The Big Landlord

Chapter 125: Dial a cell phone and climb a mountain

A few days later, after Zhan Wu and the others had completely settled down on the top of the mountain, Wang Ben was officially ready to start paving the mechanical farming road to the top of the mountain. Because it could not connect to the old road down the mountain, and he had to save money to pay the final payment for the helicopter, he had no plans to pave the road for the time being. Cement road, not even cobblestones, just a dirt road.

To build a road, you must cut down trees. There are probably quite a few trees along the way. Before starting the construction, you have to apply for tree cutting. For this reason, Wang Ben even made a special trip to the village committee. Fortunately, This is a legitimate purpose and is beneficial to the development of Daqingshan. The village committee did not feel embarrassed and readily approved it after some questioning.

After wandering around this mountain forest with Zhan Wu for two full days, we finally determined the route. We wanted to avoid detours and steep roads while minimizing damage to the natural environment.

In order to facilitate Hu Xianniang and others in the temple, as well as the pilgrims who came to worship Buddha, Wang Ben specially allowed the tractor road to pass through the entrance of the temple. He believed that after the road was built, the incense in the temple would definitely be much stronger.

As a large group of people from the construction team rushed to the foot of the mountain, they enthusiastically raised their axes and started cutting down trees, wielding hoes to dig soil, and the work of laying roads officially began.

Such a long road cannot be completed in a day or two. Wang Ben did not have the time to stay on the left and right all day long. After handing it over to Zhan Wu and the others, he could go about his own business without worries.

I rushed to Yongfeng City and started to inquire about where I could sign up for flying classes. I couldn't delay this matter. If I didn't learn to drive by the time the helicopter was delivered, I wouldn't be able to drive home.

There are currently no private airplane driving schools. After asking Hua Xiang, who sold him the helicopter, and visiting several places, he finally entered the Civil Aviation Administration's training class.

It has to be said that this is an activity for the rich. The registration fee alone is nearly 100,000. Most people cannot afford it, and they are not willing to spend money here.

There are more than a dozen students in the training class. Except for the internal employees of the Civil Aviation Administration, the rest are people in important positions in large enterprises and institutions. Only Wang Ben is an individual with no background. Fortunately, when learning to fly a plane, most of the time They were all alone in the air with the instructor. The students seldom met each other and would not ask each other personal questions. Otherwise, Wang Ben would not know what to say. It would be too showy to always say that he was a small farmer.

He originally thought that learning to fly a helicopter would be difficult, but after getting familiar with all the operating procedures, Wang Ben found that it was easier than learning to drive a car. From learning to lift to flying in the sky, it only took a few days. He completely grasped the essentials.

As the number of times he went up in the air increased, he gradually became completely accustomed to the shaking of the helicopter, and even began to like it a little, especially when he was driving it himself. The helicopter flew freely in the air under his control, and he couldn't help but feel an extraordinary sense of pleasure. This unfettered, free-spirited feeling is much more refreshing than driving a car that relies on the road.

However, it is not easy to get a helicopter driver's license. An airplane is no better than a car. Once an accident occurs, it will be more dangerous. The requirements for this are also very strict. First, the physical fitness must be passed, and then dozens of hours of flight theory must be completed. After studying, accumulating dozens of hours of training and flying, and passing the corresponding exam, you can obtain the qualification to fly an airplane.

Compared with students who serve the public sector, obtaining a private jet driver's license is more stringent. It is impossible to obtain it within a few months. Wang Ben can only wait slowly and go to the city to study every few days to memorize it. The teacher teaches you the knowledge, and then follows the instructor to fly in the air.

Today is the time for theoretical classes. Wang Ben came to the training class classroom as usual and listened carefully to the class with the other students.


Motorcycle! "

A long-lost and familiar voice sounded. A student took out his mobile phone from his pocket and quickly ran outside the classroom to answer the call.

This voice made Wang Ben startled. He suddenly became a little excited and had no intention of attending class at all.

It has been almost two years since his rebirth. He has been living a life without a mobile phone or a computer. He was not used to it at first, but then he gradually got used to it, but whenever it was inconvenient, he couldn't help but miss it very much.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, he finally waited until the information age came again, and he couldn't even think about being happy.

In fact, Big Brother already had one, but he didn't buy it, not because it was too expensive, but because he lived in the countryside and couldn't find anyone to contact him if he bought it. Wouldn't it just become a toy?

After finally getting out of class, Wang Ben rushed straight to the Digital Street. After asking around, he learned that just last month, China Mobile had built networks in 15 provinces and cities across the country, and the G** digital mobile phone network was officially launched.

Okay, what else is there to say? After Wang Ben was excited for a while, he picked up his mobile phone with great interest.

After all, this is the early stage of mobile phones. Not only is it big, but it also looks really ugly. A very important antenna stretches out for a long time, making it very inconvenient to carry.

But even so, the price is still ridiculously expensive. The latest Motorola 8900, with a flip-top design and a clumsy look, sells for more than 40,000 yuan, not counting the thousands of network access fees. Even the cheapest one, Including the Internet access fee, it costs 20,000 yuan.

After some comparisons, Wang Ben finally decided to buy the Motorola 8900, and this was the only one he liked.

I spent nearly 130,000 yuan and bought three phones in total. One is going to be given to Zhan Wu, so that it will be more convenient to communicate on the mountain and down the mountain in the future. There is also another one, which is going to be given to Feicui. With a mobile phone, he will not have to go back to the phone in the future. The school ran away; forget it for Linglong, she is still too young and there is no use holding it, and the current mobile phones are all in English, which she cannot understand.

After spending more than 10,000 yuan to complete the Internet access procedures, Wang Ben excitedly rushed back to Xiushui Bay with his mobile phone. Not long after sending it to Feicui and Zhan Wu, he couldn't wait to make a call.

"Hey, Zhan Wu, can you hear me?"

"Yes, your voice is so small..."

As soon as I heard this sentence, I couldn't hear anything else after that. After calling several times in succession, I couldn't get through most of the time. Even after I got through, the call was disconnected after a while.

"Jingle Bell……"

The landline phone at home rang, and Zhan Wu's impatient voice came from the other end of the phone, "Ben, your signal is too poor."

"Are you okay there?" Wang Ben asked doubtfully.

"I'm at the top of the mountain and the signal is full, haha!" Zhan Wu said with a proud smile.

"..." Wang Ben was speechless.

"Hello, motorcycle!"

The cell phone rang rarely. It was Fei Cui. Wang Ben hurriedly asked: "Cui'er, is your signal good at school?"

"Very good, our dormitory is on the sixth floor, no problem," Feicui said with certainty.

"..." Wang Ben was depressed again. After working on it for a long time, he found that the signal at the foot of the mountain where he lived was the worst. If he wanted to make a call in the future, would he go to the mountain? If so, he might as well use a landline.

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