Two years have passed and our business is in full swing. Maria and Chen Jiaqi each lead a large team and have each made a name for themselves in the industry. We have become the dominant player in the market, and other competitors often have to bow their heads.

However, just when I thought I had everything under control, a new opponent appeared. Zhou Xiaonan is a business elite who is cunning and vicious. He dares to challenge our status and constantly uses various means to try to subvert our empire.

I felt an unprecedented pressure and realized that this battle would be a bloody business battle. I immediately called a meeting with Maria and Chen Jiaqi. We needed to formulate a comprehensive and sophisticated countermeasure.

In the conference room, I put down the shredder and looked at the two women sitting on both sides with solemn expressions. I cleared my throat and said:"Zhou Xiaonan is a very difficult opponent. We must go all out to win. I heard that he recently invested in a new technology company. We can start from this angle and find his weaknesses.."

Maria narrowed her eyes, revealing her cunning side."Ai Bu Xing, I have collected a lot of information about Zhou Xiaonan in the past few days. He has indeed made some moves in the new technology industry recently. I suggest that we can use the technology network we have established to interfere with him."

Chen Jiaqi said lightly He patted the table lightly, his eyes flashing with determination."I agree with Maria's suggestion. Our technological network has always been our advantage. If we can take this advantage to the extreme and deal a fatal blow to Zhou Xiaonan, he will no longer be able to threaten us."

I nodded. Agree."Okay, we will take technology strategy as the core, conduct an in-depth study of Zhou Xiaonan's investment projects, and find his loopholes. At the same time, we will also strengthen the training and construction of our own team to ensure that we have unparalleled advantages in this bloody business battle. Strength."

The three of us nodded in agreement and began to discuss specific implementation plans. Our goal is very clear, not only to defeat Zhou Xiaonan, but also to use his defeat to consolidate our position.

In the days that followed, we paid close attention to Zhou Xiaonan's every move and carefully deployed our strategy. We have invested a lot of resources to continuously improve our technology systems and improve our team strength.

The final day finally arrived, and Zhou Xiaonan rushed to the market. He was defeated by us and his empire collapsed. And we, standing on the victory podium with heroic laughter, accepted everyone’s praise

「Ai Bu Xing, we succeeded!"Maria patted my back excitedly, her eyes filled with the joy of victory.

「Yes, we did it!"Chen Jiaqi held my hand excitedly, her eyes filled with endless trust and gratitude for me.

I also feel an inexplicable joy. Looking at the hardships and efforts we have gone through together, I know that the victory at this moment is not just mine, but a common victory for the three of us.

This is a wonderful business war and a bloody adventure. And I am lucky enough to work in the business world with two amazing women like Maria and Chen Jiaqi, and create miracles together.

The road ahead is full of infinite possibilities, but I believe that as long as we are together, we will always be invincible!

But just when everything seemed to be under control, Long Jinyu came into my life. That day, when I first saw her at a high-end charity dinner, I felt like I was struck by electricity. She was wearing a long red dress, so elegant that time froze.

I couldn't help but walk over, my thin lips slightly opened, trying to attract her attention."Beautiful lady, can I buy you a drink?" I tried my most charming smile.

She turned her head, but her seemingly gentle eyes showed no signs of wavering."No need, I don't drink wine from strangers." Her cold response was like a bucket of cold water poured on my enthusiastic heart.

I was unwilling to give in and my self-esteem was challenged. I am Ai Buxing, a business leader known to everyone in this circle. How could I just give up? I vowed to get her attention, even if I had to give up everything for it.

In the following days, I devoted almost all my energy to pursuing Long Jinyu. I tried all the traditional methods of sending flowers, gifts, and dates, but she was ruthlessly rejected.

Maria and Chen Jiaqi noticed something strange about me, and they reminded me,"Ai Buxing, don't let a woman distract you." But I couldn't listen to anyone's advice anymore, all my thoughts were occupied with Jin Yu's incompetence. Touched pride takes possession.

Finally one day, I decided to give it a try."Jinyu, tell me, why do you always reject me? I can give you everything I have." My voice was slightly hoarse because I suppressed all my emotions in my heart.

Long Jinyu smiled slightly, and that smile was as compassionate as the spring breeze turning snow."Ai Bu Xing, it's not that you are bad, it's that you are too strong. A real woman will not choose a man just because of material things." Her words made the self-esteem and desire in my heart intertwined and torn.

I looked at her leaving back and took a deep breath, as if I wanted to breathe out all the struggle in my heart. Yes, I have always been cruel and ruthless, but towards her, I am willing to put down all masks.

After a chance encounter not long after, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration and showed a different version of myself. At a well-known technology product launch conference that just ended, I did not attend as a business tycoon, but as a guest, where I met Jin Yu

「I thought you were having this dinner party tonight." There was a hint of sincerity in my voice.

She looked up in surprise,"Why are you here?"

I smiled and shook my head,"Tonight, I am not Ai Bu Xing, just an ordinary person."

This time our conversation is no longer my one-sided pursuit, but It is equal exchange. I told her about my dreams for the future, my passion for technological innovation, and my vision to use technology to change the world.

At the end of the night, she said something to me,"Ai Buxing looked the way I like tonight."

From then on, we got closer and closer. It is no longer just a superficial conversation, but an in-depth conversation about ideals and life. During this journey of pursuit, I finally found my original self and gained Jinyu’s heart.

However, in the midst of our sweetness, a new challenge arose. An unprecedented crisis has struck our business empire, and I must regroup and firmly hold on to the power in my hands.

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