can you live happily ever after with a princess? I think you should know very well that the premise of that kind of thing is that the princess meets a 'prince' .”

"That's..." Thomas Curry looked up.

"I don't mean to question the love between you. What I'm condemning is your ostrich behavior. Do you think the trouble caused by your wife's identity will disappear over time?" Jin Jing waved his hand and interrupted: "Look at your child, he must be eight years old. In the past eight years, you have never cared about your wife's origins, why she was injured, or who the enemy is. Instead, you continued to be a lighthouse keeper with peace of mind until She had to leave you, and you couldn't do anything."

Although it is not clear what the story is between them, judging from the current situation, it is similar to the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and Dong Yong's Seven Fairies.

They are all fools who ignore their wives' own troubles and live a small life.

"You're right." He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and replied.

"..." Atlanna looked at Jin Jing and then at Thomas Curry. She wanted to say something but held back. She also hugged the little boy who wanted to refute because his father was scolded.

"Do you think that we took you and your child here for Atlanna's sake? No, maybe we can take care of her son, but you can't." Jin Jing raised her voice slightly: "You Your wife should be protected by yourself, right?"

"..." Thomas Curry's eyes flickered, but he did not answer.

"I guess, Mr. Curry, you haven't thought about solving your wife's troubles, but an entire underwater kingdom is too heavy for you, so you deceive yourself and force yourself to think that your ordinary and warm life will last forever. Go down," Jin Jing paused, and continued: "But now, you have an opportunity, an opportunity to protect your wife, let her not be coerced by others, and do whatever she wants, do you want to seize it?"

Thomas Curry fell into thinking. He seemed to be hesitating, but the smile on his face gradually became obvious: "So, what should I do?"

"We dissected the murloc pursuers from the deep sea and analyzed their weapons and the 'magic' attached to them. The conclusion is that they are quite primitive and rough. They may be able to suppress conventional human weapons in the case of individual soldiers, but They are vulnerable in a group battle with a large number of people," Jin Jing continued: "Our plan is to tailor-make a high-tech armor for you. It has a variety of powerful weapons and tools, and can move freely in the water. , the dozen or so murlocs are no match for it."

"No, Thomas is just an ordinary person and can't fight at all." Atlanna finally couldn't help but objected.

"Isn't it you?" Jin Jing raised his eyes and looked at her: "As the Queen of Atlantis, haven't you ever thought about fighting alongside your husband?"

"...Queens of all generations will indeed go on expeditions with their 'Ocean Lord' husbands." Atlanna murmured in reply.

"I accept." Thomas Curry replied immediately.

"Of course, that won't happen overnight. Since the usurper of Atlantis doesn't know that Atlanna is still alive, we still have a long preparation time. This period of time is enough for us to fully train your body. And the suit of armor has been updated. Before that, you will live by the sea as Gotham's 'Lighthouse Keeper', training yourself, improving your armor, and fighting off possible murlocs, and when Gotham finally becomes... When Queen Atlanna takes back her throne, it will be you who will crown her,"

Jin Jing paused and looked at Thomas Curry, whose eyes became brighter:

"Mr. Aquaman."

Side Quest: Meet a superhero or supervillain and raise his/her reputation to Friendly. completed】

Current reputation: Friendly: Thomas Curry Aquaman]

Falcone's speeches are amazing.

...especially when it comes to painting cakes.


Small theater that will never appear:

Jin Jing: Are your wives the same person? 】

Thomas Curry, Ocean Lord Orvak: Right, right. 】

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