"Hmph, if you don’t believe me, choose it. You really can’t understand this kind of metaphysics. It’s not my business if you miss the opportunity.

"Wait a minute, let's go!"

When she was dissatisfied and wanted to give up, I stretched out my hand and stopped her.

Bletilla striata raised eyebrows clearly, and a sly smile appeared on the childish baby's face.

"Hehe, aren't you succumbing to me?"

Being looked at by a primary school student with such a proud look, I was a little bit unhappy, but thinking that I am not really unlucky now, and it is not the kind of artificial control, so in order to improve the situation, it is okay to trust her a little bit. Yes, I won't lose anyway.

At the moment, because I wanted to ask others, I rarely persuaded me, put on an acknowledgment expression, and gave a flattering cough.

Emmm, since you are a good witch for the time being, and you have obtained my high permission when fighting with you, I believe you, please, Bletilla striata. "

You, you also called me senior sister

Baiji's eyes widened and made a light sound.

She always felt that she slightly cocked her mouth as if she had encountered something good, her eyes glowing with inexplicable pride, this person wouldn't be very satisfied, right?

While I was thinking about this kind of thing, Baiji chuckled and stood up from his position.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho, it seems that you are very clear about the status of your younger brother. In that case, I will help you. I'm on the way about why I want to go to Shenguang Temple and how to use the amulets and other mascots over there. Say it!"

okay then. "

It doesn't matter if you think about the truth anyway, the most important thing is the effect.

So I quickly settled the bill after that, and then called a car and Bletilla striata to the incense-rich temple on the outskirts of the city.

After 30 minutes-

Clang, clang, clang! ! !

The huge building in front of me doesn't look like a temple anymore.

In front of you is the majestic temple entrance. You don't need a ticket to enter. There are two stone lions on both sides of the temple guarding the treasures inside. After getting off the bus, Bletilla and I slowly walked up from the stone steps below in 3 minutes. Because the entire temple was halfway up the mountain, just climbing took a lot of my strength.

But because it was the afternoon, the sun was just behind the temple. From my point of view, it was the light of the Buddha, not to mention the incense smoke rising slowly from the temple also gave people a solemn feeling.

"Wow, great. Although I am studying here, this is the first time I have come here."

I muttered so, then squinted my eyes and looked back.

That is the stone steps I walked up all the way, about 200 levels, there are small woods on both sides, the environment is very beautiful, it is indeed a place where temples are built.

Bletilla striata, who was standing next to me, replied with gusto.

"Hmph, you still have a bit of foresight. The construction of Shenguang Temple was about the time of Emperor Shenzong of Song Dynasty. The mountain gate sits north and faces south. The stone lions at the gate have always existed since the beginning of the construction, and the moiré flower decorations at the gate are also exquisite. , The clock tower inside will report at noon."

"Hey hey hey, why do you know so much!

Obviously she is a witch full of Western styles. This person's knowledge of Chinese temples made me stunned. Bletilla nodded naturally.

"That's natural, mainly because mom and dad believe this, because they are open and tolerant people. Our whole family came here to ask for a visa when I was taking the entrance examination, because it can satisfy all kinds of wishes."

"It always feels like a scam."

"Don't slander the Buddha, idiot!

Hearing my uneasy speech, Bletilla striata jumped up from behind and hit me on the forehead.


Walking in impatiently, I scratched my head to observe the situation inside.

Oh, I don’t think the temple is very large inside. It seems that there are many halls. If it occupies an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, although it is a suburb, it is not easy to maintain a temple in this city where housing prices are extremely high. Cultural relics, the government should allocate funds.

Standing here, it seems that there is a reassuring feeling, maybe there is really Buddha light.

Looking at a big tree with red lines and amulets in the central courtyard, I admired:

"This tree is really big."

"Well, it was there when I was a child, and it was about the same size as it is now. It is estimated that it will not grow much in the future. After all, it is already several hundred years old."

"Several hundred years old?

I was taken aback again.

But Bletilla striata didn't seem to want to pay much attention to me, a person who didn't know anything about Buddhist culture, and pulled at my sleeves directly.

"Go, let's go to worship Buddha."

"Wait a moment by worshiping the Buddha, what is the difference between you and the monk in the temple! Do you still have the dignity of being a witch?"

"Of course there is a difference. This temple recruits monks to start with graduate students."

"Is this the difference?"

When I spoke dumbfoundedly, Bletilla striata had already pulled my arm impatiently and came to a large hall connected to the whole of the temple: its roof was made of cyan glazed tiles, which contrasted sharply with the color of the whole temple, but it still had A sense of solemnity.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Three

Standing in front of the main hall in the cloister, I raised my head with emotion.

"It seems that the construction craftsmanship in our country is really great, and the cornices are really magnificent."

Flying eaves are the eaves of traditional Chinese architecture. They usually refer to the eaves of the eaves, especially the corners of the roof. Stretching, shaped like a bird spreading its wings, it is light and lively, so it is also often referred to as a flying cornice.

And the eaves in front of the main hall are like bird's wings raised high, making people think that the whole splendid temple might fly up.

"Hmph, don't just look at it, it will make people think you have no experience. Here is the Guanyin Temple, Guanyin Bodhisattva, guarded by a thousand hands, so that it will be free from suffering and happy and satisfying."

Hearing the explanation of Bletilla striata, I nodded seriously.

"That's right, in other words, as long as I worship the Bodhisattva, I can transfer it?"

"Don't be so utilitarian, so you say that a child is a child."

Bai Jibai gave me a glance, and said so in a rather unhappy preaching tone.

I'm wiping, who is like a child in the end!

Although I should have been angry with this little Lolita, who was tit-for-tat to me, it was magically, as if because I came to the Buddhist shrine, my mood was unexpectedly calm, and I didn't want to argue with her at all.

So I just walked into the Guanyin Temple in silence.

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