I looked at my little finger fascinatingly because of what she said, while imagining what it would be like if a thin, invisible red thread was tied to it, and mocking her boredly.

Baiji's attitude was unexpectedly serious.

"Hmph, don't underestimate this. I didn't know anything about Chinese Buddhism and Taoism culture at first, but I studied it in order to increase the success rate of Zhanto and seek a curse that has no side effects on me. Don’t think that I’m playing with you when I brought you to the Yuelao Temple of Shenguang Temple to take this red rope. This thing has a pretty good reputation, because it is said that if a couple can wear it for a lifetime, they can still meet it in the next lifetime."

"You are so funny, this thing can last a lifetime? And according to your reincarnation theory, why is the world's population increasing?"

"That's because more and more beasts are reborn as adults."

Hearing my question, Baiji's face suddenly sank, and then she lowered her head slightly, speaking in a cold and gloomy tone.

! ! ?

I always feel that this person's words make me panic, and what is this saying? There are more and more beasts in the world, so what is it that reincarnates? Plants?

No longer intending to pay attention to her, I looked at the gradually slanting sun and stretched out.

"Well, it doesn't matter what happens, I'm going home."

"Hey, hey, don't you trust me? You beast reborn fellow! Hurry up and bring this with your girlfriend. Your crisis will definitely be resolved!"

"Don't be long-winded, I don't believe in past lives, reincarnation, or red lines."

Cursingly planning to walk out of the temple door, I suddenly noticed two people.

Chapter 357 The Thing Falling From Heaven

It is jasmine and sunflower.

They didn't leave at the first time just now, and they seemed to be enjoying the fragrance leisurely.

They were standing in front of a bronze stove that could be seen when they entered the door. Everyone put a stick of incense in the front, and bowed in a pious manner, and then walked out of the temple, holding each other's hands.

Staring at the well-developed and slender backs of two female high school students, I couldn't help feeling a little bit sad in my heart. Damn it, I thought I would have it all, why is it all gone! As long as I broke up with Jasmine, then I don't even have a reason to approach Sunflower, right?

"Hey, what are you in a daze?"

Someone patted me from behind.

Of course she is useless for eggs, and she has no boobs.

I saw that she slid the short hair that covered her cheeks because she tilted her head, and then urged me with dissatisfaction, "Hurry up and give her the red string. As a metaphysical expert, I want to repay you twice. A great suggestion just for the big meal."

"Don't bother me, I won't contact her anymore, let me tell you the truth.

Karma, Karma, Karma, quack! ! !

When I was pressed by her to say that we had actually broken up, please stop annoying me, an unreliable elementary student, when a sharp bird cry came into our ears.

But Jasmine and Sunflower, who had been tracking me far away and didn't find me, also turned their heads, trying to find the source of the sound.

It is worth mentioning that my ex-girlfriend was obviously taken aback when she saw me, showing a complicated expression that she didn't know if it was joy or disgust.

Forget it, even if I knew Jasmine's body's secrets, her self-enclosed mind is an eternal mystery zone, and I don't plan to explore it.

And our eyes finally meet in the sky.

It was a black figure, and as it slowly passed by, a few black feathers also fell to the ground. It's a crow.

I immediately discovered that the original culprit who made such an unpleasant sound and broke the purity of Buddhism was an inauspicious bird, and immediately lost interest.

"Damn it, it's unlucky, after a day wasted, listening to the crows."

I cursed softly. I was about to continue pretending to walk out of the temple and go down the steps and take a taxi to the main road. Bletilla striata suddenly made a very excited sound and pulled my sleeves crazy with very troublesome force. "Ahhhh! Takezawayu, look at it!

"What are you looking at, crow? I'm not interested in it."

"No, no, it's something that crow bites!"

Being stressed so constantly by Bletilla striata, I finally raised my spirits to find out what it was.

If you’re not mistaken, there is a chain of silver dangling in the crow’s mouth. As for the necklace, bracelet, or anklet, it doesn’t matter, because at the end of the chain is constantly being reflected by the sun. The inevitable light, like swinging on a swing, the luminous body at the end of the chain swayed steadily as the crow stopped on the branch.

This also allows me to see clearly.


It was a cross made of metal, the workmanship was very delicate, and it could be judged by its shiny reflection. In addition to a simple cross, sharp-eyed I also saw a red shining gem on it. The gem in the hole and the cross are ingeniously integrated.

Why is there a cross in the crow's mouth?

This kind of question flashed in my mind for an instant, but immediately I shook my head and threw this indifferent thing out of my mind, and immediately I cared about what I should really care about now-

"Today you will pick up good things, oh donor."

This sentence should be what the monk said to me. Although the specific words and sentences are somewhat different, I fully remember the meaning.

In other words, will I pick up something that makes my luck better?

At first I was skeptical about everything in this temple, but when the crow appeared, I was convinced that the prediction was true, just like a bird giving away children, maybe that crow was a golden crow, Will it bring me a lot of money, or send me a crow?

In any case, I made up my mind to get the cross. After all, that thing might be a fetish for my good fortune!


Then I heard the girl's exclamation about something suddenly.

When she turned her head to take a look, Jasmine also raised her head slightly and stared at the crow.

Ah, I remember!

While at the temple, Jasmine was drawn to the lottery. It is estimated that she was upset when she was judged to be the big culprit, and the monk seemed to tell her that she wanted to reverse her luck by picking up something?

With that said, is Jasmine's target also the cross held by the crow?

If you think about it carefully, she must also think that the encounter with me today is the proof of her fierceness, so it is normal for her to desperately want to transfer.

As I expected, her jet black beautiful eyes first stared at the crow, especially the rickety cross, and then at me.

I understand that look.

It's an expression of "I will never let it to you"!

Because even though we are the kind of lovers who seem to be close together, but somehow, a good understanding has been born during the six months of communication. Of course, I can make simple eye contact with Jasmine.

What surprised me was that what she showed me this time was the kind of firmness and personal will in the eyes, rather than the kind of sadness and helplessness about her sad situation.

Jasmine seemed to have grown up in a certain sense.

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