When Wen Zhiqin saw Chu Xinxin taking such a low profile, he didn't want to worry about it anymore.

His impression of Chu Xinxin was quite good.

She immediately bowed her head and admitted her mistake without making excuses, and her attitude in handling the problem left Wen Zhiqin speechless.

If he pulls it off any longer, wouldn't it appear that he is careless?

But if he just lets Chu Teng go, it's not in his character!

So Wen Zhiqin, who hadn't eaten lunch yet, picked up his chopsticks and started eating, and even poured himself a glass of wine.

Wen Zhiqin's gesture made Chu Xinxin frown.

I'm afraid this won't be a good thing....

She was about to speak, but Liu Yuqing stood up

"Brother Wen, this matter indeed has nothing to do with my fiancé!

But we don’t see each other when we look up, and we don’t want to make things too tense and affect the relationship between the Chu and Song families. In this case, I will punish myself with three cups...."

Watching Liu Yuqing finish three cups in a row, Wen Zhiqin sighed in his heart.

Chu Teng is a bit stupid, but he has found a good wife.

With her here, the Chu family will not decline in the future!

Seeing his sister and wife being so groveling, Chu Teng felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Why are you so useless?...

He wanted to get up and curse as usual, but if he thought about it carefully, wouldn't it make things more difficult for his sister and his wife?

So he became surprisingly rational.

Like Chu Xinxin and Liu Yuqing, they stood up and picked up their wine glasses.

"Brother Wen, this matter really has nothing to do with brothers!

I don’t want to continue to quarrel with you. I will punish myself with three drinks. If you still don’t relieve your anger, I will let you do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Chu Teng drank it all in one gulp.

Wen Zhiqin was astonished by his appearance. Is this fool enlightened?

Will he also bow his head and admit his mistakes?

Chu Teng's set character has been completely overturned.

To Wen Zhiqin Qin's shock was beyond words, and he didn't want to dwell on it anymore, so Wen Zhiqin stood up and walked out, but as he left, he patted Chu Teng on the shoulder.

"From now on, treat your sister and daughter-in-law well, and stay away from these gangsters!

With your upright temperament, you won't do this kind of thing for no reason. Someone will definitely provoke you....

My relationship with the Song family has been made clear, and ordinary people dare not offend me.

The person who stirs up trouble today must be related to the person behind the scenes who encouraged you to make trouble yesterday.

Think about it carefully...

Stop being used as a weapon!"

When he left, Wen Zhiqin looked at those people who had lowered their heads and dared not speak since he entered the door.

After Wen Zhiqin left, there was a dead silence in the private room.

Chu Xinxin sorted out yesterday's events in her mind.

After thinking about it, she thought to herself, It seems that the water in the moat is about to rise!

So she picked up the phone and called her father.

At this time, Chu Teng also figured out that Chu Xinxin was killed. When it came to the expulsion, these people were also present at the time....

Thinking of this, Chu Teng directly picked up the wine bottle and threw it at those people.

He couldn't figure out who among these people was related to the mastermind behind the scenes.

But he was beaten and his sister and wife were humbled. this group of people...

All must die!

There was a ping-ping-pong-pong sound in the room.

Outside the door!

Several waiters were frightened when they heard this.

Listening to the screams inside, a younger one couldn't help but ask the other older one

"Sister Sun, what should I do?

A customer is starting a fight. Do you want to call the supervisor?"

Sister Sun rolled her eyes and said in a meaningful tone.

"Call the supervisor?

Do you dare to take charge when the supervisor comes?

The person sitting in the first place is the young master of the Sun family. JC doesn't care when he comes!"

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