It was an eye-opener for firefighters to see the firefighting robots go about their daily training nimbly.

"Wow, is technology so advanced now? Robots are so flexible!"

"Will they kill us secretly?"

"Have you watched too many sci-fi movies?"

"I mean malicious orders, you can see the captain's orders, they can move, what if some hackers hack it and attack us in turn?" A firefighter has already imagined a scene of fighting with robots.

The captain knocked a chestnut on his head and scolded: "What are you thinking about all day long? This fire-fighting robot uses quantum information communication. Today's hackers can't even enter the quantum information network!"

"Besides, this is a rescue robot. The core program is to save people. Even if there are malicious instructions or behaviors that hurt people, it will stop urgently. Do you understand?"

"Oh! Captain, it looks awesome. Can it be rescued on the spot?"

The captain said: "I don't know either. Isn't this what we gave to us for experimentation? But when you are on a mission, don't rely on robots, you still have to rely on us!"

In the next few days, the fire brigade brought fire robots on their missions, but there was no chance to try them out at all. Because it's all trivial things, such as who lost the cat and asked them to find the cat; the security door of the resident's house was broken and locked in the house.

In the past week, the firefighting robot has not been used once. The firefighters can't help but wonder if this million-dollar firefighting robot is just a decoration? There is no such big task, and there is no need for small tasks! It's better to keep a fire dog, and you can still tease the dog when you have nothing to do.


On the other side, in the parts production plant of Pengyun Automobile, the one-week production comparison experiment has ended, and the executives are comparing the production status of the industrial octopus production line and the worker's production line.

Whether it is the top management or the workers, they are all waiting nervously.

For the executives, if industrial octopus is feasible, then a storm of fully automated production is coming, and many types of work can be handed over to industrial octopus—provided that the cost is not too great.

For workers, if they can be replaced by robots, they may face unemployment in the future.

In the conference room, the senior executives gathered together to listen to the report of the chief engineer.

"After our inspection, the outcome is already obvious." The chief engineer announced, "The product qualification rate data is 85.6% for the worker group and 95.1% for the industrial octopus group."

Hearing this data, they can still understand that the precision of human beings can't compare with machines after all.

"Then is the production comparison," said the chief engineer. "The output of the industrial octopus group is 1.8 times that of the artificial group, and 3.2 times that of our regular production rate!"

This time, the labor team was all selected skilled workers, working three shifts, 24 hours a day without production. But in front of the two most important data, they both lost to the industrial octopus, and it is clear at a glance which one wins.

The executives looked at each other in dismay, and they never imagined that industrial octopuses could do better than human operators!

The factory manager pondered for a long time and said, "Don't reveal this news! So as not to discourage the enthusiasm of the workers!"

It is conceivable that workers would panic about being laid off if they knew that the industrial octopus had taken their place.

"Actually, there is no comparison." The chief engineer said, "In terms of cost, within three to five years, the cost of using manual labor is much less than that of industrial octopus. But in the long run, eight or ten years, using industrial octopus will cost you much less. It's more cost-effective."

The executives nodded their heads one after another. Although robots are convenient, their expensive costs must also be considered by operators. That's fine. Some jobs that are difficult to recruit and very important can be handed over to industrial octopuses.

And most workers can still work normally, which can reduce the impact of machines on jobs. From a long-term perspective, low-end jobs will be gradually replaced by machines, but with it, new jobs will also appear, such as machine maintenance, management, etc. The social problems brought about by this change , it is time for the high-level government to consider it.


In Yangcheng, the fire brigade equipped with fire robots, the firefighters were eating in the cafeteria when an emergency announcement suddenly sounded.

"Emergency notice, there is an emergency fire in Yinlong Building, please rush to rescue immediately."

"Emergency notice, there is an emergency fire in Yinlong Building, please rush to rescue immediately."

Hearing the announcement, the firefighters put the tableware and chopsticks away, rushed out immediately, and rushed to the rescue scene with equipment.

The first fire truck set off soon. In the car, the captain shouted in the communicator: "Everyone, prepare yourself mentally. This time the accident happened on the 25th floor of the office building of Yinlong Building. High-level rescue is very difficult! "

"Wait later, the first team, you quickly bring equipment to the high-rise to find out the disaster situation, and try to rescue! The second team is responsible for evacuating the masses to avoid burns, trampling and falling objects; Xiao Li, contact the traffic control department. , traffic control..."

The captain arranged the tasks one by one, and the fire truck rushed to the scene.

At the scene, near the Silver Dragon Building, there was already a mess. On the high-rise building, you can see that black smoke fills the sky, and the fire is soaring into the sky.

This kind of high-rise fire is the most troublesome. If it is a low-rise, people can be evacuated quickly, but in this office building, there are hundreds of companies of all sizes, and there are countless employees.

After the fire, there was smoke and screams everywhere, and people rushed to the lower floors to flee for their lives, in chaos.

Near the high-rise buildings, there are also melon eaters who are not afraid of death taking pictures with their mobile phones.

"Old irons, do you see it? Just behind me, the Silver Dragon Building is on fire! It's terrible, you can't even run away from such a high building!" A guy was filming a video, and the firemen got out of the car and dragged him away. .

"The cordon! You are not allowed to approach the cordon. The first team, hurry up and evacuate the people in the building!" to help with diversion and rescue.

"Captain, for safety's sake, the building has been cut off. We have to climb the stairs." The firefighters reported the situation.

"Speed! Time is life!"

When the captain spoke, the firefighters had already rushed up, more than 20 layers, carrying fire equipment on their backs.

Downstairs in the Yinlong Building, reporters who heard the news also arrived, and the local TV station broadcasted the live fire.

"We can see that the fire is still spreading. From the 25th floor, to the 24th, 23rd and the 26th, 27th and 28th floors of the mall, as far as we know, there are 34 floors in Yinlong Building. If the fire continues to spread, it will be It will cause great casualties and property losses! Now we can only pray for the people in the building, and hope that our fire officers and soldiers can rescue them safely!"

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