The boss looked at me, his eyes full of calculations and doubts. I laughed secretly in my heart, how could I be underestimated by them because I have the ability to read minds. What they said to me that day was,"Ai Buxing, we plan to let you manage new projects and require high efficiency and profitability. Are you confident?" I pretended to be calm and responded:"Of course, no problem." But I had already made the plan in my mind. A surefire strategy.

As time went by, the project progressed smoothly, and the bosses were astonished. Huh, it's just an entry-level trick that this master can do in minutes. And I took the opportunity to further upgrade my holdings. At a board meeting, I invited Su Wan to join the meeting. I used my mind-reading skills to get the trump cards of the bosses, and took action at the critical moment, completely establishing my position in the company. This reminds me of what happened that day:

「If you can do me a favor on the board, I'm willing to give you more shares."Su Wan gestured to me

「No problem, I just need you to listen to me. Don’t worry, I will give you enough shares."I feel happy in my heart. It turns out that siblings are of the same mind, and they are as powerful as gold.

But plans can never keep up with changes. New problems arise one after another, and sabotage plans by the company's competitors emerge one after another. And I, with my advantage of mind-reading, can save the day at critical moments every time. But I also understand that this ability cannot be exposed, otherwise it will definitely lead to death.

Just when I was thinking about how to further consolidate my position, an unexpected"accident" happened. I met Lao Liu, the company's most slack employee and my only remaining competitor, in the corridor. He suddenly said to me:"Ai Bu Xing, I know you are not simple. If you can help me, I will reward you heavily." I,

Ai Bu Xing, smiled and couldn't help joking in my heart:"Old Liu, Old Liu , you think you have seen through me, but in fact you have not even understood your own heart." I pretended to be deep in thought and answered him lightly:"That's easy, let's find another time to talk in detail." A trace of pride flashed in Lao Liu's eyes, Apparently thinking I had taken the bait.

In the next few days, I pretended to have secret contact with Lao Liu, but in fact I secretly collected evidence of collusion between him and his competitors. When everything was ready, I exposed his secrets at an all-staff meeting, which completely defeated Lao Liu. I was the only protagonist on the stage today.

「Don’t worry, everyone, with Ai Buxing here, the company’s future will be bright."I immediately announced the grand blueprint for the future development of the company, which made everyone respect me. Even the old foxes had to look at me with approval.

Oh, by the way, I still can't understand that sentence.

After success, I finally had time to ask Su Wan out for a big meal. I feel very sorry to have been taken care of by her all this time.

「Su Wan, I have always had a question in my mind, I don’t know whether to ask it or not."I pretended to be polite.

「But it doesn’t matter. Su Wan flicked her hair and said softly.

「You have always taken care of me like a sister. In fact, there is no relationship between you and me. I want to know, why are you so good to me? Su Wan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then she covered her face and smiled:"You little devil, can't you see it? I've told you a long time ago..." Her words suddenly stopped, and there was a trace of shyness in her eyes. I thought to myself, is she interested in me? My heart couldn't help but tremble. But at this moment, business matters are more important.

「Su Wan, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that."I paused and continued,"I mean, I'm just an ordinary employee, why are you so nice to me." Su Wan gently put down the cup and said slowly:"Actually, I was entrusted by others.」「who?" I blurted out.

Su Wan sighed softly:"I can't tell you now. Just know that I won't harm you."

Looking at Su Wan's serious and helpless expression, I was very surprised. From the look in her eyes, I could see that she was definitely not lying. Well, in that case, I won’t go into details anymore. After all, the days are long.

When I got home in the evening, Xiaoqian had already prepared dinner as usual. Today, the relationship between Xiaoqian and I is no longer what it used to be, and we both know each other very well. It's just that we still lack an opportunity

「Brother Ai, today’s dinner is particularly rich."Xiao Qian smiled and handed me a bowl of rice.

「Yeah? Xiaoqian, you understand me." I laughed heartily, took the rice, and ate it happily. At this time, I seemed to feel that this was the most delicious dinner in the world.

But, is this the truth? A huge conspiracy is approaching quietly.

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